There are a lot of varieties of spinal deformity, as well as the reasons for the origin of this unaesthetic problem, but most often girls suffer from one of the forms of kyphosis - curvature of the thoracic spine, convex back. In this area, the muscular skeleton of the female body is poorly developed and therefore pathological bending of the axial part of the skeleton is observed already in 60% of women. Is it possible to identify a problem at home and how to stop slouching a girl? More on this later.
Slouching is the main enemy of girls
As a rule, a person begins to stoop during accelerated growth during the puberty period, and if parents do not take timely measures to improve the situation, the bad way to sit and walk hunched over goes into adulthood. A negative reflection of this habit can be observed, first of all, in the deterioration of the external data of the young person, and a little later in the shaky state of her health.
Factors contributing to damage to the girl’s posture:
- poor physical development;
- too loose or uneven surface of the berth;
- the habit of carrying weights only in one hand or in front of you (“in an armful”);
- frequent stress;
- wearing high-heeled shoes;
- sedentary work.
Orthopedists have revealed an interesting fact - after correcting the posture, a person grows up to 5 centimeters, that is, it is considered scientifically proven that the studied ailment by default takes away a rather significant growth indicator from its “carrier”. How to stop a girl slouching?
How to understand that there is a problem
The first signs of posture disturbance will be: a sensation of aches in the cervical region and lower back by the end of the day, persistent headache and shortness of breath. If these symptoms occur regularly, an initial diagnosis should be made, which will indicate how true the assumptions are about the existence of a pathology:
- you need to become your back to the surface of the wall so that the back of the head, shoulder blades and extreme protruding points of the buttocks touch the wall, and the heels of the smooth legs are from the wall at the distance of the index finger;
- Now you need to ask the assistant to move your hand along the space between the back and the wall in the area from the shoulder blades to the buttocks.
With proper posture, the hand should completely fill the empty space and draw it without tension, but not too loose. If there is a lot of space between the arm and the wall, it means that there is excessive protrusion of the pelvis and abdomen - this can be tried to be corrected by tightening the abdominal muscles and “tightening” the back more tightly against the wall. These sensations should be remembered and try to remind them of your body more often. If the hand of the assistant during the test is firmly squeezed between the back of the diagnosed and the wall, then this already indicates a strong stoop, requiring correction.
Keep your back right
How to sit without stooping if you have to spend most of the day at a table or desk? It is very important that the chair or chair on which the girl is forced to spend a lot of time corresponds to her height and has a curvature of the back corresponding to the anatomical curvature of the human spine. Unfortunately, not in all offices and almost nowhere in educational institutions such conditions are met, so the girl must adjust her position herself to unload the spinal column from excessive load.
How to keep your posture in a sitting position:
- the shoulders should be freely folded back so that the chest is constantly slightly pushed forward and raised;
- the back of the head should be kept in line with the gluteal muscles, that is, with your head slightly tilted back;
- back tension in the area of the shoulder blades or pain in the cervical spine will indicate an unevenly distributed load on the back;
- the central part of the computer screen should be at eye level or slightly lower (at the level of the chin).
To facilitate the task, the orthopedic qualities of an uncomfortable hard chair can be artificially improved. To do this, take a small pillow, a towel rolled up by a roller or a folded jacket (if it happens in the office) and put them on the back of the chair for the lower back.
But for a serious correction with an existing violation of posture, you will need to daily perform a series of special exercises for stoop. Further about them.
This exercise for a flat back can go first immediately after the mandatory stretching or warming up. For its implementation, you will need a lightweight bar or a round wooden stick.
Exercise Technique:
- stand with a flat back, legs apart slightly more than the width of the shoulders;
- to take a stick in a middle swoop, laying it on the shoulders so that it rests on the lower part of the neck;
- now, looking directly in front of you, you need to dynamically and at a moderate pace make turns with the upper part of the body left and right;
- when moving, attention should be paid to the work of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the immobility of the pelvis and legs.
In total, 15-20 turns are made in each direction, in 3-4 approaches. Between series of exercises, 30-second pauses are maintained.
Mahi stick
The next exercise is started in the same starting position, but the stick is already held in front of you, placing it parallel to the floor and holding it with a wide grip.
Algorithm of actions:
- with a straight back, holding a stick on outstretched arms at chest level, take 3 deep breaths and exhalations;
- for 4 breaths in a row, it is necessary with effort, tensing the muscles of the forearms, to raise the stick above the head and put it further behind your back, as far as possible;
- when the voltage reaches its highest point, the stick just as slowly returns to its original position.
This exercise, so that the girl stops slouching, like the previous one, should be performed at least 15 times, in 3-4 approaches.
In the question of how to stop slouching a girl, the exercise "Asterisk" is of key importance. It is better to perform it in the middle of the complex, when all the muscles are already well warmed up.
- lie on the floor on the stomach, legs spread slightly, arms stretch forward and spread to the width of the shoulders;
- at the expense of “times”, all muscles should be tensed to the maximum and, as if overcoming the force of gravity, slowly lift up all straight limbs simultaneously;
- on account “two” the position is held for at least 7 seconds;
- at the expense of "three" you can smoothly lower your arms and legs to the floor and relax.
This is a difficult exercise, and you should start it with 5 repetitions in 2 sets. Gradually, the number of repetitions is increased to 15, and the number of approaches is kept the same.
With this exercise, you can complete the posture correction complex.
Technique of execution:
- you need to stand with your back to the wall so that only the occipital part, shoulder blades, buttocks and protruding muscles below the knee are in contact with a smooth surface;
- palms should be turned to the hips, look straight ahead;
- without losing your breathing rhythm, you slowly need to start turning the palms of your hands outward to give the muscles of your wrists maximum tension, while the body will also begin to slightly move forward;
- holding the position of the strained hands for 5 seconds, the palms are returned to their original position, take a short break and repeat everything.
This task is performed slowly, in 4 sets of 7-10 repetitions each.
Everyday Tips
How to stop a girl slouching? Every day, the human spine is subjected to stresses that could easily be avoided by observing the simple recommendations of orthopedic surgeons:
- If you have to carry heavy loads, you need to distribute the load equally, in two bags, or put everything in a backpack with two straps.
- Improper position in a dream determines the uncomfortable state of the back throughout the day. The habit of sleeping on the stomach entails overstrain of the abdominal muscles, and sleep on the side increases the tension of the latissimus dorsi located above the buttocks. During sleep, it is better to take an upright position face up, and put a foam roller or rolled up bath towel under your neck.
- When sedentary work or the habit of staying at a computer at home, you need to follow the time and do a small warm-up every 25-30 minutes in the form of pulling up, rotating left and right with the upper part of the torso, a couple of tilts.
The now-fashionable “plank” exercise with a 20-30-second standing on the elbow rest is an excellent option for home stretching, but you can do it only in the absence of pain at the time of the greatest stress.
Almost all the nerve endings of the human body are associated with the axial system of the skeleton. Violations in the operation of this most important apparatus entail a malfunction of the digestive tract, heart muscle, respiratory system and vision. For women, the situation with kyphosis is also complicated by the deterioration of the functions of all reproductive organs, which affects the regularity of the monthly cycle and the possibility of becoming pregnant.
If the above exercises and recommendations do not contradict the appointment of an orthopedist, then you need to perform them daily. In addition, in order to learn how to walk straight, without slouching, as befits a girl, you can use the "grandmother's" method of forming an ideal posture - put a hardcover book on the top of your head and move around the house doing all the usual things. Over time, the habit of feeling on the head of an invisible balancer will develop, and the gait will become more feminine, and the back - perfectly flat.