What is the difference between ARI and ARVI? Acute respiratory illness. Acute Respiratory Viral Infections

What are ARVI and ARI, most often confuse. Many people are mistaken in believing that this is one and the same thing. What is the difference between ARI and ARVI? Understanding the difference between the two, a number of mistakes can be avoided when selecting medicines for treatment.

What is ARVI and ARI

To understand how ARI differs from ARVI, it is enough to understand their definitions.

acute respiratory disease

ARI (acute respiratory disease) - a disease of the upper respiratory tract with any infection (bacterial, atypical, fungal, viral, etc.). In fact, ARI is not a disease. This is the common name for several diseases with similar symptoms, because "acute" means the onset of the disease.

Acute respiratory disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Within 7-10 days, the patient can infect others with the virus, so ARI quickly causes an epidemic.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract of bacterial etiology are most often caused by staphylococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus, tonsillitis. In the case when ARI is caused by mycoplasma etiology, that is, mycoplasmosis occurs, a complication such as pneumonia occurs.

ARVI is a specified, private diagnosis of ARI, that is, an acute respiratory viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. This disease is always confirmed by tests. The most common type of ARVI is the flu. In addition, parainfluenza, adenovirus and rhinovirus infections, coronavirus infections, etc. are found. All of these diseases have a viral etiology.

how to treat orz and orvi

Influenza in all violates the general state of health. Patients complain of weakness, muscle aches, weakness, headache, sweating. The temperature, as a rule, does not rise above 39 degrees and drops after 2-3 days. Symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, sore throat and sneezing are mild, on the first day they may not be.

Parainfluenza primarily affects the larynx, pharynx and bronchi. In the throat, perspiration, painful swallowing, hoarse voice, cough. The temperature ranges from 37-38 C.

orvi and orz differences

Adenovirus infection affects the lymph nodes (or adeno-node), so they increase. The main difference from other infections is the appearance on the 2-3 day of lacrimation and redness of the eyes. All other symptoms are moderate: temperature is in the range of 37-38 degrees, malaise, chills, and headache in the muscles. After 2-3 days, the nose becomes stuffy.

Rhinovirus infection is primarily characterized by the appearance of dryness and discomfort in the nose, gradually it develops into a runny nose with a strong watery compartment. This is precisely the main symptom of rhinovirus infection. But also the patient may be disturbed by a cough, a sore throat, the temperature rises slightly.

Now, knowing what ARVI and ARI are, their differences from each other become obvious - pathogens that cause the disease. To more accurately determine the causes, conduct special tests to study the microflora of the throat. Since the disease is just beginning, it is necessary to immediately make an accurate diagnosis and begin the correct treatment.

ARI affects the respiratory tract when a bacterial infection appears along with a developing viral infection. In most cases, the disease occurs with hypothermia. While acute respiratory viral infections appear due to the presence of harmful viruses in the body.

Symptoms of ARVI

When diagnosing, the doctor first draws attention to the symptoms. SARS is accompanied by transparent mucus in the nasopharynx, the patient often sneezes. The growing pain in the throat, aggravated by swallowing, after a while the voice becomes hoarse. The cough has a dry character, nagging, painful, after a while it becomes wet. In addition, the patient complains of general weakness, aching in the muscles and joints due to sharp temperature jumps, due to the virus getting into the blood (intoxication appears). There is chills, headache and loss of appetite. Often the virus also affects the mucous membrane of the eyes and the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to all of the above, there may be insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness.

Symptoms of ARI

Symptoms of acute respiratory infections are pronounced: the temperature rises; dry cough turns into wet; red throat covers white plaque; the mucous membrane is inflamed and a clear fluid, mucus or pus is released.

Which is more dangerous

what is orvi and orz

Most people are most wary of ARVI, and it is justified. It is this disease that is harder to carry and carries unpleasant consequences in the form of complications. The virus in the body is always in a state of mutation, mutates. Therefore, doctors have to change the treatment program every time, select other drugs. This is complicated by the fact that the human body tries to develop immunity from viruses that already existed. But the new virus needs to be fought longer.

How to treat ARI and SARS

Having found out how ARI differs from ARVI, we can proceed to the selection of drugs.

In most cases, with ARI, antipyretic and antihistamines are prescribed. But it can not be treated, since this is not a disease, but a generalized name for several diseases. But at the same time, you need to constantly carry out preventive measures in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

ARI Prevention

Prevention of acute respiratory infections is to strengthen the immune system. This requires:

  • take more vitamins (especially A, C, B);
  • gargle with infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • rinse your nose, for example with saline;
  • make sure that the air around is moist and cool;
  • periodically carry out inhalation;
  • drink about 1.5 liters of pure water per day;
  • if possible, avoid contact with sick people;
  • keep your hands clean.

upper respiratory tract diseases

ARVI prevention is no different from ARI prevention. It is important to remember that with the high prevalence of the disease among others (epidemic, season - autumn or winter), you need to protect yourself from participating in public events, and if you need to use public transport, it is better to use a gauze bandage. This will once again protect against a possible virus, which means it will protect against a serious disease with possible complications.

ARVI treatment

SARS is treated with antiviral agents. In some cases, you can, of course, do without them, but this happens extremely rarely. Since high temperature (above 38.5 degrees) must be brought down. In addition, the patient really wants to quickly get rid of unpleasant sore throat, runny nose and annoying cough.

how to treat orz and orvi
You can help the immune system with plenty of water, light foods and cool, moist air (75-90% at 17-19 0 C). If you do not follow these simple rules, then even the most expensive drugs will not help.

In addition, from the very first days of the disease, it is necessary to maintain the body with immunostimulating agents - echinacea, eleutherococcus, etc. Antiviral agents should be taken at the beginning of the disease. This is more effective, because at this moment the virus is actively multiplying.

In this case, do not overload the body with all kinds of potent drugs. Basically, the virus "burns" in a week.

Ambulance is required if ...

  1. The temperature rose above 40 degrees.
    what is the difference between orz and orvi
  2. For more than 3 days, the fever does not stop.
  3. After 7-10 days, improvement does not occur.
  4. A slight relief gave way to a severe fever and cough.
  5. Shortness of breath and severe pain during breathing appeared.
  6. Disorientation, impairment or loss of consciousness is observed.
  7. Convulsions appeared, which developed due to temperature.
  8. There was a rash on the legs or buttocks (crimson bruises - meningococcus).
  9. Constant vomiting and diarrhea are observed.
  10. Severe pain in the face, intense headache.
  11. The patient is over 60 years old, there are chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, autoimmune or immunodeficiency states.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract are not catastrophic, so do not panic and be afraid. The point is not what distinguishes acute respiratory infections from acute respiratory viral infections, but that a doctor should be consulted for the first symptoms, not starting a disease and not self-medicating.

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