How to make vanilla syrup

Vanilla syrup is an excellent filling for ice cream, jelly, pancakes and pastries, such as baklava, pudding or cake. In addition, it is often used during the preparation of vanilla and milkshakes, soft drinks, sweet sauces and fruit salads. It is also added to coffee and tea.

It tastes very sweet with a predominance of fragrant notes of spicy vanilla. It has a rich and vibrant aroma. The color of the vanilla syrup is usually transparent with a slight yellowish tinge. Proven recipes for delicious fillings are collected in our article. Let's get acquainted.

The usefulness and harmfulness of syrup

But before you begin to consider recipes for preparing a delicious filling, we recommend that you understand the useful and harmful properties of the syrup. As you know, vanilla syrup is saturated with a lot of sugar. And, of course, it does not need to be used by people who have diabetes. The positive qualities of this product include the fact that after its use in the human body the hormone of happiness is secreted and the mood rises.

vanilla syrup cake

On an industrial scale, syrup is created by combining natural and artificial flavors, cane sugar with water and citric acid.

Vanilla Syrup Recipe

Delicious and aromatic syrup can be prepared at home. This will require a minimum of ingredients and half an hour of free time. Even a young housewife can create a fragrant fill. Contains such vanilla syrup 72 kilocalories.

For cooking, you will need the following components (per 1 serving):

  • vanilla pod - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 250 ml.
homemade vanilla syrup

And now the practical part:

  1. To prepare a delicious syrup so familiar from childhood, first you need to cut along the vanilla pod and select all the flesh from it.
  2. Pour in a separate container of water, add sugar and chopped vanilla pod into it.
  3. Put the resulting mixture on a stove and boil over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. When the syrup reaches a boil, the fire can be turned off and the container removed from the stove.
  5. The resulting vanilla syrup should be filtered, cooled and poured into a jar or bottle.

It is a wonderful product that can surprise you with a pleasant taste and rich aroma. Store aromatic fill in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

Coffee fill

The syrup prepared according to this recipe is obtained with a sweet heady aroma. It is prepared without flavoring, using legume vanilla. In addition to coffee, it can be added to tea, mineral water, a cocktail, and also to coat cake, pancakes or pancakes.

The following ingredients are useful for cooking:

  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • vanilla beans (pods) - 2 pcs.;
  • spices to taste.
how to cook vanilla syrup

Step-by-step recommendations:

  1. To prepare vanilla coffee syrup, you need to use a sharp knife to cut the vanilla bean from top to bottom, open it and carefully pour the contents into a saucepan in which water and sugar should first be mixed.
  2. Then put the pan on medium gas, bring to a boil and stir until granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. After that, the fire can be turned off and, if desired, add cinnamon or cardamom to the syrup.
  4. When the flavoring has completely cooled, it must be carefully poured into a bottle or in a resealable container using a sieve.

Note to the hostesses: the empty pod can not be thrown away, but transferred to a tightly closed jar of sugar. After a few days, granulated sugar will have a special pleasant aroma.

Vanilla syrup for Dakiri cocktail

Just a small amount of vanilla filling can give the cocktail a more intense taste. To prepare the drink "Dakiri", which is somewhat reminiscent of tincture, it is necessary to spend a lot of time. However, it's worth it.

syrup cocktail

For cooking, you will need these components:

  • vanilla - 2 pcs.;
  • lime juice - 50 ml;
  • rum - 150 ml;
  • vanilla syrup - 5 drops;
  • ice - 4 cubes.

The process looks like this:

  1. Start preparing a cocktail with syrup should be with the preparation of the main components. In a bottle of rum purchased for these purposes, you need to add 2 vanilla pods and leave to insist for a week.
  2. Pour a certain amount of rum, lime juice, vanilla syrup and a few pieces of ice into the shaker.
  3. Mix all the ingredients. Then separate the ice from the cocktail and serve a refreshing drink.

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