How to cook classic pork beef stroganoff: recipe with photo

Classic pork beef stroganoff is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which turns out incredibly tasty and delicate with the addition of sour cream sauce. It is the latter that gives the meat that very softness and tenderness.

classic pork beef stroganoff

Cooking secrets

Initially, beef stroganoff is a French dish, which was prepared from beef pulp, sliced ​​in small sticks and stewed in sour cream sauce. He was invented by a French cook who was cooking for Count Stroganov. Literally, the name of the dish is translated as “bef” - beef, and “beef stroganoff” - beef in French. The dish has fallen on the count's table so much that to this day the meat often appears on the table in a Stroganov style.

However, over time, the authentic recipe has undergone a number of changes, and now you can cook classic beef stroganoff from pork, lamb, chicken and any other meat. The main secret of the dish is the sauce with which it is served. It is based on sour cream - a product that gives meat extraordinary softness and juiciness.

All necessary products are available. The main thing is to choose a suitable piece of meat. Pork should be moderately oily. However, this point deserves special attention.

beef stroganoff pork recipe

How to choose and prepare meat?

To make classic beef stroganoff from pork, it is best to buy chilled meat. Well, if it is a loin or pork tenderloin. The meat should be washed and dried with a paper towel, then cut into medallions (like chops) and lightly beat off. Only after this, pork needs to be cut into cubes across muscle fibers 2 cm thick.

Some cooks believe that it is better to cut meat into thicker pieces, then it turns out juicier. Others are inclined to believe that the classic pork beef stroganoff is a dish in which meat noodles should be well cooked, so the loin should be cut as thin as possible. By the way, this rule was followed in the kitchens of Soviet restaurants.

Chopped pieces of meat should be pepper and salt, and also sprinkle with flour sifted through a sieve. Then mix well. If time permits and there is a desire, you can complicate the process of planning meat a little. Place the pieces of pork in a clean plastic bag, cover with two tablespoons of flour, add a pinch of salt and mix with rubbing movements. After that, experienced chefs put the meat in a colander and shake it slightly to remove excess flour.

pork beef stroganoff with sour cream

All the subtleties of frying

Experienced chefs believe that the classic pork beef stroganoff is a dish that is prepared quite simply if you know some of the secrets of its preparation. So, there are several ways to fry meat.

In any case, the pan with vegetable or melted butter should be well heated. Only after that the pieces of pork are laid out on a hot surface and fried on both sides until a brown crust is formed. Some housewives and culinary masters fry meat with onions. Someone, on the contrary, fries onions separately from pork. In any case, pork should not let the juice go. This is one of the main secrets, knowing which, you can cook classic beef stroganoff from pork. The recipe requires proper frying of meat. Only high temperature allows you to “seal” all the meat juices inside - the surface of the pork should look like it was covered with brown varnish. In that case, if the meat is stewed in its own juice, the pork will turn out dry and stiff. Once the stroganin is ready, you can add the tomatoes, from which you need to peel, dousing them with boiling water. Immediately after this, the pork slices are transferred to the stewpan, where they will be mixed with the sauce.

how to cook beef stroganoff pork tips

Sauce dictates the rules

Over time, any housewife will be able to easily and quickly, like a professional cook, cook beef stroganoff from pork. The photo eloquently shows how appetizing this dish looks.

The climax is the preparation of the sauce. The taste and aroma of the dish itself depends on it. A poorly prepared sauce will spoil the meat, and a good dressing can save if the meat turned out to be a little dry or hard.

Most often, for the preparation of gravy, sour cream is mixed with tomato paste - this is the easiest option. There is a more complicated way - gradually introduce milk and broth into the flour fried in butter, then mustard and sour cream are added. With this sauce you need to pour meat and bring it to readiness.

Sauces with mayonnaise and cream, mustard and sour cream, thyme and garlic, with beef jelly and mushrooms, with onions and fortified wine - dressings can be very varied, but they are all perfect for pork beef stroganoff. The recipe from the photo suggests that boiled potatoes, rice and pasta can be used as a side dish.

With all the subtleties sorted out, it remains to get acquainted with several recipes for cooking meat in a Stroganov style.

pork beef stroganoff recipe with photo

The easiest way

Many housewives are thinking about how to cook beef stroganoff from pork. The tips have all been studied, only the practical part remains. So, the simplest recipe is as follows:

  1. The pork loin (about 500 grams) needs to be washed, dried with a paper towel, cleaned of tendons and cut into thin strips, then beat them lightly.
  2. Chop onions (two small-sized heads) and chop in a frying pan until soft.
  3. Once the onions are ready, you can add the meat seasoned with salt and pepper. Fry for another 6 - 7 minutes, then add 1 tablespoon of flour and fry for another 2 - 3 minutes.
  4. Add a glass of low-fat sour cream, mix thoroughly and cook for a few more minutes.
  5. It remains only to add spices to taste and prepare a side dish.

Pork beef stroganoff with sour cream is ready!

how to cook beef stroganoff with pork and sour cream

Cooking in a slow cooker

The modern kitchen is equipped with productive appliances, which greatly facilitates the life of a young housewife. A crock-pot belongs to the category of household appliances, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person. It remains only to get acquainted with the recipe for cooking beef stroganoff from pork with sour cream. Recipe with photo - next.

So, for starters, we will prepare all the necessary ingredients:

  • pork loin (800 grams);
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 2 onions and as many tomatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • water (500 grams);
  • bay leaf, black pepper, salt, herbs and other spices to taste.

In a slow cooker you can quickly cook a lot of different dishes, one of which is the classic pork beef stroganoff.

classic pork beef stroganoff

Cooking method

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the meat. It should be washed thoroughly, remove the film and cut into small cubes about 6 cm long. After that, you can do the vegetables.

Cut the onion into small cubes and peel the tomatoes, dousing them with boiling water, then chop them in half rings. Set the “Baking” mode in the multicooker and fry the meat with onions, stirring constantly, then add the flour and fry for several minutes. Add tomatoes to the multicooker and hold the meat for 6–7 minutes. Pour in sour cream, add spices and spices and set the “Stewing” mode. The dish will be cooked for another hour.

pork beef stroganoff with sour cream recipe photo

How to cook beef stroganoff with pork and sour cream?

The total cooking time is 40 minutes.

The recipe is for 6 servings.

Essential Ingredients:

  • pork tenderloin - 500 grams;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 4 tablespoons sour cream 20% fat;
  • vegetable and butter (one tablespoon each);
  • premium wheat flour (two tablespoons);
  • nutmeg, black pepper, salt;
  • water or meat broth.

He will not focus on the side dish - let everyone decide on their own what they will serve meat in a Stroganov style.

Step by step cooking

Rinse the pork tenderloin under running water, dry it with a paper towel and remove any white films. Then cut into small sticks 1 cm thick and lightly beat each of them with a hammer. It’s not worth too much getting involved here - pork tenderloin is very tender, so the meat practically does not need physical strength.

Heat the pan and mix the butter and vegetable oil in it. Roll the meat in flour and fry over high heat until golden brown. No salt is needed at this stage. Peel and cut onions into quarter-rings, add to meat and reduce heat. Cook until onion is soft.

Now you can add freshly ground black pepper and salt, as well as sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly. Pour meat broth or hot water into the pan (the amount of this ingredient depends on the density of the sauce), set the minimum temperature and cover the dish with a lid. In this state, the beef stroganoff is stewed for another 20 minutes, after which it can be served with the side dish.

By the way, very often Stroganoff pork is served with pasta or rice. But this does not mean at all that everyone’s favorite and familiar boiled potato will be superfluous, quite the opposite. In early spring or summer, such a lunch - pork Stroganoff with young potatoes and fresh vegetables will become an exquisite delicacy that will certainly disappear from the plates in no time.

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