What is useful porridge from lentils, and how to cook it?

There are many types of lentils in the world, but the most common and popular are red and brown varieties. Red grits are cooked quickly, it makes tasty and healthy porridge. The brown variety exudes a pleasant nutty flavor after processing, therefore it is more often used as a side dish for meat casseroles.

lentil porridge

Lentil porridge not only has an unobtrusive piquant taste and low calorie content, but also helps our body to digest food and restore microflora. In addition, it enhances immunity and improves the functioning of metabolic processes. No wonder the ancient people considered this cereal a natural remedy.

Lentil porridge contains useful trace elements, vitamins and soluble fiber. Doctors advise her to use diabetes patients. In terms of calorie content and nutritional qualities, cereals can quite replace bread and meat. Nutritionists recommend lentil dishes to all those who want to lose those extra pounds (only 100 Kcal per 100 g).

Lentils are completely safe, since nitrates and toxic elements do not accumulate in it. It is easily absorbed by the body and quickly saturates it. It contains a lot of protein, carbohydrates and folic acid, so porridge from lentils is indicated for pregnant women.

In addition, it is rich in omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. Well, the main advantage of this cereal is the presence of an essential amino acid - tryptophan, which is responsible for our mental state. As you understand, there are a lot of benefits in this product, so today we will tell and show how to cook porridge from lentils. With a photo it will be easier for us.

Simple porridge


  • a glass of cereal;
  • carrot;
    lentil porridge with photo
  • bow;
  • parsley root;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt.

We take the groats, pour cold water and leave overnight. The next day, wash it and set to cook for 10 minutes. Add the grated carrots and parsley root to it - cover with a lid and cook for half an hour. Almost immediately, we spread the finely chopped onion, a little salt and bay leaf. After the time has passed, let the porridge brew for some time.

Lentil porridge with pork


  • a glass of lentils (preferably red);
  • bow;
  • pork (500 g);
  • pepper, salt, garlic (to taste).

Diced pork with onions and fry. Boil the cereals and shift to the meat. Having seasoned everything with spices and herbs, we send porridge with meat to the oven to simmer for about 10 minutes. For juiciness, you can use tomato sauce or sour cream.

red lentil porridge recipe

Red lentil porridge: recipe


  • red cereal variety (300 g);
  • onion;
  • black pepper, salt;
  • ginger (a small slice);
  • caraway seeds, paprika, mustard seeds - ½ spoon each;
  • tomatoes (2 pcs.);
  • garlic (4 cloves).

Keep the grain for half an hour in cold water until swelling. We rinse the cereal, combine it with chopped tomatoes, crushed garlic, pre-sassed onions and send to cook for 20-25 minutes.

Let's make a spicy dressing: pour mustard, caraway seeds and paprika into hot vegetable oil - we warm the mixture for no more than a minute and add it to an almost ready porridge in hot form. We bring the dish to readiness, when serving, sprinkle with fresh herbs, put a piece of butter or a spoonful of fat sour cream. Enjoy the delicious taste!

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