Meatballs with rice for every taste

Meatballs with rice is a very convenient dish.

meatballs with rice
It is prepared simply, great for meals at any time of the day. The sauce or side dish changes its taste so much that it seems that the dish begins to play with completely new colors. Naturally, each hostess of meatballs with rice cooks in their own way. Here are some of the simplest but most delicious dishes. They are designed for the most inexperienced and mature housewives.

How to Cook Meatballs with Rice for

meatballs with rice recipe
half an hour

This is not the most perfect dish in taste, but it is prepared very quickly. Take half a kilogram of prepared minced meat: beef, chicken, turkey or a mixture of these types. Add to it 250 grams of cooked rice until almost ready. Salt, pepper, add your favorite spices. Mix well, roll the balls and fry them to a crust in a pan. Then add the sauce, you can ready: tomato, creamy or plain broth. Stew for about fifteen minutes.

how to cook meatballs with rice
You can serve such meatballs with rice with sour cream, ketchup. Any ready-made sauce is also suitable.

Meatballs with rice. Classic recipe

It will take a little longer to cook such meatballs, but with their amazing taste they will amaze any gourmet. We will make mince from two types of meat ourselves. I like the combination of pork-beef, pork-lamb, lamb-chicken or turkey. If we are cooking for a child, it is better to mix chicken and turkey meat with rabbit meat. It can be passed through a meat grinder, but I prefer it when it is finely and finely cut into tiny pieces with a very sharp knife. While we are doing stuffing, rice is boiling on the stove. Its dry weight should be half the mass of meat. It is better to take groats not steamed, with long grains. It should be cooked almost until cooked. Other varieties can either remain dry, or, conversely, turn into porridge, and meatballs with rice will lose their appearance. We mix almost ready rice, minced meat, add onions (the more, the more juicy meatballs will be), garlic, spices. I always add a pinch of dry thyme: it gives piquancy. Roll up balls, send them to boiling oil. As soon as a crust forms on the meatballs, transfer them to another dish, fill with broth, sour cream or gravy.

meatballs with rice
I enjoy stewing meatballs in tomato sauce in half with sour cream, seasoned with red pepper and chopped bell pepper. Quench a quarter of an hour, let stand about the same. You can serve meatballs with any side dish. For men, mashed potatoes or rice, for women - baked or boiled vegetables. However, you can serve meatballs with rice without a side dish with several types of sauce. A traditional sauce made of sour cream, garlic and herbs, bought at Ankl Benz deli or creamy cheese dressing, is suitable. The main requirement for any sauce is moderate severity. If the gravy is very spicy, it will temporarily “kill” the taste buds, and the eater will not be able to feel most of the taste. Very spicy sauce can be served with meatballs prepared from a store that does not differ in the special taste of minced meat.

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