Genital herpes comes in a wide category of diseases of various etiopathogenesis, the causative agents of which pass sexually - STDs. The disease gives rise to the herpes simplex virus of the 2nd type (HSV-II), less often the herpes simplex virus of the first type (HSV-I). The disease is characterized by vesicular rashes on the skin and mucous layers in the area of ββthe sexual organs, lower back, thighs and buttocks. Probably asymptomatic and atypical course of the disease, as well as systemic organ damage.
Those infected are interested in how to cure genital herpes, the incubation period of which depends on the type of disease.
Two types of viruses contribute to the disease:
- Herpes type 1 appears during colds. Named HSV-1. With its appearance, inflammatory processes occur in the form of a rash and sores around the mouth. Infection with herpes type 1 occurs most often with oral sex.
- HSV-2. This virus directly becomes a source of genital herpes. The microorganism during sexual contact is transmitted to the partner, interacting with his skin. The danger is that it is very contagious, and you can get infected when the patient does not notice ulcers.
The causes of recurrent genital herpes, first of all, are:
- Frequent change of partners. Random sex leads to the fact that there is an additional risk of transmission of the virus.
- Oral way of sexual relations. In this way, the herpes virus on the lips gets on the genitals of the partner.
- Anal way.
- The absence of a condom during intercourse, especially if the partner is unstable.
- Non-observance of hygiene rules.
Although the herpes virus quickly dies when it falls on household items, since it requires a human body to function, you can catch a virus carrier with a towel and underwear. From man to woman, the virus is transmitted much faster, but women are more likely to get the disease.
Transmission ways
Genital herpes, the incubation period of which is from a day to several weeks, is one of the most common diseases transmitted through sexual contact. Most often, the disease occurs in people aged 18 to 28 years.
Most infected people get this disease while having sex. Experts have found that the probability of infection with such a virus is higher when its carrier is a man. Cases of transmission of herpes from woman to man are quite rare. Therefore, it is in women in the genital area that this infection occurs most often. Self-infection can occur when a person touches herpetic ulcers on his face, and then his genitals.
Also, the likelihood of transmitting genital herpes through close bodily contact, for example, in athletes. An infected woman can pass this infection to her baby during childbirth.
Household way and blood
You can get genital herpes in the everyday way - if you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene. Rare, but possible ways of transmitting herpes are through a kiss, during contact with the blood of an infected person, during a blood transfusion or organ transplant. The exact time of the incubation period cannot be determined. Therefore, the medium may be infectious at any time.
Forms and manifestations
At this stage, medicine distinguishes between two types of genital herpes:
- Primary, it is characteristic in the first stage of the disease.
- Recurrent, the second stage, goes into several degrees of the course of the disease. If the labia is swollen, then this is the first sign of this form.
The symptoms that appear are accompanied by redness in intimate places, there is swelling, pain, burning. Often, the presence of herpes is signaled by a fever, weakness is felt, and the head begins to hurt. After a few days, a rash forms, it looks like small pimples, inside which a clear liquid. After injuring a pimple, erosive-ulcerative particles are formed. When they appear on the genitals, it becomes painful during the correction of natural needs. The rash heals for a couple of weeks. In women, the disease manifests itself on the external genitalia, on the vulva and anus, as well as on the inside of the thighs. With the disease in men, one can notice a rash on the head of the penis and on its lateral part, it can also appear in the urethra, which contributes to the development of other diseases.
The incubation period of genital herpes on the genitals in women is 2-12 days.
In the presence of the next stage, you can see to a greater extent patients who have transferred the first stage. Depending on the severity of the disease, there are three main forms of relapse of genital herpes:
- Light (exacerbated no more than three times a year).
- Moderate (deterioration is 4-6 times a year).
- Severe (manifestations occur monthly).
Also, the course of herpes can be: arrhythmic, monotonous, subsiding. With arrhythmic remission lasts, varying from a couple of weeks to five months. It is worth considering that the longer the period of remissions, the more often and longer the duration of relapses, and vice versa. A monotonous flow appears after little changing periods of remissions. This includes menstrual herpes, it is characterized by a persistent course and a long cure. Less harmless is the subsiding cold sore. It is characterized by a decline in relapses and an extension of the period of remissions.
Atypical forms are also distinguished. They look like chronic inflammation of the genital organs, both internal and external (swollen labia, etc.). An accurate diagnosis can be made after passing all the necessary tests. Only a specialist can engage in treatment, the sooner you turn to him, the easier it will be to cope with the problem, preventing her from going to a severe degree.
Diagnosis of herpes is determined through the clinical picture and the nature of the course of the disease. The doctor examines the genitals, the skin is checked for a rash. An examination of the lymph nodes in the groin and armpit is performed. But in the event that the rashes are not visible, a smear is taken on the mucous membrane of the vagina or penis. If absolutely necessary, swabs are taken from the rectum or urethra.
Laboratory research methods:
- Cytomorphological method - allows you to detect structural changes specific to genital herpes.
- Direct virological method (cultural method). Now he is one of the old ways to determine the disease.
- Urogenital smear is a special virological study.
- Immunofluorescence - this method can detect virus antigens.
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent - using this study, you can detect antibodies to HSV. This method helps to understand whether the patient is infected or not, even if the disease is asymptomatic.
- PCR Using this examination method, it is possible to determine whether or not there is a herpes virus in the body. The method can help detect the presence of the virus in the DNA by repeatedly copying and accumulating it. Even in the case that it could almost not be in the material, even the smallest amount.
- Herpes tests are done within a couple of days. Usually, two to four studies are performed in several places.
How to cure genital herpes
5 therapeutic methods are used to cure genital herpes:
- Etiotropic treatment. Antiviral agents that suppress virus replication.
- Pathogenetic treatment. Immunomodulators, including drugs that increase and lower the immune status and its individual links in the form of innate elements (natural, untreated biological products), individual fractions and artificial stimulators of immunogenesis.
- Symptomatic treatment. Substances that eliminate pain, irritation and fever.
- Specific prevention is immunization.
- Physiotherapy (in some cases).
In the medical stock of pharmaceuticals that can directly affect the virus, there is a small set of substances. Direct antiviral therapy is based on drugs from the category of artificial analogues of acyclic purine nucleosides. The base substance of this category of medicines is considered acyclovir.
According to the instructions for the use of Valacyclovir tablets, the pharmacological effect of the drug on viruses is:
- The similarity of the structure of acyclovir (purine nucleoside) with deoxyguanosine is the main representative of the synthesis of the genetic material of DNA of the herpes simplex virus and certain other viruses of this genus.
- Competition The confrontation "acyclovir vs deoxyguanosine" delays and inhibits the replication (separation and increase in the number of virions) of HSV in the body.
- Inhibition of the increase and separation of viruses is the main action of acyclovir.
Instructions for the use of tablets "Valacyclovir" means that the high selectivity to one main molecule in the herpes virus DNA made this drug low toxic in general with respect to the human body. Since the 70s of the last century, strains of viruses resistant to acyclovir began to appear. This led pharmacological science and industry to the research and introduction into practice of new substances - transformed analogues of acyclovir.
The first is acyclovir. It is considered a metabolic precursor of an acyclic purine nucleoside. Acyclovir introduced into the body, when moving along the gastrointestinal tract, is metabolized to acyclovir, which in an unmodified form in a therapeutic dose affects the DNA of the herpes simplex virus. Slightly different mechanisms for increasing the activity of a functioning element are used in the drug "Pharmciclovir" and in other similar herpes medications in order to increase their bioavailability.
What to do with genital herpes, the incubation period of which is several days, can only be told by a doctor. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm.
Genital herpes is a form of viral infectious disease. It is necessary to know that herpes is an incurable disease and its development can be reduced if a competent preventive algorithm is observed.
If the probability of infection with a herpes simplex virus infection, preventive measures are taken to protect the body and look as follows:
- During sex, it is mandatory to use a condom. Although it does not guarantee complete protection against possible infection.
- You should not be afraid to ask your partner about this with visible focal inflammations.
- The risk of infection also exists during the inactive phase of the course of the disease. Experts recommend that people without fail strengthen their immune systems.
- In the recurrent course of the disease, the following preventive methods should be followed: the use of antiviral drugs, which include the active substance - acyclovir.
- The use of immunomodulatory drugs.
- Preventive therapy with herbal preparations.
- Preventative folk methods.