Cherry - a recipe for delicious liquor

What could be tastier than a pleasant dinner at home with relatives or friends over a glass of homemade wine or a glass of liquor, especially if it's cherry? The housewives usually keep the recipe for its preparation in secret - generously treating guests, do not reveal all the secrets. However, cherry, like any other berry or fruit tincture, is prepared according to traditional technology. The most common of them we will consider in this article.

Cherry Recipe
So, how is the cherry cooked? The first recipe is based on the taste characteristics of the berry itself and honey. To make the drink, it must be prepared in a special wooden barrel, which can be bought at the store. If you were unable to find such dishes, then it is better to leave the idea to cook cherry on honey. Moreover, there are other recipes.

Happy owners of barrels of wood should fill it with peeled cherries so that five centimeters remain to the top. And further, what makes this way of preparing a drink somewhat expensive for those who do not own their own apiary - the berry must be completely filled with fresh honey! But in this case you get a noble cherry. This recipe then requires to tightly close the dishes with the future drink and provide it with complete air tightness for the time being.

If you have a cellar, then cherry should be infused there for about three months. If you are a city dweller, but you have a summer residence, dig a barrel for this time in the garden. In general, find a dark and cool place to ripen a delicious drink.

How to make a cherry
After time, strain the liquid through the fabric, squeezing the berries well. Pour the bottle into the bottle and that’s all - cherry, the recipe for which, as you see, is very simple, ready to drink! Such a drink can be stored in a sealed container in a cool place (a fridge will do) for about three years. Honey tincture on cherry requires taking the ingredients in a 2: 1 ratio, where the first digit is the number of berries. That is, if you want to prepare a liquor for this recipe , for example, from a bucket of berries, then you will need half a bucket of honey!

How to make a cherry if there is no cottage, no cellar, no keg, no honey? As easy as pie. My berry, peeled and laid on a baking sheet. It is good when the cherry lies with the hole up, so that the precious juice does not flow out for nothing. At a temperature of about 70 degrees, we give the berry a little wrinkle, but not overdry. Then we fill any glass or wooden utensils with this raw material . Suitable bottles for wine or other alcohol. Tamp the berry well and fill the jar with vodka to the top.

Cherry, whose photo looks so appetizing, is infused three times according to this recipe. The first time in the refrigerator or cellar is ten days, after which the vodka infused on the berry is poured into a separate bowl, and our cherries are poured with a new portion of alcohol and again sent to the refrigerator. This time for two weeks. The second time we pour vodka and pour a new one, now for a week.

Cherry photo

After the third time we pass to the most interesting. We squeeze and discard the berries and measure how much tasty and hoppy liquid we got. In every liter of future cherry, we pour sugar to taste (usually from 100 to 300 grams), shake everything well, pour it into bottles and send ... It is advisable to the cellar. But if, in addition to the refrigerator, in this regard you have nothing to brag about, then make sure that at least the dishes are dark in color.

Enjoy your gatherings!

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