The occurrence of problems with varicose veins leads to the need to find drugs with which to conduct effective treatment. Among the drugs, a large selection of tools that help to do without surgical intervention. Instructions for use "Lyoton" will help to learn about a wide spectrum of action, in which cases you can use the ointment.
Key components and impact
The release is made in an aluminum tube, which contains 30, 50 or 100 g of the product. It is packed in a cardboard box with instructions. Light yellow ointment is made from sodium heparin, which is mixed with lavender essential oil. Ethyl alcohol, a thickener, water and two types of benzoates are added.
The instructions for use with Lyoton indicate the composition with the main substance and additional components. This is important to know in order to exclude negative and allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to the components. As part of the medicine, heparin, which helps relieve pain and inflammation. It has properties that allow you to use the tool for various diseases.
He dilutes the blood so that clots do not collect. When using, swelling is removed, vascular permeability decreases. After 8 hours, the maximum concentration of active substances in the blood is reached. A decrease in the therapeutic effect occurs during the day. Heparin breaks down and is excreted through the kidneys.
In the instructions for use "Lyoton" -gel among the indications are venous and arterial thromboses. When exposed to blood coagulation, fibrin is destroyed. The existing anticoagulant prevents the growth of existing blood clots, reduces the vulnerability of blood vessels. It is necessary to establish the circulation process in the body and tissues.
In what cases is the drug prescribed?
The instructions for use of the gel "Lyoton 1000" describes the tool in which the reducing component is located. It is necessary after operations, sprains, dislocations and fractures. With its help get rid of bruises and bruises, so athletes often choose this drug, despite the high price.
Among the indications are such diseases:
- Periflebitis.
- Phlebothrombosis.
- Thrombophlebitis.
- Varicose veins.
In ordinary life, it acts as an excellent tool in eliminating bruises, bruises, injuries of tendons, joints, muscles. Used in the treatment of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, hemorrhoids, superficial mastitis. Beauticians with its help eliminate vascular asterisks on the face.
In what cases will a medicine be needed?
Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use of Lyoton. Superficial diseases are treated by applying a thin layer of the drug and rubbing it in a circular motion. Limited to use no more than three times a day. Help with hemorrhoids will be needed within a week. The ointment is applied to a tampon, which is administered rectally.
With phlebothrombosis, a blood clot forms, with thrombophlebitis, the vascular wall becomes inflamed. The drug will help eliminate symptoms. It is prescribed if the patient had an operation on the veins. The tool is effective for stretching, injuries of the ligament and muscle apparatus. Localized tissue edema decreases, inflammation is eliminated, subcutaneous hematoma resolves.
When should you not use the medicine?
The instructions for use of "Lyoton" not only talk about problems with individual intolerance to the components. Do not apply gel to open bleeding wounds. Among the main contraindications are:
- Necrotic damage.
- Wounds and cuts.
- Decreased platelet count in the blood.
- Poor coagulability.
- Aneurysm of cerebral vessels.
- Stomach ulcer.
Pregnant is characterized by increased sensitivity, so the use of the drug occurs strictly under the supervision of a specialist. Before starting the course, apply a little gel to the skin to see the reaction. If itching, peeling, the product is washed off with water, but is no longer used. With a beneficial effect, apply the ointment for a month, then take a break. This course is prescribed throughout the gestation period of the baby.
Recommendations for face skin
Reviews and instructions for the use of Lyoton confirm that you can apply the product on the face. The skin has the same cells no matter what part of the body it is on. The use of ointment is necessary to relieve swelling and bruising under the eyes. A thin layer is applied every day in the morning and evening for three days.
She is suitable as a mask. To do this, you need an amount of a pea-sized product, which is applied in a thin layer on cleansed skin with patting movements. Top - a layer of oily cream. Leave for half an hour. Then wash off with warm water with the usual remedy. The drug is applied as a base for makeup. Top - day cream, then regular makeup. Many women note attractiveness, a pleasant complexion. Cosmetics hold well, have a beneficial effect on the skin.
Important points
In the instructions for use "Lyoton 1000" the manufacturer indicates contraindications. The composition contains components that cause allergies. Do not allow the ointment to enter the mucous membranes. If this happens, the eyes are washed with water.
Pay attention to such moments:
- Before use, check blood coagulability.
- Heparin is diluted only with saline.
- Gently applied for thrombocytopenia.
The drug is not administered intramuscularly. Adequate dosing will help to quickly and effectively get rid of problems. Patients should not be older than 60 years. A doctor's consultation will be needed if a woman has an intrauterine device.
Replacing "Lyoton" analogues
Paying attention to the instructions for use "Lyoton", analogues are selected according to the composition or indications. Pharmacies offer several types of drugs in which the active substance is heparin. Additional components differ.
Make a choice in favor of such drugs:
- Trombless.
- Laventum.
- "Heparin ointment."
- Venolife.
- Troxevasin.
- "Hepatrombin."
All drugs do not allow blood clots. Benzocaine, which has an anesthetic effect, is added to the composition. Russian medicines have a low cost, therefore, are available to a wide range of buyers. When buying, pay attention to the indications for use, intolerance to the components.
Manufacturers add essential oils of orange tree and lavender. They tighten and rejuvenate the skin, have an anticonvulsant effect. Antiseptics heal, relieve inflammation.
The product is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. It should be used for two to three weeks. The drug has a convenient form, is quickly absorbed and effectively affects the problem. After 5 minutes it is completely absorbed, therefore there are no traces on clothes.