Such a phenomenon as whistling in the ear is not a disease, but a symptom indicating that the body has a pathology. The whistle can be true or false. A false whistle occurs in a person who is very nervous or in a state of stress, but it only seems to him that he is whistling in his ears. This phenomenon also occurs in people suffering from mental illness. But the true whistle resembles a buzzing or hissing, which quite often turns into a squeak or hum. True whistles are pulsating clicks in the ear, which are combined with a pulse of blood.
Cause a whistle there may be a loud sound that has been affecting hearing for a long time. Over time, a whistle in the ears, the causes of which are eliminated, passes on its own, but if the source of the loud sound is not removed, it will whistle constantly. This is an indication that the auditory analyzer is affected.
Another cause of true whistling is damage to the eardrum due to otitis or trauma, as well as damage to the middle or inner ear. In this situation, whistling in the ears is complicated by popping or clicking. Sulfur cork or a foreign object that clogged the passage can also cause whistling.
In old age, in people with vascular diseases, the auditory nerve is destroyed. In this case, whistling in the ears is accompanied by a decrease in hearing, otosclerosis may develop. In hypertensive patients, with an increase in pressure against the background of hissing, an uneven, two-sided whistle coincides with the pulse. The high-frequency and constant whistling sound that exhausts a person may be evidence of a tumor that has formed in the middle ear or in the auditory analyzer of the brain. Whistling in the ears is accompanied by pains that resemble migraines, a person has weakness and fatigue, as well as nausea, accompanied by vomiting.
Whistles can cause diseases such as flu, SARS, sinusitis, pneumonia, meningitis. This phenomenon disappears with the cure of the disease, however, before treating the causes of whistling, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. But there are general recommendations that must be followed:
- Ears need maximum comfort, that is, no loud sounds, music and noise.
- In case of hypertension, it is necessary to observe blood pressure and treat this disease.
- Follow a diet recommended for hypertension, the basis of which is to reduce the amount of salt consumed.
- Three times during the day to give the ears the opportunity to fully relax for at least fifteen minutes.
- To do exercises consisting in alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles of the ears.
Whistling in the ears is also treated with folk remedies:
1. A tablespoon of lemon balm is poured with one glass of boiling water, insisted for thirty minutes, filtered and taken half a cup three times a day. You need to drink lemon balm for three weeks.
2. A hole is made in the peeled onion, a teaspoon of caraway seed is poured into it, covered with cotton wool and baked in the oven. The juice that will turn out must be instilled in five to seven drops at least twice a day.
3. Rub the clove of garlic, add three drops of camphor oil to it, wrap it in gauze in the form of a small swab and put it in the ear for fifteen minutes before going to bed.
4. The boiled beets are rubbed and squeezed, and the juice is dripped into the ears two or three times a day, three drops each. This procedure can be combined with drinking fresh beet or cranberry juice, which must be taken in three or four tablespoons.
5. Finely chopped raw potatoes with honey are wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in the ears for one hour before going to bed.
It should be remembered that no medicine should be prescribed on its own. Without the advice and advice of an experienced doctor, you can permanently harm your health.