"Javelin Sin": instructions for use in simple language

Javelin Sin is a technical antiseptic agent based on chloride compounds. It has a clear, specific smell of chlorine, it is highly soluble in water. It is produced in the form of tablets weighing up to 3.5 grams or in the form of a powder by the BAITA campaign (People's Republic of China) and is supplied to Russia through Ekomed LLC. In our country, in many shops you can find the drug "Javelin Sin." Instructions for use of the drug strongly recommends not using the product if any allergic reactions occur. The average price for a pack of three hundred tablets is 400 rubles.

javelin syn

Release form

The disinfectant is available in the following forms: plastic bags weighing from 50 to 500 grams, cans - from 200 g to 2 kg. Large drums can contain from 10 to 100 kilograms, and wholesale is also being sold to companies in large containers weighing 250-700 kg. The Ekomed company accepts applications both from legal entities and from ordinary citizens in case of large purchases, but it is required to submit a document on the purpose of using the funds.


  • Sodium chloride compounds with a total content of not more than 85 percent.
  • Sodium carbonates.
  • Adipic acid.
  • The amount of “working” (released into the solution from the powder) chlorine is up to 47 percent.

The shelf life of Javelin Sin is 72 months if the packaging is not opened. Disinfectant solutions retain their properties for three days, but they gradually weaken.


The substance, when dissolved, releases pure chlorine. It, in turn, interacts with water, forming acids that kill viruses and bacteria - this is the effect of the Javelin Sin preparation.

javelin syn dow application instruction
The instruction for use in tuberculosis states that the drug has the same effectiveness against all types of bacteria, including against pathogens of cholera, viruses (from influenza to AIDS) and various fungi.

It belongs to the third class of toxicity with internal administration, the second - according to the degree of volatility of the liquid and the action of the vapor of the substance. With a single exposure to the skin, the product causes a slight irritating effect due to the high acidity of disinfectant solutions. There have been no cases of provoking an acute allergic reaction. Upon contact with the eyes, the product causes a sharp, intense irritant effect, which is expressed in inflammation and redness of the mucous membranes, itching, and lacrimation. In the case of a high mass fraction of chlorine in the solution and its vapor, irritation of the bronchi of the upper lobe of the lungs occurs. Coughing and choking are also possible.

Application area

Javelin Sin instruction for use in kindergarten

Topical application in various conditions of the drug "Javelin Sin."

  • Instructions for use in the preschool educational institution say that the product is used to disinfect floors and walls, equipment and medical equipment in medical institutions.
  • Disinfection of public transport, including floors, handrails and glass.
  • Final cleaning in kindergartens (including kindergartens, boarding schools and schools).
  • Prevention of outbreaks of infections in public places, cultural and leisure centers and offices.
  • Conducting a general cleaning.
  • It can be used by the population in full compliance with the label on the product.

The tool “Javelin Sin” (instrumentation warns against overly frequent use) can be used as a disinfectant in areas with outbreaks of especially dangerous infections (including anthrax), but the amount of chlorine in the solution should be in the range from one to four percent.

Safety standards

To prevent the development of pathogens on the surfaces of objects used "Javelin Sin." Instructions for use describe the following methods: rubbing and irrigation of hard surfaces, soaking equipment, clothing, bedding and other items. The product is hypoallergenic, however, soft toys and their other things should be rinsed well, as a manifestation of an irritation reaction on the skin is possible.

The use of disinfecting solutions with a concentration of active chlorine above 0.3 percent is acceptable in the presence of hand protection. For example, rubber gloves. In case of safety violations, a standard reaction appears - inflammation, but at the same time a sensation of “tightness” on the skin may occur, which is evidence of a slight acid burn.

javelin sin instruction for use at school
The product should be kept out of the reach of children. Do not allow sunlight to enter the mixture due to the fact that the chlorine in the product will begin to be released and evaporate, and the disinfecting ability will greatly deteriorate. Storage temperature range - 15-35 degrees, the place should be well ventilated.

Precautionary measures

It is necessary to pay attention to the precautions of the drug "Javel Sin":

  • Instructions for use in kindergarten suggests that in the presence of hypersensitivity to chlorine-containing drugs should refrain from contact with the product.
  • If the content of the active substance is higher than 0.3 percent, it is necessary to apply protection of the body and respiratory organs (gloves, respirator, airtight goggles).
  • With a chlorine content of 0.015% (1 tablet per 10 liters of water), the room and objects can be disinfected in the presence of patients.
  • If the ratio "mass of the substance to the mass of the solution" is more than 0.1%, a respirator with a special RPG-67 respirator, cartridge "B" is required to protect against chlorine vapor.
  • Treated items are washed for 5 minutes until the smell disappears, the rooms are ventilated for 15 minutes.

When working in the quarantine zone, an anti-plague suit and a combined-arms gas mask are required.

Javelin Sin instructions for use in tuberculosis

Do not forget that you need to consult a doctor before using Javelin Sin. The instruction for use at school states that the drug should be used with caution in places where there are children, since they may be sensitive to the substances contained in the drug.

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