Balm "Prikamsky" - healing tonic drink

What is a balm? This is an alcohol tincture based on herbs and roots. The strength of this drink is from 40 to 45 degrees. It is not used on an industrial scale, it is intended for medical purposes. Let's talk about the Prikamsky balm of a domestic producer.

A bit of history

Prikamsky balm is an exclusive and special product. Its manufacturer is the company "Permalko", which is located in the Urals. This is one of the oldest producers of alcoholic beverages, whose activities have been more than a hundred years old.

The company really is exclusive, because when creating alcoholic products only natural ingredients are used: lemon peel, walnuts and cedar nuts, various herbs, cranberries, rowan berries, honey. And this is not unfounded. Indeed, when the Prikamsky balm appeared on sale in 2015, the commission for the production of such products rated it at 9.75 points on a ten-point system. And that says a lot. To this day, Permalko keeps the quality of alcohol products at the highest level, not every company can boast of it.

Balm Prikamsky 0.25 liters

The composition of the balm "Prikamsky"

This balm is a real healing product, a storehouse of useful components that grow in ecologically clean places of the Urals.

This healing tonic strong drink is prepared on the basis of tinctures of 19 herbs, roots and fruits along with fruit juice from wild berries, which, in turn, give the Prikamsky balsam a unique taste and aroma. It includes such components:

  • Rectified ethyl alcohol "Extra".
  • Corrected drinking water.
  • An Apple.
  • Sugar.
  • Black currant.
  • Chokeberry.
  • Color.
  • Bird cherry.
  • Natural honey.
  • Lingonberry.
  • Vanillin.
  • Star anise.
  • Rosehip.
  • Valerian officinalis.
  • Lingonberry leaf.
  • Melilotus officinalis.
  • Cloves.
  • Pierced by St. John's wort.
  • Origanum ordinary.
  • Seed coriander.
  • Kalgan.
  • Peppermint.
  • Melissa lemon.
  • Buds of pine.
  • Chaga.
  • Buds of birch.
  • Essential natural orange oil.
Ural herbs

As we can see, this is a completely natural product, no chemicals and preservatives that can harm health. In addition, it is poured into dark dense bottles, which eliminates the ingress of ultraviolet rays, which reduce the usefulness of the product.

Balm application

You do not need to take the balm as regular alcohol and drink it in glasses during events. This is a healing product that must be taken as a medicine.

Instructions for use of Prikamsky balm are as follows: add one or two teaspoons to a glass of coffee or tea, it can also be mixed with liquid honey. But the dose should not exceed 50 grams per day. It is best to add one teaspoon in coffee in the morning and one teaspoon in tea before bedtime. The effect should be as follows:

  • This is a kind of plant energy, it is able to relieve fatigue, stabilize the body with increased physical and mental stress.
  • Also used to prevent acute respiratory, infectious and viral diseases.
  • With a strong cough, it helps to release sputum from the lungs and causes increased sweating in the disease.
  • It strengthens the immune system, just add one teaspoon of balm to tea, coffee or honey - and you will see the effect. But do not get carried away: the balm is very sweet, and it is still an alcoholic product.
Coffee with Balsam
  • It helps in the prevention of gallstone disease, strengthens the cardiovascular system, harmonizes metabolism and contributes to the smooth operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

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