Desarterization: reviews and effectiveness

In the article, we will consider reviews about deserterization.

This is a highly effective method for removing hemorrhoidal nodes, which does not require surgical traumatic intervention. This method allows a person to get rid of hemorrhoids in a short time, practically avoiding any opportunities for relapse. In some cases, this procedure can be supplemented by fixing and tightening the internal nodes (this is called de-sterilization with mucopexy). Let's start with the methodology for implementing this manipulation.

Reviews on the deserterization of hemorrhoidal nodes are presented at the end of the article.

deserterization reviews

Operation Technique

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, that is, there is no need for hospitalization. The operation is carried out under intravenous sedation (that is, in the framework of medical sleep) or spinal anesthesia is applied (in this case, an injection is made in the region of the lumbar spine). A single-use anoscope with a fixed ultrasound probe is inserted into the anal canal, after finding the arterial vessels they are stitched with special tools with absorbable thread. It is better to familiarize yourself with the reviews after deserterization in advance.

Any arteries of large and small caliber must be ligated in order to avoid relapse of the disease. Deserterization, as a rule, lasts about fifteen to thirty minutes. Usually the course of the procedure directly depends on the number of vessels that need to be stitched. After the operation is completed, patients are transferred to the wake-up room or to the hospital, which is located in the clinic, they are monitored by doctors for two to three hours.

According to reviews, after de-sterilization of the hemorrhoid, recovery is very fast.

Recommendations in the postoperative period

As a rule, there are no strict instructions and dietary restrictions on the background of the transferred procedure, however, within a few days it is required to exclude spicy foods from your diet along with strong alcoholic beverages (be it vodka, cognac, etc.). The following is prohibited for patients:

hemorrhoid deserterization reviews
  • Passion for heavy physical exertion (weight lifting in combination with fitness, running and so on).
  • The use of thermal procedures (sauna, hot tub or bath).
  • For seven to ten days, sex is contraindicated.
  • Conducting independent manipulations in the area of ​​operation (we are talking about enemas, the introduction of suppositories, and the like).

Particular attention should be paid, first of all, to the chair. According to reviews, after de-sterilization, this may cause problems.

On the first day after surgery, the use of mild laxatives, for example, paraffin oil, is recommended. Against the background of pain in the anal canal area, and there are practically no such ones, it is advisable to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ketarol, Ketanova, or Nise. Now let's talk about the positive aspects of the medical technology under consideration. Reviews on the deserterization of hemorrhoids are also considered.

Advantages of the technique

The pluses of this medical technique include the following positive aspects:

  • Elimination of the cause of the disease, since the pathological flow of arterial blood to the hemorrhoidal nodes decreases.
  • The restoration of the anatomical relationships of tissues due to the fixation of hemorrhoidal internal nodes to the muscle walls of the lower ampullar sector of the rectum using sutures.
  • Improving venous outflow of blood from internal pathological nodes.
  • The ability to carry out the procedure even in the presence of concomitant pathologies in the anal canal (cracks, fistulas of the rectum, and so on). Reviews of patients after surgery for the deserterization of hemorrhoidal nodes are mostly positive.
  • The procedure itself is short and takes only thirty minutes, moreover, it can be performed under different types of anesthesia. Pain against the background of such an operation is insignificant, since there are no wounds in the rectum.
  • The procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis, within one day. The total time that is spent on preparing, performing surgery and the postoperative period, as a rule, is from twelve to eighteen hours, which the patient spends in the day hospital.
  • Patients can return to their work in one or two days, subject to the recommendations of the doctor.
    hemorrhoid deserterization reviews

Prolapse of the nodes along with rectal pain, bleeding, and itching are well-known symptoms of hemorrhoids. But you do not need to endure this in any case. Indeed, at present, patients have a great opportunity to completely get rid of such suffering at almost any stage and with a different duration of the disease.

Patients willingly leave feedback after the operation of deserterization of hemorrhoidal nodes on the forums.

Desalterization HAL

Most methods aimed at removing hemorrhoid plexuses are associated with pain, regardless of what tools doctors perform the elimination of pathological nodes. In any situation, postoperative wounds can be painful for a person. The patient's stay in a hospital bed, as a rule, is from seven to ten days. In this regard, many prefer to continue to live with the problem of hemorrhoids instead of going to the doctor.

But now there is another choice. Instead of a painful surgical operation called hemorrhoidectomy, the so-called HAL technology has been widely used since 2000. We are talking about transanal deserterization of hemorrhoidal arterial nodes, which is carried out under the control of ultrasound dopplerometry. Thirteen years have passed since the HAL procedure was supplemented with mucopexy and mucosal lift. This medical technology is called HAL-RAR.

Currently, this technique is the most effective and safe in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The degree of recommendation and level of evidence according to the classification of the Oxford Center for Medicine is 1b, i.e. this is a cohort validation study with a gold quality standard.

The HAL-RAR procedure usually takes an average of twenty to thirty minutes, and patients can go home after six to eight hours. Most patients experience only minor pain syndrome with discomfort, and as a rule, they can resume their direct labor activity after only one or a maximum of two days.

after deserterization reviews

The effectiveness of the HAL method

Doctors give the following advantages of the clinical technology under consideration:

  • Exposure to the causes of the disease. Against this background, the pathological blood flow to the pathogenic node decreases.
  • Restoring the anatomical relationships of tissues due to fixation of internal formations to the muscular walls of the rectum.
  • Improving venous blood outflow from internal nodes due to the restoration of anatomical relationships.
  • Lack of phased treatment.
  • Wounds in the rectum after surgery do not appear, and there is no pain, or it is insignificant.
  • One of the advantages is also called a short procedure time, the fact is that the patient’s stay in the clinic is up to six hours maximum, and the return to work occurs within one or two days.
  • The very high efficiency of the described method is noted throughout the world.

It should also be noted that the cost of deserterization of hemorrhoidal internal nodes under ultrasound dopplerometry currently stands at about sixty thousand rubles. As for the alternative option with lifting and mucopexy, then it costs today seventy thousand.

Indications for deserterization

This technique is in modern medicine one of the most effective methods that are used to treat this disease. An indication for it is hemorrhoids of the second or third stage. In the event that the pathology therapy was not carried out, and it took on a neglected form, then it is recommended by specialists to carry out de-sterilization using the technology of mucopexy (HAL-RAR).

This manipulation will allow to stop the blood flow access to hemorrhoidal nodes and will make it possible to fix them, thus preventing loss. The cost of surgical therapy largely depends on various factors, for example, on the diagnosis, stage of the disease, methodology and the like.

reviews after desarterization of the hemorrhoid


The organism does not plunge into an operational stress in the method of de-sterilization; therefore, it does not require special preparation from the patient. As part of the diagnosis, it is mandatory to perform a colonoscopy, and in addition, take blood and urine tests. After this, you need to consult a therapist and anesthetist. Any studies with examinations by specialists, as a rule, take place in just one or two days.

Operation Technique

So, preliminary hospitalization of the patient to the clinic before deserterization is not required. Intervention can be carried out under intravenous anesthesia or using spinal anesthesia. The type of anesthesia is selected by qualified anesthetists, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the body of a patient.

Usually, in modern medical centers, there are two options for the deserterization of hemorrhoidal internal nodes, the choice in this case depends on the overall clinical picture. Next, we consider in more detail the types of surgical techniques of the HAL technique and the features of their implementation.

According to reviews, the desalination of HAL is a very effective technique.

HAL operation

An indication for this procedure is the occurrence of internal hemorrhoids in a person with bleeding. The main goal of such an intervention is the transanal deserterization of hemorrhoidal internal arteries, which will help to eliminate nodes and, therefore, stop bleeding.

During the procedure, a special device called an anoscope is inserted into the rectum by a specialist, it is equipped with an ultrasonic sensor. Each detected hemorrhoid is stitched with absorbable sutures; this subsequently contributes to the complete cessation of arterial blood flow. Lack of access to nutrients leads to the death of the node. The duration of this procedure ranges from fifteen to thirty minutes, depending on the total number of nodes and their size.

According to reviews, the deserterization of hemorrhoidal nodes is completely painless.

Operation HAL-RAR

This medical manipulation is indicated for patients with the second and third stages of hemorrhoids, accompanied by bleeding, and at the same time, with the loss of hemorrhoidal nodes during defecation. The purpose of the operation in question is the deserterization of the supply arteries in combination with the tightening (using lifting) of the internal nodes.

At the first stage of surgical intervention, the specialist bandages the arteries of hemorrhoidal formations with the help of special threads. Then tissue lifting is performed (this is also called mucopexy), in which the doctor fixes the mucous membrane to the position that it occupied before the pathology appeared. The duration of such an intervention is usually about half an hour.

A unique feature of this procedure is the use of an innovative device, which consists of an anoscope with a sensor for ultrasound examination. Passing through the lower region of the intestine, the device emits a sound signal in cases where the feeding hemorrhoidal arteries are detected. Actually, precisely because of this, not a single vessel will go unnoticed. Next, we discuss the question of how the recovery of patients occurs, according to reviews of deserterization.

Rehabilitation of patients after desalterization of HAL-RAR

After the operation, specialists prescribe symptomatic therapy to the person. Taking medications avoids infection and other postoperative complications. As a rule, patients can be sent home from the hospital on the second day. Before discharge, specialists conduct an examination and give all the necessary recommendations:

hemorrhoid operation deserterization reviews
  • Limitation of physical activity. In this case, instruction is given not to lift any weights and temporarily not to engage in sports.
  • Compliance with the diet. As a rule, it is important to exclude fried foods from the diet, as well as spicy and very salty, along with alcohol in any form.
  • Avoid, among other things, overheating of the body, abandoning the bath, sauna, hot tubs and so on.
  • Suspend sex life.
  • Within three to four weeks, they refuse any flights by plane.
  • Do not self-medicate. In case of any unpleasant manifestations in the form of pain, burning or problems with stools, you should contact your doctor.

Subject to all the recommendations of the proctologist, after a few weeks the human body is fully restored. And this means that it will be possible to return to a familiar life, but already without hemorrhoids. Reviews of the deserterization of hemorrhoidal nodes confirm this.

Transanal Desertification Procedure

A relatively complete alternative to painful traditional operations today is played by such a method as transanal deserterization of pathological hemorrhoidal nodes, carried out under Doppler control. This technique implies a direct impact on the pathological process, it helps to limit blood flow and reduce the filling of hemorrhoidal veins, which leads to desolation of the formations, reducing their size and pain. If necessary, this surgical procedure is supplemented by the so-called lifting of the mucous tissue. As a result of the operation, prolapse disappears, or, in other words, prolapse.

Reviews of transanal deserterization are also only positive.

The essence of the technology under consideration is the detection of major hemorrhoidal arteries using the Doppler transanal sensor and the flashing of the corresponding vessels under strict ultrasound control. Thus, instead of the sensitive wound defects present in the anal canal, some sutures on the intestinal mucosa remain in patients, pain receptors in this area, as a rule, are absent. Within just one month after the manipulation, the suture material is completely invisible to patients dissolves. This result makes it possible to exclude pain and bleeding after the operation of deserterization of hemorrhoids, according to reviews.

Patients on the next day after the procedure can leave the clinic. After two, at most three days, people return to their usual lives, which are only accompanied by minimal restrictions in physical activity and nutrition.

We will review the reviews on the operation of deserterization further, but for now let's talk about the method of mucopexy.

knot deserterization operation reviews

Mucopexy Deserterization

The Doppler-controlled process on the internal nodes with mucopexy acts as a pathogenetically substantiated operation that affects the vascular and mechanical factors in the development of hemorrhoids. This medical technique is a reliable alternative to traditional hemorrhoidectomy and is quite comparable with it in terms of effectiveness among patients with the third and fourth stages of hemorrhoids within the long-term postoperative period. Reviews of the deserterization of hemorrhoidal nodes with mucopexy confirm this.

Next, we find out what people who went through deserterization report, and also find out what experts write about it.


For deserterization, former patients, as a rule, leave positive comments on the Internet and give many arguments that this medical manipulation is currently quite suitable for use. , , , , .


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