How to cook steer-fry pork with vegetables

Pork has very tasty meat and there are no recipes for its preparation. And the thing is that pork is combined with everything! Have you tried the steer-fry pork? The meat is very tender and delicious! This article will introduce a steer-fry pork recipe!

What is a steer fry?

Stir fry is not the name of the dish, but the method of preparation. Origin he is from the countries of the East. If translated from English, you get "fry and stir". That is, we will cook pork according to the steer-fry method.

Traditionally, wok is used to prepare this dish, however, you can also use an ordinary deep frying pan. Dishes prepared by this method are very tasty, crispy, with a pleasant aroma. The meat is mainly poultry or any other lean meat. In our case, pork. As already mentioned, lean meat is needed, so it is better to use pork tenderloin.

What is steer fry


To cook steer-fry pork, we need:

  • kilogram of pork;
  • 2-3 pcs. carrots;
  • onion;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • bell pepper;
  • green beans;
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • rice vinegar;
  • starch;
  • vegetable oil;
  • soy sauce;
  • salt.

As you can see, there are many ingredients, but mostly vegetables. In general, you can use any vegetables that you like. Let's start cutting the ingredients for the preparation of stir-fry pork with vegetables.

Chop vegetables

Since sti fry is a quick way to cook, all vegetables and meat need to be cut immediately, as there will be no time during cooking.

First we cut the vegetables and we start with carrots. We cut in large strips, roughly like on pilaf. Next, chop the bell pepper. It is better to choose red and yellow, this will give a beautiful color to our dish. Pepper is also cut into large strips. Now it’s the turn of the onion, it should be cut into half rings. Also cut the remaining vegetables.

By the way, traditionally, in a dish prepared using the steer-fry method, there should be 2 times more vegetables than meat! Keep this in mind when cooking.

The line went up to the pork. You need to cut across the fibers in small pieces so that you can eat in one bite.

All the vegetables are chopped, start frying!

Vegetables for steer fry


This is the most basic and tedious stage. The fact is that all vegetables need to be fried separately, changing the oil. But believe me, it's worth it! As already mentioned above, wok is used for cooking according to the steer-fry method, but you can also use an ordinary frying pan. Absolute any refined oil, even the cheapest, will do. Since we work with strong fire, everything will evaporate there.

Pour the oil into the pan and heat it up a lot. Turn on the fire as much as possible. The first step is to fry the pork. We put all the meat in a pan and fry constantly stirring. Due to the fact that the pork was cut into small pieces, it will be fried quickly. You need to fry until all meat juice has evaporated from the meat. Then we transfer the finished pork to a separate dish.

After the meat, you need to take turns to fry all the vegetables. Let's start with carrots. Most likely, the oil in the pan has already ended, if necessary, top up. Then put the carrots and start frying. Stir constantly so that nothing burns. Fry no more than 5 minutes. We need not raw, but not completely prepared vegetables. Just so they pleasantly crunched and took on a beautiful appearance. So fry all the remaining vegetables.

If desired, you can add mushrooms. Mushrooms can be used absolutely any. Mushrooms are also suitable, but if there is fresh forest mushrooms, it will be even better!

Last fried onions. It needs to take a slightly golden color. As soon as this happens, add the very finely chopped garlic. After that we still fry a minute. Do not forget to constantly stir! Our steer-fry pork is almost ready!

Roasting all vegetables

Last step

After frying all the vegetables, add them back to the pan, all at once. Pour sugar: it is needed for additional caramelization. Well, sugar also serves as a flavor enhancer. After that, add pork to the pan. After a couple of minutes, pour a little rice vinegar.

You also need to make a special sauce for stir-fry pork. To do this, mix starch and soy sauce. There is not much difference, which starch to use: potato or corn. After that, we pour the whole thing to our pork and vegetables. This sauce will give a pleasant sweet and sour taste. We wait, stirring constantly, until the vegetables acquire a shiny glossy color and a viscous consistency. Finely chop the cilantro and add to the pan, after which we mix everything thoroughly.

Stir fry pork with vegetables

That's all! Our steer-fry pork is ready! Before serving, sprinkle with sesame seeds. This dish is served both as a main course and as a side dish. You can use anything as a complement, but rice is best.

We reviewed the steer-fry pork recipe with photos and step-by-step cooking. This dish will definitely surprise all your loved ones, because the pork cooked in this way really turns out to be incredibly tasty!

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