Ossetian cakes are prepared quite easily, but they bring great pleasure. Before their melting in the mouth filling, juiciness and satiety, not a single person can resist. Such a dish will be appropriate at any feast, and especially at the buffet table.
Traditional ossetian dish
In Ossetia, a woman is recognized as a good mistress only after she has mastered the art of making Ossetian flatbreads. It is there that this dish is a cult. Without it, it is difficult to imagine a local wedding, commemoration, childbirth and other significant life events.
The most important requirement for cakes - they must be thin and juicy, with a sufficient amount of filling. Not every housewife can achieve this, so they have to study for a long time. If they are poorly rolled out or there is no abundance of filling, then such a dish is considered unacceptable.
Components for Ossetian cakes on kefir or water are available to every chef. But here more important is the good mood and pure thoughts with which you are allowed to start baking.
The traditional recipe for Ossetian tortillas is known not only by local residents, but also by culinary specialists from other countries. This dish is popular with both adults and children, as it delights them with only one flavor.
To prepare classic cakes you will need:
- cow or goat milk - 3 cups;
- feta cheese - a couple of kilograms;
- ghee - 3 tablespoons;
- yeast - two tablespoons;
- sugar - a tablespoon;
- flour - 5 glasses.
Cooking process
The most important point is kneading the dough. Beginners can have problems with this, so everything must be done clearly according to the instructions.
The first step is to sift 4 cups of flour through a sieve, forming a slide on the surface of the board or dish. In its center, you need to make a deepening and pour in a mixture of milk, yeast, sugar, butter and salt. After all this is kneaded until smooth. The resulting mass should not be too sticky and stick to the hands. Having made a lump of dough, you need to cover it with a towel and leave it in a warm place for a couple of hours. After the specified time, the base must be thoroughly kneaded, and then add the rest of the flour there and let it brew for another 40 minutes.
While the dough is coming, you can prepare the filling. To do this, stretch the feta cheese so that it turns into a cheese mass. If this product is too salty, then it is recommended to soak it in water first. In the event that the feta cheese is dense, but oily, you can add butter (no more than two tablespoons) to it. Thus, the filling is obtained. Once it is ready, you should proceed to the formation of cakes.
The dough needs to be divided into several equal parts, each of which needs to be rolled out. The layers should be the same in thickness and not exceed 1.5 centimeters. Then they need to lay out the filling, evenly distributing over the entire surface, but leaving about 3 centimeters from the edges. After that you need to raise the edges and slowly pick them up to the very center to fasten. In the middle it is best to leave a small hole, because this will help the steam to go through the filling, which will significantly improve the taste of the finished dish.
When the whole filling is distributed over the cakes, they must be transferred to special forms or simply laid out on a baking sheet. From above, they should all be processed with yolk or strong black tea, and then sent to the oven for 15 minutes at 220 degrees.
In the finished form, it is recommended to pour the pastries with butter or not too fat cream. Thanks to this, the dough is better impregnated, and also gain fantastic juiciness.
Cooks who have decided to cook the dish for the first time should follow the advice of professionals - it is necessary to observe the proportions and sequence of actions. When the hand is "full", the baking process will be accelerated several times, but at first you do not need to try to make everything faster. Just a few preparations of cakes will help you learn how to feel the dough and change the proportions of your choice.
Cheese platter
Earlier, Ossetian cakes without yeast were very popular, as they were made faster, but now their recipe is becoming more and more similar to Russian pies. They add eggs, butter, milk and other components that improve the taste. In addition, culinary specialists have the opportunity to experiment with fillings. For example, Ossetian cheese cakes can be made with feta, Adyghe product, feta cheese and so on. They are even allowed to be combined in equal proportions so that the taste of the finished baking is remembered for a long time.
It is very easy to prepare a dish with cheese, as this recipe is not very different from the traditional one. The dough here must be prepared exactly according to the classics. And while it is insisting, in a separate container it is required to combine the three listed types of hard cheese (Adyghe, feta, feta cheese) in equal proportions. Then, the filling, as in the previous recipe, is laid out on rolled layers, and the edges are reduced and fixed in the middle. Baking these cakes takes no more than 40 minutes. This time will be quite enough for the filling to melt, but not begin to flow out of the test.
The recipe for Ossetian flat bread (it is cooked faster in a pan) is always the same, but the baking process itself is different. When it is not possible to put them in the oven, you can take the pan, grease it with oil and put on fire. As soon as it warms up a little, put a cake there, cover and keep on low heat for 15 minutes, then turn it over and leave for another 10 minutes. Then the pan must be removed from the stove, open the lid and allow the dish to cool. It is not recommended to remove the cake immediately, since in hot form it will stick strongly.
Cheese Ossetian dish goes well with katyk, yogurt, and airan. If such supplement options are not suitable for taste, they can easily be replaced with regular whey or kefir.
With green onions
Ossetian cakes with onions are called "Kadinjin". The combination of cheese and this ingredient is quite successful, since the finished dish has additional juiciness and a noticeable spicy hue.
The taste of baking is especially good in combination with spicy herbal tea. Along with this, you can add sweets to the dish.
Cooking procedure
Cakes are prepared in about the same way as in the previous recipes, but with some changes in the composition of both the dough and the toppings. Kneading the base, you need to add a glass of not too fat kefir there (1% will be enough). Then, while she is insisting, it is necessary to make the onion-cheese filling, combining 5 tablespoons of mashed cheese and three teaspoons with a hill of chopped green onions. For better taste, you can take not only cheese, but also Adyghe cheese.
It is best to cook Ossetian cakes on kefir in a pan. This is done in the same way as described in the previous recipe, but you need to keep each side on fire for only 8-9 minutes.
Children always liked Ossetian cakes on kefir, as they are especially magnificent and tasty. For this reason, such a dish will attract the attention of even those who are fond of green onions.
With stewed cabbage
Another recipe for Ossetian tortillas in a cooked pan is used, as a rule, in the season of young cabbage. This product is called Kabusk in Ossetia.
To prepare the dish you will need to take a kilogram of chopped cabbage and stew in a normal mode in a pan. While this process is going on, you should prepare the dough according to the classic recipe. Further, all actions go in the same sequence as in other recipes, but you should not add additional ingredients.
Such Ossetian cakes, as a rule, are served not one, but three each. This portion is explained by the fact that pies symbolize the elements. But if the dish is served on a funeral table, then there can only be two cakes.
Chicken Option
The combination of chicken and cheese is considered very tasty, so it is used for many dishes. In the case of Ossetian pies, this will help make them juicy and tender.
How to cook
The dough is prepared according to a traditional recipe, but to create the filling you have to work a little. It is done like this:
- the chicken breast is not too large, chopped, fried with onions until golden brown;
- three tablespoons of grated cheese (brine) are combined with still warm meat mass;
- the mixture is seasoned with spices to taste.
Next, the resulting mass must be evenly distributed on the cakes, wrapping the edges to the center. Here you must leave a hole with a diameter of not more than two centimeters in the center so that steam passes through it. Having formed the cakes, they must be placed on a baking sheet and sent to a preheated oven to 200 degrees. They need to bake no more than 40 minutes.
When the pies are ready, they should be treated with butter on top and covered with a towel. They need to insist only half an hour, after which the dish is ready for use. It is allowed and even recommended to combine with sweet red wine.
In the Ossetian flatbread recipe, of course, any cheese can be used, but it is best to take cheese. This is explained by the fact that the Adyghe product will make the dish fresh, and feta - too salty.