Runny nose in infants at 2 months: how to treat, the most effective methods, reviews

Runny nose is one of the most common pathologies. An adult man copes with the disease easily and without problems. And in an infant, nasal congestion and discharge from the nose cause many problems not only for the baby, but also for parents. This condition disrupts sleep and does not allow him to eat normally, while not all medications are suitable for the baby. How to treat a runny nose in an infant 2 months?

What to do to parents

If a child has a runny nose for 2 months, it should be shown to a doctor. He will examine the baby and prescribe the right treatment.

Snot in an infant 2 months than to treat at home

How to treat a runny nose in an infant 2 months? A severe runny nose can disturb a baby, and only a doctor can determine the nature of rhinitis in a newborn.


Many factors are known that provoke the development of rhinitis in small patients. Here are the most common causes of a runny nose:

  1. Viruses. The most famous factors for the occurrence of rhinitis include adenoviruses, rhinoviruses and other types of microorganisms.
  2. Bacteria. The development of rhinitis can cause streptococci, staphylococci. As well as bacteria, normally living on the nasal mucosa, but under conditions of a weakened immune system, they begin to grow and multiply.
  3. Physiology. In babies up to a year, a type of disease occurs, which is caused by the structure of the nasal passages. At this age, they are narrow, mucus accumulates there. This does not change the general condition of the baby, but prevents it from breathing normally.
  4. Allergy. Allergic edema most often appears in babies who are breast-fed. The cause may be an inappropriate mixture.
  5. Violation of the microclimate in the room of the baby. It is dry air that causes diseases associated with problems of the nasal cavity. It dries up, which leads to the negative impact of various viruses and bacteria.
Runny nose in infants 2 months treatment

If snot occurs in a child of 2 months, what should parents do? Initially, it is necessary to establish the cause of the appearance of rhinitis in the baby. Particular attention should be paid to humidity and temperature in the room. Then they are convinced that the pathology is not caused by physiological causes, and only after that they proceed to treatment.

What is the danger of rhinitis?

In infants, due to the structural features of the nasal passages, a prolonged position on the back leads to negative consequences. As a result, the inflammatory process goes to the lower sections and ears.

A child at a tender age is not able to self-blow itself, so the contents stagnate and prevent him from sleeping and eating. The baby becomes restless and moody, and parents also begin to worry. Against this background, his temperature rises.

If rhinitis is a common disease for an adult, then for a baby it is a serious problem that leads to complications.

If the baby is 2 months snot, what should mom do? In this situation, parents should not be frivolous about the pathology, but immediately take appropriate measures.

Symptoms of Rhinitis

When an infant has a runny nose for 2 months, treatment should begin with the determination of the signs of the disease:

  • the child is naughty and crying;
  • his mouth is constantly parted;
  • tense wings of the nose;
  • transparent or purulent discharge occurs;
  • breathing becomes noisy, and sometimes the child snores;
  • the baby refuses food and breasts, because it is difficult for him to suck due to edema;
  • the child sleeps restlessly and often wakes up;
  • if a bacterial infection joins, then the temperature rises and general symptoms of intoxication occur.
Snot in a child 2 months what to do

If the mother cannot independently determine the symptoms of the disease and the cause of its appearance, then it is best to consult a doctor who will accurately select the correct treatment regimen. How to cure a runny nose in an infant 2 months?

Infant rhinitis therapy

If a baby has a runny nose for 2 months, what to treat should be determined by a specialist. Therapy of rhinitis at this age has special difficulties. They are the impossibility of using many drugs that are prescribed for older children. At the same time, kids at this age do not know how to blow their nose.

First of all, the nose of the baby is released from the discharge. What is allowed to be used to treat a baby of 2 months:

  • Various aspirators.
  • Douches or small enemas. They are best chosen with a wide tip. Before the procedure, the syringe is disinfected and the tip is lubricated with vaseline oil so as not to injure the baby's mucous membranes. Enter shallow, while excluding injury.
  • Electronic devices. They are battery powered and have an attractive shape.

Solutions for rinsing and moisturizing the nose can be used to treat rhinitis. The opinions of pediatricians in this case are quite contradictory. One group of doctors is sure that it is necessary to rinse. Others warn that in case of improper manipulation, there is a risk of infection in the middle ear. At a temperature and purulent discharge from the nose, parents should not rinse the nose of the baby.

Runny nose in infants 2 months than to treat

If light mucus and crusts occur, it is allowed to carry out the procedure with the following solutions: Humer, Aqualor, Salin and others.

For a baby of 1-2 months, parents should not prepare a saline solution themselves, since it is likely to overdo it with its concentration. This can lead to irritation of the delicate mucosa.

Inhalation with a nebulizer is one of the possible procedures at this age. Steam inhalation is prohibited for use in infants.

If snot appeared in a baby at 2 months, than a pediatrician should determine what to treat at home. It is best to carry out inhalation with a nebulizer with a decoction of herbs. However, such a procedure should be done only as directed by the pediatrician.

What drops from a runny nose infant 2 months can be used? These include Protargol. They are based on colloidal silver. The tool is approved for use in children in the absence of allergies to the main active substance.

Other drugs (vasodilating, antiallergic) are prohibited for use at this age.

Features of the course of the disease

How to treat cough and runny nose in infants for 2 months? In this situation, the pediatrician usually prescribes the following:

  1. Inhalation with a nebulizer. If the baby does not have a temperature, then the procedure is allowed to be performed twice a day. In this case, a decoction of chamomile, calendula, saline is used.
  2. With viscous and difficult to separate sputum, Rinofluimucil is used. Drops have decongestant and mucolytic effects. The instructions for use indicate that they are prescribed with caution to children under 3 years of age. Therefore, drops should be used only as directed by your doctor.
  3. Tea with camomile. A decoction from a bottle has a disinfecting and calming effect, so if it enters the back of the throat, it will improve the condition of the baby. After all, a child at this age will not be able to gargle.
  4. Drugs with a vasodilating effect. If the edema does not allow the baby to fall asleep, apply baby drops - "Nazivin" for children. They are used once, for 3-4 days, exclusively at night.
  5. Balms and ointments. There are many tools that lubricate the patient's nose to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. However, they are allowed to apply to children older than 2-3 years. Data on the use of funds by children of the younger group are not available.
Snot in infants 2 months without fever than to treat

Among the alternative methods of treating a runny nose in an infant of 2 months, drops from carrot, beetroot juice and breast milk are suitable. In purulent processes, it is not recommended to use tools, so that they do not become a breeding ground for bacteria to grow.

Why does not runny nose in infants 2 months

What to treat correctly and what it curls from? There is no single answer to this question. A common cold runs in several stages:

  • Elementary. It lasts from several hours to several days. The baby is worried about pain and burning.
  • Serous discharge. Continue for 2-3 days. This causes swelling and clear mucus.
  • Purulent discharge. 2-3 days last. Allocations become purulent, color - from light yellow to green.
  • Restorative. At this stage, the restoration of the functionality of the nose. After that, he begins to do his job normally. This occurs within 3-4 days.
How to cure a runny nose in an infant 2 months

Thus, the disease lasts 7-10 days. If it lasts longer, then perhaps:

  • therapy is carried out incorrectly;
  • low immunity;
  • allergy to drugs;
  • foreign body;
  • inconsistency of therapy with the cause of the disease, for example, when an allergic rhinitis is treated with antiviral drugs.

Parents need to review all the tools used and seek help from a specialist. In this case, the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct therapy tactics.

Treatment of rhinitis in the absence of temperature

In this case, therapy has certain features. A runny nose can be a consequence of narrow nasal passages, the onset of a viral infection, or the manifestation of an allergy.

If the baby has 2 months of snot without fever, how to treat their parents? The main task of mom is to cleanse the nasal passages with the help of cotton flagella. If the nose of the baby has dried crusts, then they can be softened with the help of warm vegetable oil. The most effective methods include nasal instillation with a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs.

A snot without a temperature in a 2-month-old baby must be treated correctly, having first established the cause of the common cold. Rhinitis can be caused by the physiology of the child’s body. In this situation, one should not engage in excessive treatment. It is enough to clean the nose with an aspirator or cotton tourniquet.

Is it allowed to walk with a child with a cold?

In the heat and serious condition of the baby, walks are prohibited. In this situation, it is enough to air the room several times a day. And the street is best visited after recovery.

If the baby feels normal, you should not stay at home. Time spent on a walk will improve blood circulation and breathing, positively affect immunity and the patient will recover faster.

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky is also confident in the benefits of fresh air for a cold and a small cold.

Signs of Allergic Rhinitis

If the discharge has arisen due to an allergy, then not a drop, no grinding, or other procedures may work. The disease has a different nature, so the approaches to therapy are also different.

How to understand that a child has allergic rhinitis:

  • the discharge is mostly transparent;
  • there are no symptoms of SARS and the common cold (cough, fever);
  • a rash, itching and swelling appeared;
  • Symptoms come from contact with certain substances or when specific foods are included in food.

If the cause of the disease is allergy, then parents should carefully monitor the health of the baby.

Drops from the common cold for a baby 2 months

Such rhinitis requires the following treatment:

  1. Initially eliminate contact with the allergen. It is calculated independently or using laboratory tests.
  2. Flushing and irrigation. This allows you to reduce the negative impact on the mucous membrane.
  3. Antiallergic drops - "Vibrocil". They are allowed to be used for children up to a year.
  4. Antihistamines in the form of drops. "Fenistil", according to the instructions, is allowed for children after 1 month. Use drops as directed by a specialist.

Rhinitis brings suffering not only to the infant, but also to the parents. Therefore, it is important to help him survive this disease.

What should not be done when treating a cold

Parents must follow all the recommendations of the pediatrician, and also do not do the following:

  • drip antibiotics into the nose;
  • rinse your nose with an enema.

Use vasodilator drops without a doctor's prescription.


A runny nose in a 2-month-old baby affects negatively not only the baby itself, but also its parents. In order not to harm the fragile children's body, it is necessary to listen to the advice of a pediatrician and follow all his instructions.

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