Kefir pancakes: recipes and cooking features

Traditional Russian pancakes are usually cooked in milk. But not all housewives do it. Often products either stick to the pan or are not baked completely. Another thing is pancakes on kefir. As a rule, in the process of kneading the dough, it is brewed with boiling water. As a result, the pancakes are thin and delicate, in a small hole, and baked perfectly. Our article presents the most successful pancake recipes on kefir. In order to cook them correctly, housewives should take into account all the features and recommendations for their preparation.

Recipe for pancakes with boiling water on kefir

Kefir pancakes with boiling water

Openwork from dough, mixed on the basis of this sour-milk drink, is obtained not only incredibly tasty, but also beautiful. You can serve them with sweet filling and salty to the table. Every housewife can learn how to bake such thin pancakes according to the recipe on kefir with boiling water.

Step by step, the cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Immediately you need to put the kettle on the stove.
  2. Pour 400 ml of kefir into a deep bowl. Beat 2 eggs, add salt (½ teaspoon) and soda (¾ teaspoon).
  3. Sugar is added to the dough to taste. If you are preparing pancakes with salty filling, one teaspoon will be enough, and if with sweet, it is recommended to put more (2 tbsp.).
  4. Gradually introduced flour. Each time, the dough should be well kneaded with a whisk. A total of 260 g sifted flour will be needed.
  5. Flavourless vegetable oil (3 tablespoons) is added to the dough.
  6. As the last ingredient, boiling water (200 ml) is poured into a bowl.
  7. The pan is well heated over medium heat. A small amount of dough is poured into the center. By tilting the pan, it must be evenly distributed over the entire surface. Damn will immediately become openwork.
  8. Bake the product for 2 minutes on one side and 30 seconds on the other.

Kefir pancakes with milk

Thin pancakes with kefir and milk

Not all housewives like the taste of pancakes, the dough for which is cooked in boiling water. In this case, you can recommend them to make thin pancakes with holes according to the recipe on kefir with milk. To do this, during the cooking process, it is important to observe the following sequence of actions:

  1. Kefir (½ tbsp.) Is poured into a bowl and slightly heated on the stove or in the microwave. It is important not to overheat it, otherwise the serum will start to stand out.
  2. 2 large eggs, salt (½ teaspoon), soda (1 teaspoon) and 25 g of sugar are added to kefir.
  3. Flour (1 ½ tbsp.) Is introduced into the same mass. The dough is well kneaded to a uniform consistency.
  4. Milk (1 tbsp.) Is brought to a boil and poured into a dough in a thin stream.
  5. To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan, refined oil is poured here (2 tbsp. Tablespoons).
  6. The products are baked in the traditional way in a hot pan.

Kefir dough for egg-free pancakes

Kefir pancakes without eggs

In the following recipe, the dough is prepared without adding eggs to it. But this does not affect the taste and appearance of pancakes at all. They are still obtained lace and baked perfectly in a pan.

A detailed recipe for kefir pancakes consists of the following steps:

  1. Soda, salt (½ teaspoon each) and 50 g of sugar are added to slightly warm kefir (400 ml).
  2. Gradually, flour (250 g) is sifted into a bowl with kefir mass. Knead the dough well with a whisk. It should turn out smooth, without lumps of flour.
  3. While the dough is kneading, the kettle is heated on the stove. As soon as the water boils, it is necessary to pour 200 ml into a glass, and then add boiling water to the dough.
  4. The pan is heated over medium heat. Before baking pancakes, vegetable oil is poured into the dough (2 tbsp. Tablespoons). Products are prepared on both sides until a rouge surface is formed.

Step-by-step recipe for kefir pancakes with starch

Kefir pancakes with starch

It would seem, why add extra dry ingredients to the dough, if traditionally it is prepared only on flour? This question can be asked only by those housewives who have never tried the finest and most delicate pancakes with kefir and starch. According to the recipe, they should be prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Soda (½ teaspoon) is added to 300 ml of kefir. The ingredients are mixed in a bowl and sent to the microwave for 20 seconds. As a result of heating, a foam cap should appear on the surface.
  2. The protein of 1 egg is separated from the yolk. Protein is sent to the refrigerator for a while.
  3. The yolk is ground with sugar (1 tablespoon) until the grains dissolve. Gradually, starch (50 g) and flour (4 tablespoons) are introduced into this mass.
  4. The kefir part of the dough is poured next. The mass mixes well until smooth. Vegetable oil (1.5 tbsp.spoons) is also added here.
  5. The protein is whipped with a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar.
  6. Lastly, whipped protein is introduced into the dough. Then you can start baking pancakes in a hot pan.

Kefir pancakes with boiling water and yeast

Pancakes with kefir and yeast

Such products are more magnificent than in previous recipes. And all because yeast is added to the dough. According to the recipe for pancakes with holes on kefir, the dough is prepared very simply:

  1. 3 eggs are broken into a deep bowl and thoroughly mixed with a whisk with a pinch of salt and sugar (1 tbsp. Spoon).
  2. Kefir (500 ml) is poured into the egg mass.
  3. In ¼ cup of warm water (40 °), 10 g of fresh yeast is bred. Before adding to the dough, they should stand for a while.
  4. Flour is sifted into the egg-kefir mass (1 ½ tbsp.).
  5. Using a whisk, knead the dough, reminiscent of thick sour cream in consistency.
  6. Diluted yeast in water is added to the dough. Next immediately pour a glass of boiling water.
  7. The dough is mixed well again, covered with a napkin and left on the table for 1 hour. During this time, it will increase by 2 times.
  8. Just before baking pancakes, vegetable oil (50 ml) is poured into the dough. Products are prepared in the traditional way, but they are obtained very lush and delicate, with numerous holes on the surface.

Kefir Chocolate Pancakes

Want to please your children with an interesting breakfast? Then make chocolate pancakes with holes for them. The kefir recipe should not cause any difficulties:

  1. Beat the egg thoroughly with sugar.
  2. Add 50 g of melted butter, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of cocoa powder.
  3. Next, kefir (1 tbsp.) Is poured into the dough and 200 g of flour is sifted.
  4. A bowl of kneading dough is dragged on with a film and sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  5. After time, you can start to bake pancakes. They are cooked in a hot pan, stacked on a flat plate, and poured with melted chocolate before serving.

Thick pancakes with semolina on kefir

Thick kefir pancakes with semolina

The following recipe makes a very interesting breakfast. This recipe for kefir pancakes is a kind of alternative to American pancakes. Products turn out magnificent and soft. Serve them to the table is recommended hot with sour cream or condensed milk.

To prepare the dough, soda (½ teaspoon) is added to a bowl with kefir (500 ml). The sour-milk mass is placed in heat until bubbles appear on the surface of kefir. At this time, 2 eggs are beaten with sugar (3 tablespoons) and salt (½ teaspoon).

Gradually 220 g of flour are sifted into the egg mass. Next, kefir, vegetable oil (200 ml) is poured and 180 g of semolina is poured. Pancakes can be baked after 30 minutes, when the semolina swells, and the dough becomes more viscous in consistency.

Features of preparation and recommendations

The following tips will help you get the perfect pancakes with kefir, without making any special effort. They look as follows:

  1. Boiling water is almost the main ingredient in kefir pancakes. Thanks to hot water, gluten is released much faster from flour, making the dough more elastic. Such pancakes will definitely not tear in the pan during their turning from one side to the other.
  2. So that the edges of the newly baked pancakes do not dry out as they cool, it is recommended to lubricate hot products with butter.
  3. Before baking, the pancake dough should stand on the table for 20 minutes. Then the pancakes will be more beautiful.

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