Throbbing headache

Perhaps it is difficult to meet a person who was not familiar with a headache. Doctors say 70% of the world's population suffers from periodic headaches. It has many causes and occurs even in completely healthy people. But if pain occurs regularly, you should visit a doctor to establish their causes and begin treatment if necessary.

Throbbing headache is often a sign of migraine. This is a very common disease with unexplained causes. According to statistics, young women are most often affected by it in the morning after waking up. The pain in this case can be both mild and simply unbearable. A severe throbbing headache during migraine can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, intolerance to bright light and loud sounds. Migraine can last up to three days, but most often it does not go away for several hours. Gradually throbbing pain in the head decreases and a state of incredible lethargy and drowsiness sets in. Studies have shown that in people prone to migraines, areas in the brain stem are overactive. It is these areas that are affected by the hormonal background of the human body. This is due to the fact that mainly women suffer from migraines. But hormonal fluctuations are only one of the possible causes of migraine. Throbbing pain in the head during migraines can occur after stress, heavy physical exertion, alcohol abuse, people who smoke or take drugs are susceptible to it. Very often, migraine is inherited.

To prevent migraines, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence. If you determine what causes your seizures, they will be easier to avoid. And if a pulsating pain in the head has already occurred, it is necessary to try to remove it with the help of tablets, such as Paracetamol, Aspirin or drugs with ibuprofen. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, taking medications in large quantities, since it is easy to harm the body. Traditional medicine offers many ways to deal with migraines, one of them is to lower your head in hot water for several minutes. In principle, the methods for eliminating headaches in migraines are different for everyone. Sometimes even a cup of regular coffee or a serving of ice cream helps. The main thing is not to endure a headache, because it brings discomfort and inconvenience.

In addition to migraine, a pulsating headache can occur with viral and colds. It is caused by sinusitis, sinusitis, meningitis. Therefore, if you have never had a migraine and at the same time have an acute headache with fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. With an increase in blood pressure, pulsating strokes in the head are also felt. In this case, funds that reduce blood pressure will help. In addition, improperly selected glasses can be the cause of intermittent pain when the optic nerve is in constant tension. Increased intraocular pressure and various eye diseases also lead to uncomfortable tugging pain in the head.

Treatment of acute headache that occurs with various diseases is to get rid of the disease itself. Therefore, first of all, with a frequently occurring pulsating headache, you need to be examined by several specialist doctors. This is a neurologist, ophthalmologist, therapist, and sometimes the help of a neurosurgeon or an infectious disease specialist may be needed. Most often, a general blood test, a sugar test and lipidograms are enough to diagnose the cause of the headache. By the decision of the doctor may be prescribed
more complete examination, in each case it is individual.

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