Monumental painting - the most important component in the history of art

Monumental painting refers to monumental art. This includes works that are directly related to architectural structures, often placed on ceilings, walls, vaults, much less often - on floors. Also included here are all types of murals on ordinary stucco - this is a mural, encaustic, oil, tempera painting, mosaics, paintings painted on canvas adapted specifically for a specific part in the architecture, as well as graffiti, stained glass, majolica and other forms of plane-painting Textured decor in architecture.

By their nature, the figurative system and content distinguish paintings that possess the qualities of monumentality. And they are also the dominant feature of architectural ensembles and monumental and decorative murals, only decorating the surface of ceilings, walls, facades, which, as it were, โ€œdissolveโ€ and โ€œmeltโ€ in architecture. Monumental painting is also called monumental and decorative, or picturesque decor, which greatly emphasizes the special decorative purpose of these paintings. The works of monumental painting (depending on their functions) are solved in a plane-decorative or spatial-spatial manner.

Monumental painting acquires its completeness and integrity only in interaction with the general components of the entire architectural ensemble.

Monumental painting of Byzantium

Monumental painting was an important, integral part of the church buildings that were built throughout the Byzantine Empire. When icon veneration won, a rather strict system of plot arrangement inside church buildings was established for a long time in Byzantine churches.

The themes of church murals were inextricably linked with the architectural division of buildings. Over time, the number of scenes was increased (due to the use of a large number of apocryphal gospels). At the same time, paintings appeared depicting the childhood of Christ and the Mother of God, which gave artists the opportunity to create a variety of genre scenes not previously seen in church paintings. Such paintings, which illustrated touching moments from the deep childhood of various sacred characters, softened the impression of the severity of the upper zones of the temples. The lower parts of the walls were allotted to the โ€œpillarsโ€ of the church - figures of saints, patriarchs, martyrs. They were distributed according to such a hierarchical principle - the higher and closer to the center, the more significant places they occupied.

With the addition of the Early Byzantine temple, the style of wall painting is simultaneously developing . Her favorite technique was mosaic, which takes its roots in antiquity. Byzantine mosaics enjoyed all the richness of its colorful spectrum. Their palettes are bright blue, red, pink, green, pale lilac, pale blue

Mosaic was made of special colored stones. The background was of colorless smalt. And between two identical colorless pieces, very thin sheet gold or gold foil was laid.

Interior painting

The painting of ceilings in modern interior painting is very successful. In high, large rooms, ceilings are the "face" of the interior. Therefore, ceiling painting is a powerful decorative accent, which is increasingly used by designers and architects in their projects.

Interior painting is a type of oil painting on canvas, the main purpose of which is to decorate the interior or complement the design of the premises.

Today, a variety of decorative panels are embossed and flat, they reflect any topic - from landscapes and still lifes to portraits.

In modern interiors, it is painting that occupies one of the main places. Regardless of the technique in which the painting was made, the style to which it belongs, its location in space, painting allows emphasizing the respectability and originality of the room, giving it uniqueness and solidity.

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