The best analogue of "Cationorm". Reviews and prices

All medicines have active ingredients. Drugs can be called completely differently, but at the same time include the same composition. Moreover, they will be considered analogues. Also, some drugs have one principle of action, have a similar effect, but their active substances are different. However, such drugs are also recognized interchangeably. Today's article will tell you about the analog of "Cationorm". You will find out what kind of drug it is and what means it can be replaced.

cationorm analog

Description of the original medicine

Cationorm eye drops are available in a volume of 10 milliliters. Such an amount of the drug costs about 700 rubles. The effect of the medication is to moisten the mucous surface of the eye. The drug is applied one drop up to 4 times a day. It is contraindicated to use it only with increased sensitivity to constituent components, among which the following are described:

  • mineral oils;
  • tyloxapol:
  • glycerol;
  • tris;
  • cetalkonium chloride;
  • poloxamer;
  • water.

Drops can be used in conjunction with contact lenses. The drug protects the eyes from drying out, prevents fatigue, blurred vision due to external factors.

Prevailing opinion

Many consumers praise Cationorm. They say that the medication quickly helps to cope with the feeling of sand in the eyes. After its use, discomfort and burning disappear. At the same time, you can hear from patients about the high cost of the medicine. Indeed, eye drops are not cheap. But what can you do if you can’t do without them? Everything is very simple: choose an analog of "Cationorm". It is recommended that you consult with your doctor first. Consider the main options that can replace an expensive tool.

The drug "Deflisez"

cationorm Price

Deflisez eye drops are sold over the counter. They are available in bottles of 10 milliliters, like the original product. The drug costs an average of 60 rubles. As you can see, this is 10 times less than the original medication. Do not use these drops for hypersensitivity and burns of the cornea.

Reviews say that these drops restore the integrity of the tear film, they moisturize and soften. The drug also protects the eye when it comes to decreased secretion of eye fluid. The drops contain hypromellose. The inconvenience of the drug, according to consumers, is that it can not be used for a long time and at the same time with contact lenses. Drops also dull vision, which can be fraught for drivers of vehicles.

Drops "Artelak"

oxial instruction Price

The next analogue of "Cationorm" is the drug "Artelak". It costs about 750 rubles for 10 milliliters of drops. It is even more expensive than the original medicine. The composition contains hypromellose and cellulose. It would seem that this is an absolute alternative to the previous (cheap) medication. But if you listen to patient reviews, you can find out a lot of interesting things.

Unlike the drug "Deflisez", eye drops "Artelak" can be used for a long time. Also, contact lens wear is not prohibited during therapy. Consumers say that, on the contrary, the drug eliminates the effect of dry eyes during the use of such eye-improving aids. The attention of patients is drawn to the fact that drops of "Artelak" are not used in children. The manual also recommends abstaining from driving until the clarity of vision is restored after applying the solution (usually up to 10 minutes).

The popular "Vizin - a pure tear"

drops artelak

What else can you choose an analogue? "Cationorm" can be replaced by the well-known "Visin". It is only important to choose the correct subspecies of this tool. Since this is a moisturizing effect and the creation of a protective film on the surface of the eye, then it is worth giving preference to the medication "Vizin - a pure tear." It contains mannitol, polysaccharides, sodium hydrogen phosphate and dihydrogen phosphate, as well as water. A standard volume of 10 milliliters costs about 600 rubles.

Reviews of drops "Vizin - a pure tear" say that they can be used for a long time. The plus of the medicine is that it does not contain preservatives. But that is why it can not be stored for long. The medication is as close as possible to a natural human tear. The possibility of simultaneous use of contact lenses in the instructions do not say anything. But many consumers use the medicine when wearing it.

Oksial: instruction

eye drops cationorm

The price of this drug averages 500 rubles per bottle of 10 milliliters. It contains boric acid and the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid. The medicine is intended to relieve dryness and irritation that appear due to external factors. Also, this medication is used to alleviate the condition when wearing contact lenses. The instruction recommends applying 1-2 drops as needed, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor.

Reviews about the drug say that you need to use it in up to 60 days. If during this time you have not completed the bottle, then the remainder must be discarded. This is quite uneconomical, since the price of the drops is high. It is known that the medication can not be used simultaneously with other eye preparations. This can lead to a decrease in the action of a substance.

Systein Ultra

Due to the very high price of the Cationorm drug, you can purchase a more affordable product. For example, Systeyn Ultra solution. Its cost is in the range of 150-200 rubles for 5 single doses of 0.7 milliliters each. A bottle containing 3 milliliters of the drug will cost you 200 rubles. The drops contain polyethylene glycol and propylene glycol, boric acid and sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid and water.

Reviews say that this medication can be used within two months after an autopsy - it is economical, unlike other drugs. The medicine perfectly moisturizes the surface of the eye, it removes the feeling of dryness. In addition, the medication can be applied directly to contact lenses. This use eliminates discomfort and maintains the pH level of the mucous membrane.

eye drops

The best analogue: comparative

What analog of "Cationorm" can be called the best? Judging by the reviews of consumers, then all the medicines presented do well with the task. Systain Ultra is recognized as economical, as it can be stored for a longer time than others. If it seems to you that the price of "Cationorm" is too high, then buy an inexpensive "Deflisez". Before giving preference to any drug, be sure to consult a doctor. The doctor will give you individual recommendations that will help determine your choice.

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