By shipitsa is meant a neoplasm on the skin that has a viral nature. This is a kind of wart, which can often be confused with corn. As a rule, it is localized on the feet and fingers and significantly affects the quality of life of the patient. Information on how to cure a dog's tongue in a child or an adult should be provided by a doctor. The specialist chooses the most suitable method for removing the neoplasm, taking into account the results of the examination and the individual characteristics of the patientโs health.
What is it?
The concept of "shipitsa" is not medical. This is the popular name for the wart, which is most often formed on the feet, due to which it is often called the plantar. Less commonly, palms and fingers are affected.
Shipitsa is a neoplasm that is contagious. This is due to the fact that its formation occurs with the active reproduction of the virus.
Before curing the tongs, the root cause must be eliminated. In other words, the neoplasm is not an independent ailment. Its formation occurs with the active life of the pathogen. It is a human papillomavirus.
This pathogen is diagnosed in every second person. Moreover, normally it should be in a latent state and not pose a threat to the health of the wearer.
Under the influence of various adverse factors, the weakening of the body's defenses occurs. It is against the background of this condition that the papillomavirus passes from a sleeping form to an active one. Its first symptom is the appearance of neoplasms on the skin.
Many patients at the time of admission are interested in whether the herpes can be cured forever. The prognosis directly depends on how successful the fight against the virus will be. Having once penetrated the body, it remains there, but at the same time it can remain in a latent form throughout a personโs life.
It is important to understand that the presence of papillomavirus does not mean that a person will suffer from herpes. In order to start the process of their formation, a combination of several factors is necessary.
The following conditions are provoking:
- Episodes of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
- The presence of other viral infections.
- Violation of the integrity of the skin on the legs or arms.
- Frequent wearing uncomfortable and tight clothes, as well as products made from materials of artificial origin.
- Staying long under stress.
- Excessive sweating.
- Hypothermia or, on the contrary, overheating of limbs.
Thus, almost any changes in the body, against which a weakening of the protective system occurs, are provoking factors for the transition of the papillomavirus from the latent form to the active one.
Difference from corns
In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to conduct differential diagnosis in a timely manner. Before curing the tongue on the arms or legs, you need to make sure that it is she.
The main differences in the manifestation of papillomavirus from corns:
- After a hot bath, the neoplasm externally becomes shaggy.
- Under the upper layer of the wart, you can find many black dots, which are threads that go deep into the skin.
- Unlike corns, the doggum is constantly growing. Moreover, not only in width, but also in depth.
- The surface of the wart is heterogeneous. Outwardly, it looks like cauliflower.
- A small indentation can be found in the middle of the tongue. Holes are also located on the entire surface of the wart.
- The edges of the neoplasm are keratinized skin. Outwardly, they look like rollers.
Thus, before curing the fennel, it is recommended to make sure that it is she. To do this, you need to visit a doctor who will conduct diagnostic measures and draw up a treatment regimen.
Infection pathways
The infection process occurs during contact with a sick person. In addition, the virus is transmitted through everyday life, that is, through the things and objects that an infected person used.
Most often, the entrance gates for papillomavirus are scratches, cuts and other micro-injuries, as a result of which the integrity of the skin is impaired. In most cases, infection occurs in public places (baths, pools, gyms).
Shipitsa is a neoplasm that gives a person strong pain. A sense of discomfort accompanies him even at rest. When walking, a person is worried by such severe acute pain that he can only think about how to cure the tongue as soon as possible. Over time, the intensity of sensations increases. Acute pain occurs even with a light touch on the wart.
The neoplasm grows into the deeper layers of the skin, after which it is fixed in muscle tissue. That is why information on how to cure the doggock must be provided by the doctor. If you try to remove the neoplasm yourself, the wart will again grow in this place.
At an early stage of development, the doggel has a rounded shape and clear boundaries. Moreover, its diameter does not exceed 2 cm. The color of the neoplasm is pink or light brown.
In the absence of treatment at this stage, the surface of the wart becomes rough, it acquires a yellow-gray tint.
Who to contact
If you suspect the presence of this neoplasm, you must make an appointment with a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct diagnostic measures and tell you how to cure the tongue on the foot, palms or fingers.
Since the causative agent of the disease is a virus, in some cases, a dermatologist additionally directs the patient to consult an infectious disease specialist.
During the initial appointment, the doctor studies the medical history in order to identify a provoking factor that could cause the transition of the papillomavirus to its active form. In addition, the specialist collects and analyzes history data, examines the patient, and palpates the lesion.
Based on the results of the initial diagnosis, the doctor sends for an examination, including:
- Blood test (both clinical and biochemical).
- PCR tests. They are necessary for the detection of papillomavirus in the body.
- Analysis of wart cells obtained by scraping.
Before treating the baby's tongue (both on the leg and arm), the doctor prescribes him to undergo a series of instrumental studies. These include: ultrasonography, biopsy, and dermatoscopy.
Diagnosis also involves the differentiation of the wart from corns, palmar-plantar syphyloid, hyperkeratosis and keratoderma.
Based on the results of the studies, the doctor determines the treatment tactics and tells the patient in detail how to cure the tongue on the leg or arm.
Wart removal
After confirming the diagnosis, the neoplasm is subject to excision. Currently, the fennel can be removed using minimally invasive surgical methods and chemicals.
The first include:
- Laser excision. Many patients are worried not only about how to treat the shipitsa on the leg or arm, but also that, after removing it, a pronounced cosmetic defect does not form on the skin. Laser treatment is currently the safest and least traumatic. The procedure involves removing the wart in layers. At the same time, cauterization of blood vessels occurs, through which the neoplasm is nourished. After removal of the tongue, a small wound remains in place, which soon becomes crusty. If the patient does not rip and scratch her, she will soon fall off on her own. There will be no scar on the skin.
- Cryodestruction. The method involves removing the tongue with liquid nitrogen. Against the background of its impact, the tumor is completely destroyed, including its root system. The disadvantage of cryodestruction is that during its implementation, damage to healthy tissues occurs.
- Electrocoagulation The method involves the use of high frequency current. After removal of the wart, a scar forms on the skin. In addition, healthy tissues are also damaged.
- Radio wave method. During the procedure, the doctor excises the wart with an electric knife.
It is advisable to prescribe a surgical intervention to the patient in the case when the tongues are multiple in nature and very large. In such situations, warts are removed with a scalpel. Subsequently, a scar forms at the site of the wound.
It is possible to remove the fennel with the help of chemicals. Similar funds are applied to the affected area, and then the dead cells of the neoplasm are removed. The most effective are keratolytics, drugs with necrotizing and freezing effects.
Currently, doctors prefer to use the following tools:
- Solkoderm.
- "Verrucacid."
- Ferezol.
- Superchistotel.
- "Cryopharma".
- Argonics.
- "Collomac."
Treatment of shipitsa also involves the use of immunomodulators and antiviral drugs.
Folk methods
It is important to know that the use of non-traditional methods does not exclude the need to see a doctor. This is due to the fact that the doggock is only a clinical manifestation, and not an independent disease.
However, many people are interested in the question of how to cure a wild dog at home. You can get rid of the neoplasm and reduce the intensity of painful sensations using the following recipes:
- Grind celandine or dandelion. The resulting juice to treat the affected areas of the skin. The wart will disappear after about 3 weeks.
- Wipe the fennel with freshly squeezed tomato juice several times a day. The neoplasm should disappear after 2 weeks.
- Grind the leaves of red cabbage. Moisten gauze in the resulting juice and attach to the wart. Above is a plastic film. You can fix the compress with a bandage. Leave the product overnight for exposure. The procedure must be repeated daily. The course is 2 weeks. The recipe is especially suitable for those who are looking for information on how to cure the tongue on the toe or arm. The bandage reliably fixes the compress, so it does not slip all night.
- Grind a medium-sized onion. Put it in a glass container. Pour onion 70 ml of table vinegar. Close the container tightly. Allow the product to infuse for 2 hours. After that, you can use it as a compress. According to reviews, the wart disappears after 1 week.
- Express means is iodine. It is necessary to process the tongue several times a day. The wart begins to disappear after 3 days.
It is important to remember that the use of alternative medicine recipes should be regular. A single treatment of the wart does not lead to a positive result.
The outcome of the disease in most cases is favorable. It is relatively easy to get rid of sponges, while it is not accompanied by the development of negative consequences. But it is important to remember that it is also necessary to make the pathogen go into latent form. To do this, undergo a full course of antiviral therapy.
In order to avoid infection and prevent the formation of tongue, it is necessary:
- Responsible for personal hygiene.
- In public pools, baths and saunas, wear only your shoes.
- Avoid weakening the body's defenses. First of all, it is important to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
- Get regular check-ups with your doctor.
- Wear quality shoes made from natural materials. In addition, the purchase of products must be strictly in accordance with the size of the legs.
Following these guidelines will help prevent the occurrence of warts.
Shipitsa is a neoplasm on the arm or leg, which is formed against the background of the active life of the papillomavirus. The wart gives strong painful sensations not only when walking, but also at rest. With its formation, you need to contact a dermatologist. He will conduct diagnostic measures and tell you how to cure the tongue on the toe or arm, as well as the foot.