Mouse fever: symptoms and treatment

Mouse fever is an acute viral pathology. It is spread by rodents. The scientific name for the disease is hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). Infection is characterized by severe manifestations from the organs of excretion and blood vessels. The initial signs of the disease may resemble flu symptoms. Often the patient does not attach any importance to them, and the call to the doctor is postponed. Meanwhile, the pathology is progressing, and the virus is affecting the kidneys. Untimely treatment can lead to serious complications and even death.

Pathogen and pathways

The causative agent of mouse fever is hantavirus. It is quite resistant to cold, but quickly dies at temperatures above +50 degrees. In Russia, there are 2 types of this infection:

  1. Eastern virus. It is found in the regions of the Far East and is spread by mice - Manchu voles. It causes the most severe and dangerous forms of the disease, in which mortality reaches 20%.
  2. Western virus. It is observed in the European part of Russia. It is carried by local species of mice - red and red voles. The fever caused by this type of infection is easier. It leads to death in only 5% of cases, usually with untimely or inadequate treatment.
The virus is the causative agent of mouse fever

Hantavirus passes from mice to humans in the following ways:

  1. Through dust and air. The virus enters the body when inhaled dry rodent excrement in the form of dust.
  2. Through food. If the food is contaminated with fecal particles of mice, the infection enters the body through the stomach.
  3. Through skin contact. You can become infected by touching objects contaminated by rodent secretions. Sometimes infection occurs through the bite of an animal.

It is important to remember that this disease is never transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. A patient with mouse fever poses no danger to others. You can get infected only from animals.

After a disease a person has established a stable immunity. It is impossible to get infected with this disease again.

Mouse fever in men is much more common. Women suffer from this disease quite rarely. This is due to the fact that infection often occurs during agricultural work, in which men are predominantly employed. The incidence will usually increase in autumn and winter.

However, this does not mean that you can get this disease only while living in the village. If mice live in a city apartment, then there is a rather high risk of infection.

Fever Carrier Mouse

Infection often occurs during the collection of mushrooms and berries in the forests where voles live, or during work on garden plots. Infection of children is noted in the summer, during the holiday season in pioneer camps and cottages.

Stages of the disease

To understand the symptoms and treatment of mouse fever, you need to understand how the virus spreads throughout the body. An infectious agent enters the body through the respiratory tract, stomach, or skin lesions. If the person’s immune system works well, then it quickly destroys the virus. But with a weakened body, the infection begins to multiply, and the disease occurs. Pathology has several stages:

  1. The incubation period. It can last a different time - from 1 week to 1.5 months. But on average, the latent period lasts 12-14 days. At this time, the body multiplies the virus.
  2. Febrile period. The infection enters the bloodstream and causes intoxication of the body. This stage does not last long, about 2-3 days.
  3. The period of oliguria. The virus begins to affect the vascular walls, which causes bleeding. The causative agent leaves the body with urine. This leads to damage to the vessels of the kidneys. This is the most difficult stage of the pathology, which lasts from 3 to 9-11 days of illness.
  4. The period of polyuria. This stage of the disease is the beginning of recovery. Symptoms of mouse fever gradually disappear from 11 to 30 days of illness.
  5. Full recovery. This period lasts from 1 to 3 years.

It should be noted that the recovery of the body after the infection takes a long period. The consequences of the infection can affect the body for several months and even years after the disappearance of acute symptoms.

Mouse fever in women proceeds in a milder form than in men. Manifestations of the disease are not so pronounced. However, the asymptomatic and erased course of the pathology is not noted.

Incubation and febrile period

During the incubation period, the patient does not feel any changes in health. Then the first signs of mouse fever appear:

  1. The patient's temperature rises sharply (up to +39.5 ... +40 degrees). The febrile stage of the pathology begins. The heat lasts about 6 days. Moreover, higher temperatures are observed in the morning and afternoon. By evening, the fever is slightly reduced.
  2. Intoxication phenomena occur: joint aches, thirst, loss of appetite, general malaise.
  3. The patient is tormented by severe headaches, which intensify with bright light and eye movement.
  4. The skin of the patient becomes hot, plaque is noticeable in the tongue.
  5. Redness of the face, neck and eyes is noted in patients. Doctors call this symptom a "hood symptom." The face looks swollen.
  6. At very high temperatures, symptoms resembling meningitis can occur: severe headache with vomiting, tension of the neck muscles, impaired consciousness. This is due to the reaction of the central nervous system to intoxication.
  7. In severe cases, blood pressure drops sharply and a shock condition occurs.
The initial signs of mouse fever

It should be noted that the same manifestations are observed with many other pathologies. The symptoms of mouse fever in adults in the initial period resemble severe flu, meningitis, and many other diseases that occur with high fever and intoxication of the body. There are no specific signs of this infection (hemorrhage, kidney damage). An accurate diagnosis at this stage is often difficult.

Symptoms of mouse fever in children during this period are similar. But in a child, the disease is more severe. It begins acutely, without precursors. Already at the initial stage, lower back pain due to kidney damage is observed. Children become lethargic, sleepy, constantly lying in bed.


At this stage, specific symptoms of mouse fever develop. The temperature gradually drops, but the patient’s condition does not improve, but becomes even more severe.

There are signs of kidney damage, which are manifested in lumbar pain of varying intensity. Often this is accompanied by bloating and discomfort in the abdominal cavity. The amount of urine excreted (oliguria) sharply decreases, even with sufficient fluid intake. Because of this, the patient develops edema. In the analysis of urine, the amount of protein increases.

Kidney pain

Another manifestation of the disease is hemorrhage and bleeding (hemorrhagic syndrome). The skin is covered with small red dots. Hemorrhages in the eyeballs are observed. One of the symptoms of mouse fever in women is uterine bleeding. In urine and feces, a reddish admixture can be found. Hemorrhages from the nose and intestines are noted. In the photo below, you can see hemorrhagic rashes with this disease.

Mouse fever hemorrhage

Patients have severe nausea. Sometimes patients vomit even from a sip of water. Jumps in blood pressure are observed. Complaints of abdominal pain and diarrhea are frequent.

Cerebral hemorrhages may occur. In this case, there are signs of damage to the central nervous system: confusion, delirium, hallucinations, fainting.


During this period, it becomes easier for patients. Hemorrhages gradually resolve. Renal excretory function is being established. At this stage of the disease, the amount of urine in patients sharply increases (up to 10 liters per day). This is called polyuria. Approximately 1 month after the onset of the disease, urination returns to normal.

Recovery period

Recovery of an organism after an illness takes a long period (1-3 years). Residual effects in the form of weakness, increased fatigue are noted. After the illness, many patients have a slight dysfunction of the nervous and hormonal systems, which is manifested in increased sensitivity of the limbs, thirst, and sweating. One of the residual symptoms of mouse fever in men during the recovery period may be impotence.

For 3-6 months, unpleasant sensations and heaviness in the lower back, nightly urges to urinate, thirst, increased diuresis may persist.

Possible complications

The disease can lead to serious complications. Usually they develop at an oliguric stage. The dangerous effects of fever include:

  1. Uremia. Due to a sharp decrease in the amount of urine, the body is poisoned by decay products. There is vomiting, an unpleasant odor from the patient’s skin, and an inhibited state. Urination may disappear completely. Often this condition ends in a coma with a fatal outcome.
  2. Cardiovascular failure. Complication occurs at the initial stage due to intoxication of the body or during oliguria due to hemorrhage in the adrenal glands. The patient has a sharp drop in blood pressure, while there is a strong tachycardia.
  3. Damage or complete rupture of the renal capsule with hemorrhage. In this case, severe unbearable pain in the lower back.
  4. Pituitary hemorrhage. It is characterized by the development of drowsiness, and then a coma.
  5. Joining a bacterial infection. Against the background of hemorrhagic fever, pneumonia or pyelonephritis can occur.

Diagnostic Methods

Diagnosis and treatment of mouse fever is carried out in a hospital setting. If this disease is suspected, the patient is hospitalized in the infectious or therapeutic department of the hospital.

The following types of examination are prescribed:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • test for antibodies to the virus.
Blood test for antibodies

Uniquely indicate the presence of the virus can only enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies. Other studies show disease only indirectly. In a general blood test, elevated ESR and leukocyte counts are usually noted, and a decreased density and an increase in protein are detected in the urine. An ultrasound of the kidneys shows swelling and changes in the parenchyma.

Treatment methods

Treatment of the disease is carried out for at least 4 weeks. Within 2-4 weeks, the patient must comply with bed rest. The patient is prescribed a sparing diet with the restriction of rough foods and the predominance of fresh and lean foods. It is necessary to ensure that the patient consumes a sufficient amount of fluid.

Therapy of the disease is carried out by the following methods:

  1. A specific immunoglobulin is administered against hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. This is the only treatment that affects the cause of the pathology. All other therapy is symptomatic.
  2. Patients are given droppers with infusion solutions. This method of treatment helps to reduce intoxication and cause a slight increase in diuresis. Use glucose solutions with insulin, Prednisolone, Lasix, as well as saline. If urination does not increase, then Curantil, Eufillin and Dopamine are given intravenously.
  3. For relief of pain, "Analgin", "Ketorol", "Ibuprofen", "Baralgin", "Spazgan" are used.
  4. To lower the temperature, prescribe medications with paracetamol.
  5. Antibiotics for this disease are ineffective, since the pathology is caused not by bacteria, but by the virus. Prescribe drugs "Ingavirin", "Amiksin", "Lavomax", "Iodantipirin", "Virazole". They are able to fight a viral infection.
  6. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Piroxicam, Aspirin.
  7. General immunity means are used to increase immunity: vitamins C, K and group B.
  8. Nausea and vomiting are stopped with the preparations "Tserukal" and "Tseruglan".
  9. In severe kidney damage, hemodialysis is performed ("artificial kidney").
"Iodantipyrine" from mouse fever

The patient is discharged from the hospital not earlier than 3-4 weeks of illness. Within a year after recovery, you must follow a diet and avoid physical exertion. Fully renal function is restored only after 2-3 years after the disease. Within 1-3 years, the patient must regularly visit the attending physician and undergo all necessary examinations.

Preventive measures

At present, a vaccine against mouse fever has not been developed. In natural foci during the period of the outbreak of the disease, it is recommended to take the antiviral drug "Iodantipirin" for prophylactic purposes.

Also, to prevent infection, deratization (the destruction of rodents) is carried out. Avoid contact with mice, protect food from them, and wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Food must be cooked, as the virus dies at high temperature. When carrying out work in places where rodents are crowded, it is useful to use a gauze bandage on the face, this will protect against inhalation of infected dust.

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