In recent years, cephalalgia has become a common pathology, from which not only patients of the older age group suffer, but even children and adolescents. Vascular headache is diagnosed in one third of the population and has various provoking factors. At its first manifestations, it is recommended to undergo a thorough examination, since such a condition can indicate the development of serious diseases in the body, which, if one refuses treatment, can lead to death. The therapy will be comprehensive and to obtain a positive result, you should adhere to the recommendations of a specialist and carry out preventive measures.
Clinical picture
In diseases of the vascular type, patients not only complain of pain in the head, but also other symptoms that accompany this ailment. Cephalgia can be of different intensities and localized in different parts of the head, which helps with the diagnosis. Very often, a vascular headache is accompanied by a pulsation, which causes considerable discomfort to the patient and worsens his quality of life.
If cephalalgia is intense, then the patient may complain of nausea, general weakness, malaise, and problems with appetite. Other symptoms also appear in parallel, indicating the development of serious diseases in the body. In this case, an urgent examination and quality treatment are required.
Pain can occur at any time of the day and continue for a long time. If the provoking factor is not exactly established, then taking various medications for cephalalgia will not give a positive result. Uncontrolled medication can only worsen the condition and damage the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and pancreas.
Possible reasons
It is possible to determine the provoking factor of a headache of a vascular nature only after a medical examination, so you should not engage in self-diagnosis to exclude negative consequences. In most cases, cephalgia occurs with viral infections, flu, or respiratory colds. In this case, it is not difficult to eliminate the ailment.
Other reasons may also be sources:
- a constant reaction of the body to changes in the weather;
- disturbed mode of rest and work;
- insomnia;
- constant stressful situations;
- improper nutrition, disturbed food intake;
- prolonged exposure to an environment with elevated air temperature and humidity;
- hypothermia;
- excessive physical activity;
- smoking or alcoholism.
The provocateurs of vascular headache include such equally important deviations as oxygen starvation of the brain, its cells, and diseases of the cervical region. In this case, cephalgia is a symptom of the underlying ailment occurring in the body. By eliminating the cause of the ailment, you can also get rid of the general problem.
Below are presented more serious diseases that can provoke an intense vascular type headache.
Cephalgia for hypertension
Hypertension is a violation in the circulatory system, which is accompanied by a headache and refers to secondary hypertension. In this condition, the patient has high blood pressure, leading to significant changes in the vessels. Inhibition of their functionality is noted, because of which violations in the cranial region occur associated with blood circulation.
The intensity of headache in vascular diseases depends on the tone of the arteries. With hypertension, a local narrowing of the lumen between them is diagnosed, which leads to a tortuosity of the bloodstream. This is due to the compaction of the vascular walls. This condition is characterized by a persistent increase in blood pressure. As a result, the patient is constantly suffering from vascular dystonia and headache. The disease can be eliminated only by curing the underlying disease and carrying out preventive measures that can generally improve the patient's condition and the functionality of internal systems.
Hypotension and Cephalgia
Another provoking factor in headache is hypotension. This disease is characterized by low blood pressure. In this case, the patient complains of dull, constricting and pulsating type of cephalgia. If the advanced stage of hypotension is diagnosed, then there is a violation in the permeability of the walls of the arteries, as a result, perivascular edema develops and the pain becomes acute vibrating in nature.
Cephalgia in this situation occurs as a result of injuries to the cranium, brain, and also due to impaired functionality of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Vascular headache is also diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis. Pathology occurs due to changes in the tissues of the vertebral region, the cause of which are degenerative-dystrophic processes.
Pain in the head with VSD, venous insufficiency and increased blood viscosity
Cephalgia is often diagnosed with a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD). This deviation in the last ten years is observed in every third patient of the older age group to varying degrees (mild, moderate, severe). With this pathology, a significant decrease in blood pressure is noted with the patient completely in complete calm. Headache with vascular dystonia is aching, diagnosed at any time of the day and occurs suddenly, it is almost impossible to eliminate it.
VVD can be inherited or be an acquired deviation, depending on the environmental situation and diet. In most cases, dystonia affects people with increased mental or physical stress. Therefore, you need to properly plan the mode of work and rest.
Headaches with vegetovascular deviation can be diagnosed in patients who are in a supine position for a long time, since in such a situation there is a violation of the venous outflow. In this case, the patient will complain of dull, bursting type of pain. This type of ailment also develops in those who are sitting at a computer for a long time. In this case, cephalgia begins to torment in the morning.
Do not forget about such a pathology as increased blood viscosity (hyperviscose syndrome). In this situation, the patient constantly forms blood clots in the body, which can clog vessels, causing tissue death and the development of ischemic stroke. Aching type cephalgia occurs suddenly, it is almost impossible to get rid of it.
Most often, headaches are observed with vegetovascular dystonia, which can cause discomfort to the patient for a long period and be permanent. This violation is irreversible and cannot be completely cured. Specialists are only able to help the patient improve with a variety of drugs and achieve long-term remission.
Cephalgia in atherosclerosis and disculatory encephalopathy
Atherosclerosis is a common culprit in vascular pain. This disease is quite serious and can be diagnosed in different age groups, even in adolescents. With this pathology, deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels is observed. As a result, the brain does not receive proper nutrition, blood flow becomes less intense, and oxygen starvation occurs. The patient begins to complain of severe constant pain, heaviness in the head. Unpleasant sensations become more pronounced in the evening, as there is fatigue for the whole day. Cephalgia is able to stay all night, which causes significant discomfort to the patient.
Diskulatory encephalopathy refers to a pathological condition and is diagnosed with severe damage to the brain. It is possible to determine the violation only after a thorough examination. In this case, the patient complains not only of intense pain in the head, but also of the severity, which is quite difficult to eliminate.
Vascular Cephalgia in Adolescents
Various reasons can provoke vascular headaches in children. These include secondary manifestations of certain pathologies, for example, influenza, intoxication, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. Due to the accumulation of various toxins in the children's body, there is a negative effect on the nerve endings, which act as provocateurs of vascular type cephalgia. It is also worth considering the fact that with parasitic infestations, headache is the main symptom. Therefore, a thorough full examination is required with the delivery of all tests.
Provoking factors include disorders of the nervous system. Very often, pain in the cranial region occurs in children as a result of a strong emotional shock or physical exertion. And also after stressful situations and vigorous mental activity, especially in the evening hours. Therefore, before proceeding with the treatment of vascular headache, the symptoms must be identified correctly.
Specialists often associate this violation with the fact that a child under 12 years of age has not yet fully formed the cardiovascular system, which causes cramping. In adolescence, cephalgia is associated with hormonal changes. Vegetative-vascular dystonia associated with weather changes, high or low blood pressure can be observed. The child often complains of poor health in the spring and autumn. In case of vascular headache, it is advisable to constantly ventilate the room, to exclude noise and long trips.
Symptoms may be accompanied by fainting, loss of appetite, increased irritability. Experts recommend twice a year to undergo examination by a neurologist, to carry out preventive measures. It is possible to make a diagnosis, that is, to determine the provoking factor of cephalgia, only in stationary conditions. Attention is paid to blood pressure, ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and cervical region. Ophthalmologist consultation recommended.
To exclude vascular type cephalgia, it is necessary not only to adhere to treatment, but also to eliminate external irritants. The child is required to be less in front of the TV or computer, play games, rest and study should be respected. In stressful situations, you need to help him get out of them in order to avoid psychological trauma. If possible, consult a specialist.
Pain can be eliminated using non-traditional methods. These include aromatherapy, a variety of physiotherapy methods, warm baths, walks in the fresh air in parks. It must be remembered that a child should not get involved in drugs since childhood, as this leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of internal systems.
If a baby at the age of four complains of cephalgia, then this is an occasion to urgently visit a hospital and conduct an emergency examination to exclude neoplasms in the brain and developmental abnormalities, inflammatory processes. Indisposition, weakness and problems with appetite, even nausea and vomiting, will certainly be noted.
The main symptoms
Typically, headaches with vegetovascular dystonia or other deviations are accompanied by appropriate signs that help with the diagnosis. At the first manifestations of the ailment, it is recommended to immediately seek qualified help to exclude unwanted negative consequences. Also, do not engage in self-treatment.
It should be noted that in most cases, cephalgia is localized in the temporal region. In parallel, vascular headache has symptoms that are expressed as follows:
- noise and stuffiness in the ears;
- blurred vision, darkening, and dots in the eyes;
- dizzy much;
- there are bouts of vomiting, nausea.
Most often, headache is the first sign of a developing disease in the patient's body.
With frequent attacks of cephalalgia, the patient undergoes a significant number of examinations. It is recommended to make an appointment with a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, infectious disease specialist. Be sure to take into account the situation, the individual characteristics of the body.
The main diagnostic methods include:
- detailed analysis of blood and urine;
- Dopplerography - a study that helps to study the condition of blood vessels;
- EEG technique - diagnostics, allowing to evaluate the functionality of the brain. Appointed at any age, it is quite effective and safe;
- CT scan;
- examination of the thyroid gland;
- examination of the cervical spine to identify osteochondrosis.
If necessary, the patient is prescribed a lipid profile.
Treatment and preventive measures
Only a doctor can prescribe therapy based on the results of the examination. Treatment for each patient individually. The following factors may influence the choice of method, such as:
- type of pain;
- the severity of the manifestation of a provoking factor;
- patient age;
- associated pathologies.
Treatment of vascular headache is based on the use of analgesics and drugs that contain antispasmodics and caffeine. Do not abuse the use of these drugs, since they have a significant number of side effects and contraindications. Addiction, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys can occur.
Drug therapy includes sedatives and complexes that contain B vitamins, diuretics, antioxidants, venotonics and neuroprotectors.
Often patients are prescribed not only vascular drugs for headaches, but also prescribed physiotherapy. Treat such procedures as:
- electrophoresis - a method of administering drugs to patients using direct electric current;
- darsonvalization is the effect on tissues and mucous surfaces through high-frequency current pulses. With this procedure, attention is paid to the cervical-collar region;
- acupuncture and massage;
- water procedures, swimming.
If the patient suffers from a headache of a vascular nature, treatment should also be based on a frequent stay in a sanatorium or resort. When diagnosing a brain tumor, surgery is considered an effective method.
Preventive measures should be carried out without fail and be based on the following rules, such as:
- proper and balanced nutrition;
- refusal of products that contain caffeine;
- avoidance of stressful situations;
- refusal of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
- drink at least two liters of purified liquid every day;
- constantly walking;
- engage in moderate physical activity;
- observe the regime of rest and work;
- the exclusion of mental overwork.
If you adhere to all of the above, then a vascular headache (according to the ICD - G 44. 1) will never disturb.