How to cook and properly fry chicken in a pan?

Kupat in a pan is prepared if such a tasty and fragrant Georgian dish is created at home. Indeed, in the original, this sausage should be done on an open fire with the help of a grill. However, on a gas stove, this meat product is no worse. The main thing here is to carefully observe the rules of heat treatment.

How to shape and fry kupat in a pan
frying pans

Necessary components:

  • chicken fillet - 900 g;
  • cloves of garlic - 3-4 pcs.;
  • peeled pork intestines - optional;
  • ground allspice, sea salt, favorite spices - add to taste;
  • refined sunflower oil - optional (for frying).

The formation of sausages

Before frying the kupat in a pan, they should be beautifully shaped. It is worth noting that such a meat product can be made not only from beef or pork, but also from chicken. It needs to be washed, separated from the skin and bones, and then finely chopped. Next, in the minced meat, add grated cloves of garlic, allspice, pepper, aromatic and spicy seasonings, as well as sea ​​salt. All components should be mixed, and then firmly laid in peeled pig intestines and tied with threads. In this case, the product is recommended to give the shape of a horseshoe.

Heat treatment of meat dishes
chicken in the pan

Chicken salads in a pan are not cooked very long. After all, white poultry does not require prolonged heat treatment. It is because of these properties that we decided to apply this kind of product in creating a delicious lunch.

Many housewives in the process of preparing this dish make a huge mistake by placing sausages in a natural shell on hot dishes. In 90 out of 100 cases, such a sharp heat treatment of kupat ends with the swine intestine swelling first and then bursting. As a result of this, the filling goes outside, the dish burns out and it turns out not as tasty and beautiful as we would like. That is why it is very important to properly fry kupat in a pan. To do this, it is recommended to boil chicken sausages first, and only then cook in oil.

Thus, you need to take a small dish, pour a little drinking water into it and bring to a boil. After that, it is required to place all the formed products in a strongly bubbling liquid and let stand for 3-5 minutes. It is worth noting that this time directly depends on what meat you used to cook sausages (if it is from beef or pork, then a little longer).

how much to fry kupaty in a pan

When the kupatas boil a little, they should be removed with a slotted spoon and dried well using paper towels. Then you can safely proceed to frying the dish. But here a new question arises: how much to fry kupaty in a pan? This should be done until the chicken sausages in the pork shell are well browned on all sides. To do this, put the stewpan on the fire, add oil to it and heat it up strongly. After this, the gas needs to be reduced, and boiled products should be placed in the dishes. They should be fried for 17-23 minutes on each side.

How to serve to the table

Chicken kupat should be presented to the table along with aromatic and spicy sauce, as well as a salad of raw vegetables. At the same time sausages should be as hot as possible.

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