Cocktail "Polar Bear": the history of the alcoholic beverage, the method of preparation

Despite the fact that the Soviet Union has been gone for over 20 years and few people remember the charters of communism, some of the strong alcoholic drinks invented at that time are still popular today. One of them is the Polar Bear cocktail. The recipe for the famous cocktail is contained in the article.


The cocktail, called "Polar Bear", is an alcoholic drink with a calorie content of 182 kcal. This mix is โ€‹โ€‹also called "Northern Lights". It is represented by a mixture of alcohol or vodka and champagne.

cocktail polar bear photo

A bit of history

The Polar Bear cocktail was invented in the north. This mix, simple in preparation, was very popular among those who wanted to get drunk quickly. There is a version that the Soviet gold miners invented the cocktail. The conditions in which they were were unfavorable and rather difficult. Therefore, at the end of the day after exhausting work, many of them tried to quickly forget about fatigue. The Polar Bear cocktail (photos of the alcoholic drink are presented in the article) was the best suited for this purpose.

Effect of consumption

The cocktail under study, judging by numerous consumer reviews, can cause rapid intoxication. According to experts, it comes much faster than if a person used the ingredients separately. This is possible thanks to the carbon dioxide contained in champagne. It is the gases that interact with the gastric mucosa, as a result of which the absorption of alcohol into the blood proceeds faster.

Mix Benefits

In addition to the possibility of getting drunk in a fairly short time, the popularity of this drink is also due to the fact that it is simple in preparation. The Polar Bear cocktail contains only two ingredients, namely vodka and champagne. If there is no bitter hand, you can do with alcohol. Components are available, which is a definite plus.

How to cook?

Those who have never tried this mix and do not know how to make it, experts recommend that you do the following:

  1. First you need to prepare a container for ice. It is better if it is a special bucket in which it is convenient to cool vodka and champagne. You will also need a large glass in which alcohol will mix.
  2. After, bitter (40 ml) is poured into the glass, and then champagne (100 ml).
  3. Next, the mixture is thoroughly mixed.
  4. After performing these steps, the cocktail is considered ready to drink. That's the whole recipe for the Polar Bear!
polar bear cocktail recipe

What should I look for?

Despite the simplicity of the cooking procedure, some consumers are interested in how much the ingredients need to be cooled? According to experts, it is very important that the alcohol is cold enough. However, this does not mean that it should be frozen. Otherwise, it will affect the taste of the drink. If you follow the recipe, then for 100 ml of champagne you will need 40 ml of vodka or alcohol. However, the amount of ingredients can be changed as desired. Almost any container is suitable for making the Polar Bear cocktail. However, judging by the reviews, doing it in a large glass is much more convenient and enjoyable.

Second recipe

If a simple cooking method does not suit you, then an alcoholic mix at home can be made according to a different recipe. In this case, limiting yourself to two ingredients will not work, because in addition to vodka (250 ml) you will need rum (250 ml), sugar syrup (200 ml), cream, eggs (12 pieces), milk (1 l) and grated nutmeg.

First you need to separate the proteins from the yolks. Then pour sugar syrup into the container and mix thoroughly with the yolks. After that, rum and vodka are added to the container. For cream and milk, a separate container should be used. In it, these ingredients are whipped until the mixture acquires a foamy state. Now it can be mixed with alcohol. To give the Polar Bear cocktail a special flavor, it is seasoned with grated nutmeg. One teaspoon of this product will be enough. Cooked mix with so many ingredients can treat up to 10 people.


The basis for this alcoholic cocktail was the Northern Lights drink. However, in this case, champagne is replaced with beer or Coca-Cola. Cocktail "Balalaika" is also called by many "Brown Bear". Gained popularity during the years of perestroika.

cocktail ruff

โ€œThe brown bear is leaving, the polar bear is comingโ€

A cocktail is suitable for a large company. Preparing a drink in a 15-liter vessel, namely in a basin or large pan. First, the tank is filled with cold beer and put on the table. Drinking is an extreme alcohol game. The host begins drinking: he scoops up the contents of the pan with a glass and drinks. Then it fills the same glass with vodka, which it pours into a container with beer.

vodka and beer cocktail

As a result, the volume of alcohol in the pan remains the same, but with a changed composition. Next, the glass is transferred to the neighbor. The procedure is repeated again. As a result, the color of alcohol in the basin turns from brown to transparent. This means that a polar bear has come. The previous consistency of the drink is given in the opposite way, namely, the owner scoops up vodka already with a glass, makes a toast and drinks bitter. Then he fills the glass with beer and sends it to the pan. Following the owner, such actions are performed by the guests. As a result, the alcohol in the basin is again browned again. In this case, they say that the polar bear is gone. Of course, at this stage it is better to stop and set aside the container with alcohol the next day.

polar bear cocktail comes

If guests wish, then you can alternate the parishes to infinity. Judging by the reviews, only the most persistent can wait for the arrival of brown. The only disadvantage of the cocktail is that after its use, a headache is provided.

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