Let's see what can be made from viburnum

Viburnum is a fruit shrub that grows in height by about 3 meters. Mostly it is located in lowlands, where it is always wet and damp. This plant is covered in color in May-June, but it brings its famous acidic fruits from August to September. It is red berries that have healing and preventive properties, the main thing is to know how to apply them. Therefore, now we will consider what can be done from viburnum, which recipes will save you from diseases, and which will help just keep the body in good shape.

what can be made from viburnum

To start, the fruits of the bush must be collected. You need to catch up before the first frost, because otherwise the juice in them will lose most of the vitamins. You can store these berries in rag bags for up to 1 year. Some recipes also require viburnum flowers, its bark and leaves. The bark can be cut in the warm season, with a shelf life of up to 4 years. Pack the flowers, respectively, in bags in May, until they showered.

The drinks

The simplest thing that can be made from viburnum is juice or a decoction. In the first case, you need to skip the berries through a juicer, which will weed out the bones and tails. Of course, this drink, besides being cold, will seem incredibly sour to you. This can be smoothed out with sugar or fructose. The broth will be similar to fruit tea, only it will also need to be sweetened. It will be an original winter drink, which can be offered to guests as a prevention of tonsillitis and flu.

what to make from viburnum berries

Both juice and broth perfectly affect the human vascular system. After the use of such "drugs", the vessels expand, the blood begins to function faster, and the metabolism accelerates. That is why drinks from viburnum are often drunk when it is necessary to prevent vegetative-vascular dystonia, arthritis, and also after a stroke.


What else can be made from viburnum? Make a delicious dessert. To do this, just lay the berries on a plate and pour them with honey or sprinkle with sugar. The seeds of these fruits can be swallowed, but can be left - a matter of taste. Such a combination of sweet to the cloying honey and sour to tears viburnum will be one of your favorites.


Often the question of what can be made from viburnum is asked by manufacturers of homemade alcoholic beverages. This product, when properly processed, wanders no worse than grapes, and due to the acidic hue, as a result, it has a unique refreshing aftertaste. It can be drunk instead of vodka, various fortified wines and vermouths. Also, such a tincture is often used as a cold medicine.

what to do with viburnum


If you have not decided what to make from viburnum berries, then throw them in a salad. They will be perfectly combined with cucumbers and peppers - so you will give a standard autumn dish a light autumn shade. Often, viburnum berries are thrown into sauerkraut in order to make the snack more interesting and tasty.


When you know what to do with viburnum, in order to enhance its healing properties and preserve a unique taste, many recipes open before you. Among them is jam, sour, but incredibly tasty and aromatic. The more sugar you add, the more delicious the treat will be. You can eat it with tea, spread on cookies and bread and add to desserts.

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