"Feokarpin": reviews about the drug buyers and doctors. Instructions for use "Feokarpina"

Fatigue, a tendency to infectious diseases, physical and emotional exhaustion of the body - from time to time, almost every person has to deal with these problems. And today the drug Feocarpine is becoming more and more popular. Reviews suggest that this tool really helps to strengthen the body and improve well-being.

Means "Feokarpin": composition and form of release

Pheocarpine reviews

This drug is available in tablet form. In pharmacies you can also find the drug "Feokarpin forte" in capsules. In any case, it should be understood that this product is not a medicine - it is a biologically active food supplement that contains some substances without which the normal functioning of the human body is simply impossible. Means "Feokarpin" is a multivitamin phytoncide preparation, created on the basis of a natural coniferous complex. This product contains vitamins K and E, as well as phytosterol, sodium chlorophyllin, ascorbic acid, useful macro- and micronutrients, organic acids, carotene and some amino acids.

The main properties of the drug

pheocapine instructions for use reviews

In fact, it is difficult to overestimate the properties of such a drug. To begin with, it is worth noting that it acts as a powerful antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals and slowing down the aging process of the body. In addition, it strengthens the body's defenses, increasing resistance to various infections. This dietary supplement also stimulates blood circulation and blood formation, normalizes cholesterol, improves joint mobility and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. On the other hand, this product is often used as a prophylaxis of cancer, in particular breast lesions. The tool also helps the body recover after radiation or chemotherapy.

Indications for use

pheocarpine instructions for use

This dietary supplement can cope with a variety of problems. Here are just a part of the diseases and disorders in which the use of this drug is indicated:

  • To begin with, it should be noted that this product as an adjuvant is most widely used in modern oncology. And here we are talking not only about cancer, but also some other disorders. As already mentioned, the drug helps the body recover after heavy therapy. In addition, it is used as a prophylactic. For example, doctors prescribe dietary supplements to patients who are at risk - people with atrophic gastritis, women with mastopathy, residents of environmentally disadvantaged areas, as well as those who are constantly exposed to certain carcinogens.
  • It's no secret that from time to time people suffer from various vitamin deficiencies. And here the drug Feokarpin comes to the rescue. Reviews suggest that this tool helps to quickly eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and nutrients.
  • It is recommended to take a dietary supplement for people who, for one reason or another (illness, lifestyle), cannot get the main beneficial substances with food.
  • As an adjuvant, dietary supplement Feokarpin is used to treat viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. In addition, it is used as a prophylaxis of colds and infectious diseases.
  • An indication for the intake of dietary supplements is immunodeficiency.
  • The drug is used as a prophylaxis of atherosclerosis, and also as one of the components of the complex therapy of this disease (it regulates the process of cholesterol metabolism).
  • A dietary supplement is also recommended for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • This product helps to restore the body after a previous operation, injury or serious illness.
  • Anemia, leukopenia, bleeding gums, liver disease, diabetes mellitus, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders are also considered indications for admission.

The drug "Feokarpin": instructions for use

pheocarpine doctors reviews

Despite the fact that this tool is almost harmless, you should not take it arbitrarily. After a thorough examination, only the attending physician can recommend the drug Feokarpin. Instructions for use here are quite simple. Adult patients and children who have reached the age of twelve can take 1-2 tablets two or three times a day (the exact daily dose and schedule will help determine the doctor). By the way, the drug is best drunk before meals. In most cases, the course of treatment lasts from one to three months, depending on the condition of the patient and his problems. Sometimes the course must be repeated every 1-3 months, until the maximum result is achieved.

Contraindications and possible side effects

pheocarpine Price

Of course, many patients are interested in information about what Feokarpin dietary supplement is, instructions for use, consumer reviews, etc. But the presence of contraindications and adverse reactions is no less important. In fact, there are not so many β€œpitfalls”, because a lot of people today regularly undergo therapy with the drug Feokarpin. Reviews suggest that side effects are extremely rare and in most cases are an allergic reaction, accompanied by a rash, itching, skin redness and swelling. In addition to individual intolerance, childhood is also considered a contraindication - dietary supplements are not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

BAA "Feokarpin": reviews of doctors and consumers

Today, many experts prescribe this particular drug to their patients. Most often it is used for the treatment and prevention of cancer. So what do people say about Feocarpine? Reviews about him are mostly positive. For example, many women report that after a course of taking the pill, the symptoms of PMS have disappeared. In addition, quite often this product helps get rid of tumors in the mammary gland. On the other hand, patients note that this remedy helps to strengthen the immune system - colds are much less common. In addition, there is an improvement in well-being, the disappearance of tiredness and drowsiness, a surge of vigor. Many potential buyers are also interested in information about the cost of dietary supplements "Feokarpin." The price for 40 tablets ranges from 300 to 500 rubles.

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