Since ancient times, broccoli is famous for its useful properties that contribute to the proper development of the human body. In addition, it has an amazing taste, which can diversify any work of culinary art.
It is very strange, but many believe that broccoli and cauliflower are one and the same. However, in reality this is far from the case. And the matter is not only in the color difference of the inflorescences, but also in taste, and most importantly - in the different biochemical composition of these vegetables.
How to cook broccoli? What properties does it have? And can the use of such a vegetable have negative consequences? About it - further.
Original green inflorescences adorning modern feasts, as well as giving an amazing taste to individual dishes, were known even in ancient Rome. Then they were widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Healers considered them a magical potion that cured many diseases.
In modern Europe, such a product appeared quite a long time ago - in the 16th century. However, despite this, to this day broccoli has not become very popular. It is rarely cultivated in personal plots, which is a big omission on the part of owners of private houses, because this is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that help maintain normal body health.
Broccoli Composition
This vegetable is especially appreciated for its beneficial composition. Among the useful trace elements are potassium, phosphorus and calcium. In a smaller proportion, magnesium, copper, manganese, selenium, iron, zinc and sodium were found. Of course, such a combination of trace elements in one product is quite rare.
If we talk about vitamins, then in broccoli cabbage their truly great variety. In addition to the fact that almost all representatives of group B were found in its composition, A, C, PP, E and K are also present in it.
Such components as chlorophyll, beta-carotene and amino acids, which are also found in the structure of broccoli, have an invaluable effect on the human body. If we talk about the caloric content of such a product, then it is very low: only 34 kilocalories per 100 g. Thanks to this quality, cabbage of this variety is often recommended to be used by food nutritionists.
Beneficial effects on the body
Undoubtedly, a product containing such an amount of useful components has a positive effect on the human body. People who regularly use this vegetable do not suffer from diseases of the intestines or stomach, the vegetable favorably affects the work of the cardiovascular system, stimulates the production of bile, and also normalizes the condition of the hair and nail plate.
In addition to all this, the vegetable promotes the removal of drug residues from the body, and also accelerates the process of tissue repair. Thanks to such qualities, it is often prescribed for food to patients who have undergone surgical intervention.
Harmful effects
It would seem that such a vegetable simply can not harm the body. But how can it! Especially if you cook it wrong.
First of all, in the process of preparing cabbage, it should be remembered that during a long hot treatment, the whole bouquet of useful components noticeably disappears. Also, fans of such a product should be aware that the liquid that remains after cooking cannot be consumed - it contains adenine and guanine. That is why you should avoid eating soups that contain such cabbage.
Frying broccoli in a large amount of oil is also not recommended, in such cases it also releases harmful carcinogens.
Raw cabbage of broccoli is strictly forbidden to those people who suffer from pancreatic diseases, as this can only aggravate the situation.
Slimming vegetable
Knowing the content of the minimum number of calories in broccoli, many use this product for weight loss. Moreover, nutritionists note that by eating this vegetable as a main product for weight loss, you can avoid various problems associated with the deterioration of the stomach and digestive system as a whole. Once in the body, the vegetable enhances metabolism, thereby contributing to the burning of fats in all parts of the body. Only, pursuing such a goal, you need to remember that you need to use it with a minimum amount of sunflower oil, and not with mayonnaise or other high-calorie sauces.
How to cook cabbage so that it is as useful as possible? Most nutritionists recommend steaming or boiling in water, but for no more than seven minutes.
For pregnant
This sort of cabbage is perfect for eating for those women who are preparing to become mothers. Regular eating of such a vegetable by pregnant women stimulates the normal development of the child, and also prevents the formation of unwanted pathologies in his body. Those women who eat a sufficient amount of broccoli during pregnancy may not drink pharmacological preparations containing calcium, selenium and retinol, because all these components are found in cabbage, if cooked correctly.
This vegetable also favorably affects the female body at the stage of pregnancy planning. Women who constantly eat this product do not have problems with conception.
Cabbage of this variety also brings invaluable benefits to small children. By eating it, children do not suffer from constipation, which is common in infancy. Moreover, with its help all harmful substances are removed from the body. Some pediatricians recommend feeding baby puree made with broccoli, as it does not cause allergies. Babies who are overweight are also often recommended to eat such cabbage. It will speed up the metabolic process, which will positively affect health.
Among the useful qualities of broccoli for children, it is especially appreciated that the vegetable perfectly strengthens the immune system, which is simply necessary for the child from birth. The product also has pronounced antiparasitic properties.
How to choose a cabbage
The largest number of useful components will be contained only in a quality vegetable. How to choose it? The following photo of broccoli cabbage shows an image of a ripe and tasty vegetable, which contains the largest amount of vitamins and minerals.
When evaluating a product visually, you should pay attention to its size. The most delicious fruit will be the one whose dimensions in diameter reach 11-16 cm. In addition, you need to feel the inflorescence, ideally it should be dense, and the buds should be hidden under the petals.
An omelet with this healthy vegetable can be a great option for a diet breakfast. To prepare it, you need to take 200 g of broccoli cabbage (frozen must first be thawed), disassemble it into inflorescences and fry in a hot frying pan using butter. After a couple of minutes, you need to add an egg to the cabbage, beaten with 150 ml of cold milk, and cover the food with a lid for several minutes until the dish is ready.
At the very end of cooking, broccoli in an omelet should be sprinkled with grated hard cheese.
Casserole is another version of a diet dish that will certainly appeal to households. It is in the manner described here that you can cook broccoli in the oven. To do this, the desired amount of vegetable must be disassembled into inflorescences and boiled in slightly salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes. While the cabbage will be cooked, you should start preparing the remaining ingredients. To do this, in a separate bowl, you need to beat 4 eggs with a glass of sour cream, lightly salt the mass and pour 200 g of grated hard cheese into it.
After all the components of the dish are ready, grease the baking dish with a small amount of oil, sprinkle the bottom with breadcrumbs and, having laid the cabbage, pour it with the egg-sour cream mixture.
In this form, the future casserole should be sent to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. At this temperature, it will be ready after 20 minutes.
With chicken
An amazing recipe for broccoli with chicken will definitely become a favorite in every family, where they will at least once try to cook such a truly delicious piece of culinary art.
To cook chicken with broccoli, you should first of all pay attention to creating the sauce. To do this, melt 50 g of butter in a small saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of sifted flour to it and fry it, stirring, until it dissolves in oil. As soon as this happens, a small amount of cold milk should be poured into the pan and, without stopping the stirring process, wait until the consistency of sour cream is obtained.
When the sauce is ready, you can deal with vegetables. 500 g of broccoli should be taken into inflorescences, grate one carrot, cook these vegetables in a separate pan, which will take no more than five minutes. While vegetables are boiled, 500 g of chicken fillet should be cut into small cubes.
When all the ingredients are ready, you need to take the baking dish, grease it with oil, put cabbage with carrots and mixed meat on it, pour the sauce over it, sprinkle 50 g of grated cheese and send it to bake in the oven. The fact that the dish is already ready is evidenced by the golden crust formed on top.
With cauliflower
Baked broccoli and cauliflower can be an excellent diet dish for those who want to quickly lose a few extra pounds. To prepare a delicious vegetable snack, you need to take a head of each cabbage, wash them and take them apart for inflorescences. In a pan with salted water, these ingredients must be boiled for five minutes, then drain the water and let the cabbage stand for a while so that it dries.
After that, you need to take the baking dish and put the vegetables in it. All the contents must be sprinkled on top with herbs that can be used dry, pour a glass of cream and sprinkled with 350 g of grated hard cheese. After all these manipulations, vegetables with cheese and cream should be put in a preheated oven and, having waited until the golden crust is formed on top, get it out.