Pain and pain during bladder emptying may be signs of cystitis. It can occur due to hypothermia, eating spicy foods, kidney disease and is always accompanied by an inflammatory process and pain. Does Azithromycin help with cystitis?
As a rule, women are most often susceptible to an insidious disease. One has only to sit on a cold surface - and the disease will not take long. In most cases, treatment is accompanied by the use of antibacterial agents, so self-medication is inappropriate. Only an experienced urologist can correctly diagnose and quickly eliminate the disease.
Basically, medical specialists prescribe "Azithromycin" for cystitis. This antibacterial drug is effective against many harmful microorganisms. The medication eliminates the substances in which bacteria live, depriving them of protection.
"Azithromycin" is the least aggressive to the human body compared to peers, since its effect is directed only at the protein that bacteria are made of. The drug instantly suppresses harmful microflora and reduces inflammation.
Tablets belong to the antibacterial agents of the macrolide group. They are used to eliminate various diseases that are caused by bacteria that are sensitive to an active microelement.
The drug is available in tablet form. The capsules are enteric coated. They have a rounded shape, smooth surface, milky tint. The main active trace element of the drug is azithromycin. Its concentration in one tablet is 500 milligrams. Tablets are packaged in blisters. There are three pieces in the package.
What properties does the drug have?
The active substance of the tablets is an antibiotic of the macrolide group. It affects the most important non-membrane organoid of a bacterial cell, as a result of which the protein connection process is disrupted, followed by developmental arrest and elimination of the microorganism.
Depending on the content of the active trace element, the drug can inhibit the growth and spread of bacteria, or taking the medication leads to the destruction of pathogens. The medication has a depressing effect on streptococci, staphylococci, bordetella, moraxella, gardnerella, neisseria, clostridia, peptostreptococcus. The drug is quite active against pathogens of genital infections - chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma.
After taking the drug, the main substance is absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads to the peripheral tissues. The drug is partially processed in the liver, followed by excretion with feces.
Cystitis is an infectious disease. It is accompanied by the appearance of an inflammatory process in the wall of the bladder. Pathology occurs when penetrating the mucous membranes of Escherichia coli, as well as streptococci, staphylococci.
The drug for cystitis is prescribed for:
- Reducing the growth and development of pathogenic microflora, which has become a source of the disease.
- Reducing pain, improving the functions of the urethra.
- Restore normal emptying of the bladder.
As a rule, the medication is taken in multicomponent treatment, including several antibacterial agents. The dosage is selected based on the symptoms and severity of the inflammation.
The main indication for taking "Azithromycin" is considered an infectious pathological process, the development of which is provoked by microorganisms sensitive to the active component:
- Urethritis is a disease of the urethra that is caused by damage to the canal wall by bacteria and viruses.
- Cervicitis is a lesion of the cervix, which includes the inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa.
- Chlamydia is an infectious disease that is transmitted through sexual contact.
- Ureaplasmosis is an infectious inflammatory disease of the genitourinary organs caused by pathological activity of ureaplasma.
- Mycoplasmosis is a chronic disease caused by small bacteria that are parasitic in the human body.
- Sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of one or more sinuses.
- Tonsillitis is a condition of the tonsils, which develops against the background of a decrease in local natural protective functions.
- Otitis is a disease that is an inflammatory process in the ear.
- Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory system in which the bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process.
- Pneumonia is a lesion of the lung tissue of an infectious etiology.
- Lyme disease.
- Pyodermatitis - diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat layer that arise as a result of exogenous introduction of pyogenic cocci or pyococci into the skin.
- Erysipelas is a common infectious-allergic disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, prone to relapse.
- Impetigo is a skin infectious disease caused by streptococci and staphylococci, rarely in combination with each other.
- Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder.
Depending on the course of an infectious disease, the drug can be prescribed independently or in combination with other antibiotics of other groups.
When certain pathologies or physiological processes occur in the human body, the use of "Azithromycin" is prohibited in the following situations:
- Excessive Sensitivity.
- Individual intolerance to the components.
- Severe disruption of the liver.
- Renal failure.
- Age to twelve years.
- Joint medication with ergotamine or dihydroergotamine.
With extreme caution, tablets are used for renal or hepatic insufficiency, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, as well as for concomitant use with other drugs - Digoxin, antiarrhythmic drugs, Warfarin.
According to the instructions for use with Azithromycin, tablets are intended for oral administration sixty minutes before a meal or two hours after it. The capsule is taken whole and washed down with water. The average dosage of the drug depends on the indications:
- For infections of the respiratory tract, as well as the skin, 500 milligrams per day for three days.
- In Lyme disease - 1000 mg (two capsules) on the first day at a time, then 500 milligrams once a day from the second to the fifth day of therapy (course - 3000 mg).
- For diseases of the urogenital tract, the drug is taken in an amount of 1000 milligrams once.
- For acne, 500 mg is taken once a day for three days, then a short break is necessary, and from the eighth day from the start of treatment, one tablet a week is taken again for two months.
Dosage adjustment is not required for patients suffering from liver and kidney diseases with a slight decrease in organ activity, as well as people of retirement age.
How to take "Azithromycin" for cystitis?
For treatment of the disease, as a rule, one package is enough for women. The daily dosage of the medicine is one 500 tablet or two 250 milligrams each. The duration of therapy is three days.
Adolescents from twelve years of age are recommended to use half the dosage of "Azithromycin" with cystitis, that is, 250 mg of medication per day. The use of the drug is carried out on an empty stomach. In this case, the tablet is swallowed whole, washed down with water.
Adverse reactions
With the wrong use of "Azithromycin" with cystitis, various side effects may occur, for example:
- nausea;
- periodic vomiting;
- flatulence - an excessive accumulation of gases in the intestine;
- constipation;
- cardiopalmus;
- feeling of fear;
- insomnia (sleep disorder);
- rave;
- hallucinations;
- hepatitis - inflammatory diseases of the liver, usually of viral origin;
- runny nose;
- respiratory pathology;
- nosebleeds;
- anemia - a condition accompanied by a decrease in hemoglobin concentration in the blood;
- dermatitis;
- hyperhidrosis - increased sweating;
- dysuria - violation of the urination process;
- arthralgia - pain in the joints, which are volatile in the absence of joint damage.
The presence of one of the listed symptoms is considered a reason for canceling further therapy with Azithromycin and going to the doctor.
Before using the tablets, the patient should thoroughly study the instructions for use, in which the features of the use of the drug are noted:
- When skipping a capsule, the next dose should be taken as soon as possible after an unexpected break.
- In the treatment of cystitis with Azithromycin, diarrhea may occur, which is caused by an imbalance in the bacteria in the intestines.
- The main trace element of the drug can interact with drugs of other therapeutic groups, therefore, their doctor should be warned about their use.
- It is not recommended to use "Azithromycin" for too long.
- The drug does not adversely affect the functional state of the nervous system.
In drugstores, tablets are dispensed strictly according to a prescription.
The following substitute drugs are similar in composition and effects:
- "Azimycin";
- Azitroks
- "Azicide";
- Azimed.
The cost of "Azithromycin" can vary from 70 to 300 rubles.
The shelf life of Azithromycin is 24 months. Tablets must be kept in a dark, dry place at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees.
Reviews on "Azithromycin" for cystitis in women
Among the positive aspects of the drug, according to patients, the following points can be attributed:
- reasonable price;
- ease of use;
- quick action.
Many people in their reviews of "Azithromycin" already on the second day after the start of using the medication noted an improvement in their general condition. Not all patients agree that the drug is considered a universal remedy, since in rare cases it did not help. All experts in their reviews about "Azithromycin" indicate that the course of antibiotic treatment should be completed.
If the therapy was interrupted, then the next time the drug will not help, since the harmful bacteria will already be resistant to the active substance of the drug. Before using Azithromycin, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he writes out a prescription, since today most of the drugstores do not dispense medicine without it.