Oral contraceptive "Median": reviews and description of the drug

The rapid development of modern pharmacology has made contraceptive pills not only effective, but also one of the safest methods of contraception. Drug companies have made great strides in the development of oral contraceptives. One of the popular and widely used means of protection is the medication "Median". Reviews of women taking this drug confirm this fact.

median reviews

What is the effectiveness of the drug

The contraceptive effect is usually measured using the Pearl index. This indicator shows the number of pregnancies per 100 women who use the same tool for a year. If we exclude the possibility of errors in the use of the drug, then the index of 0.2 - this is the indicator that is inherent in the drug "Median". Patient reviews prove this. Indeed, when using other non-hormonal methods of contraception, the Pearl index has higher values: the intrauterine device - 1.4, the condom - 6. This means that out of 100 women, 6 can become pregnant.

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Benefits of the drug

It should be noted clinical benefits of the contraceptive "Med". Reviews indicate that after regular use of the drug, the problem of fluid retention in the tissues disappears. Many women are more or less exposed to this. The drug is also indicated for polycystic ovaries, dermatological problems, menstrual irregularities. To prevent these and other, no less serious problems, the Midian remedy can. Doctors' reviews confirm this. The drug is prescribed not only as contraception, but also as an additional assistant in the fight against problems caused by hormonal imbalance.

midian pills

Safety and reliability of Midian

Contraception pills are considered a reliable remedy. But they require a woman to strictly follow instructions and admission rules. The body, which regularly receives hormones from the outside, stops the production of its own. As a result, ovulation is suppressed and mucus solidifies, which prevents the sperm from entering the uterus. Pregnancy does not occur. You need to know that the contraceptive effect is easy to break if you skip taking just one pill. This can stimulate the body to release hormones and the onset of ovulation. As a result of this, fertilization will occur.

Side effects and contraindications of the drug "Median"

Reviews of women taking Midian indicate that the tablets are well tolerated and practically do not have side effects. They do not affect weight gain. Caution should be given to the use of the drug "Midiana" for women susceptible to renal failure, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus and a number of other diseases. For those who suffer from such ailments, there are contraindications to taking. It should also be remembered that with the onset of pregnancy, oral contraceptives cannot be drunk. Before deciding whether to take the drug, you should consult a gynecologist and study the instructions in detail.

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