Massage of the lumbosacral spine - a description of the technique and recommendations

Many with age appear painful sensations in the lower back. This manifestation is due to the fact that it is on the lower back in everyday life that the greatest burden occurs. After all, it holds on to itself most of the mass of a person. The center of gravity of the whole body is also located nearby. The peculiarity of the lumbar region is that the load on it is constant. Even while the person is sleeping, the lower back does not relax. For this reason, it is useful to regularly massage the lumbosacral spine. Massage is a preventive measure that prevents the development of many ailments of the musculoskeletal system.

Causes of pain

lower back pain

What do they appear for? Unpleasant sensations in the lumbar spine are often caused by an intervertebral hernia. With this disease, one of the vertebral discs actually loses its ability to depreciate. As a result, the load on neighboring ones increases significantly.

Osteochondrosis usually affects not one single spinal disc, but the entire department. In the absence of appropriate treatment, a “chain reaction” may occur. All drives in turn will begin to fail. Massage with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine can be very useful.

Treatment of ailment

In addition to pain, a hernia can lead to the appearance of various neurological symptoms and disorders in the body. Most often, with problems in the lower back, ailments of the pelvic organs occur. The most severe consequence of this condition is a violation of the nerve endings of the roots of the spinal cord. Hernia of the intervertebral disc is actually chronic. This means that it is impossible to completely get rid of it. But it is in our power to help the body adapt to the disease.


Non-surgical treatment of intervertebral hernia consists of several stages. First, drug therapy is used to eliminate the pain syndrome. Also, the patient may be prescribed a course of special drugs to provide the tissues surrounding the spine with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. This stage is especially important because the intervertebral disc receives nutrients not directly from the bloodstream, but due to diffusion from adjacent tissues.

girl clings to her back

After treatment with medicines, the rehabilitation stage begins. It must necessarily include physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic exercises and massage of the lumbosacral region. The benefit of such events is that they give the body an impetus for adaptation. Massage helps to relax over-stressed muscles. This manifestation is especially characteristic of diseases of the spine. The body is trying to block the mobility of the affected area due to muscle tension. Such a manifestation can lead to painful cramps. Massage helps give weakened muscles the necessary tone. However, it will be effective only as part of complex therapy.

Techniques used to treat the lower back

What are they like? How to massage the lumbosacral? The first feature is related to the area of ​​the massaged area. She is big enough. To begin with, it is recommended to stretch the gluteal muscles. Then it is recommended to start massage of the affected section. Before performing basic movements, a kneading massage is recommended. First you just need to stroke the pelvic area. Then, as a rule, kneading and shaking are done. Then again you can start stroking. The first stage of massage is aimed only at slightly warming up the muscles.

Then it’s worth starting the “push-ups”. The next step is to stretch the muscles with fist crests. This movement should be attributed to the most effective methods of influence. This stage ends with stroking and shaking. These movements promote muscle relaxation. For massage, it is also recommended to use several types of rubbing. Starting from the soft, performed only by the fingertips of the fingers, and ending with the tougher - by the palms and fists. Each massage procedure is repeated 2-3 times. If you do not have the necessary experience, try to perform intensive movements as carefully as possible. Otherwise, you risk harming the patient.

Massage with osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is desirable to entrust to a professional in their field. Conducting experiments on your own with this procedure is not recommended. If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a professional, then carefully read the technique for performing it before conducting a massage.

How is the treatment procedure carried out?

lumbar massage

For disorders such as osteochondrosis and herniation of the spinal disc, it is advised to perform lumbar massage. It is excellent for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Such an effect on the lower back helps to eliminate pain, and also restore blood circulation, strengthen the spine and get rid of muscle spasms.

Massage procedures also show good results in the following diseases:

  • muscle spasms;
  • ligament damage;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • headache.

Massage begins with an introductory stage. It lasts approximately 180 seconds. Then the specialist should go to the main stage. It consists in the implementation of massage techniques that are suitable for a specific ailment. This stage lasts approximately 20 minutes. At the final stage, the force of influence on the patient's body should be gradually reduced. As a result, the body begins to function normally. To achieve maximum effect when performing massage, the body should be completely relaxed.

Types of massage


How to treat the lumbosacral spine?

Massage for osteochondrosis can be used in different types:

  1. Classic: considered the most popular. It is carried out according to the standard scheme.
  2. Vacuum: this type of hardware massage shows good dynamics in the confrontation with osteochondrosis. Perform it with ceramic and glass jars. Vacuum massage helps to improve blood flow in the sacral and lumbar spine, which in turn triggers a tissue repair mechanism.
  3. Spot: it is usually used to consolidate the effect obtained by the classic manual exposure. The peculiarity of this type of massage is the point impact of fingers on pain and acupuncture points.

The rules of classic massage

What do they include? The technique of massage of the lumbar spine prescribes to do the first procedures in a gentle manner. At first it is recommended to perform light techniques, and then gradually move to deeper ones. Intense movements in the kidney area can not be made. In light mode, movements should also be made at the site of the projection of the heart. At the end of the session, it is recommended that you also use relaxing techniques. Each massage in the lumbar region should be repeated 2-3 times.

Basic movements

back massage

How is massage performed for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine? The technique includes four basic movements that must be used in a certain sequence.

Let's consider in more detail how to perform these movements:

  1. Stroking: the massaging hand makes sliding movements without collecting the skin in folds. When stroking, you can lightly press the surface. Movements with both hands are performed both along the body and across. It is recommended that you also perform these techniques, drawing with your hands a circle, spiral or zigzag. Stroking has a positive effect on metabolic processes, as well as tone vessels and muscles.
  2. Rubbing: These are successive stretching and movement of the skin with a massaging hand. Movements can be performed in various directions. To reproduce this technique, it is required to assemble a roller from the skin in translational circular and rectilinear movements. Rubbing increases blood flow and improves muscle tone. The approximate pace is 100 movements per minute. As a rule, this technique is used at the preparatory stage of massage.
  3. Vibration: Represents shock movements. They have a stable, continuous labile character. Auxiliary strikes are more like patting and shaking. These movements help activate the process of cell renewal.
  4. Kneading: involves the simultaneous use of several types of movements. These include squeezing, rolling, grips. By and large, kneading is more like muscle gymnastics. It allows you to provide the massaged area with good blood supply, improves muscle tone and elasticity of ligaments.


massage to man

This aspect should be given special attention. In what cases is it better not to touch the lumbosacral spine once again?

Massage is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • purulent processes: regardless of the location;
  • infectious and fungal diseases;
  • poor blood coagulability;
  • hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • inflammatory processes in acute form;
  • injuries and bleeding;
  • chronic osteomyelitis;
  • tumors and malignant tumors;
  • mental disorders.

Specialist consultation

In each patient, osteochondrosis can occur in different ways. Not everyone is shown massage of the lumbosacral spine. Price does not play any role here. Before carrying out this procedure, be sure to consult your doctor. It is impossible to independently choose the methodology of manual exposure in any case. This can be a health hazard. Before conducting a massage course, you should undergo an examination with a vertebrologist. He will determine whether manual therapy can be prescribed to the patient at the current stage of the disease.


man doing massage

Pain in the lower back, unfortunately, is quite common. As a rule, people suffer from osteochondrosis who, by the nature of their activity, lead a sedentary lifestyle. How to strengthen the lumbosacral spine? Massage and therapeutic exercises can be used both to treat the symptoms of osteochondrosis and to prevent the development of back diseases.

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