Unfortunately, the convulsive syndrome is not so rare. Especially often it occurs in children. The cause of seizures can be various infections, injuries, intoxications, diseases of the central nervous system.
The manifestations of this disease are very diverse in the following factors:
- Duration
- Frequency;
- State of consciousness;
- Form of manifestation;
- Prevalence;
- Appearance time.
Convulsive syndrome is a pathological condition in which the striated muscle is involuntarily contracted. Most often, it occurs with epilepsy, but it is also possible with meningitis, encephalitis, spasmophilia and some other diseases. The occurrence of seizures often occurs with some metabolic disturbances, overheating, severe diarrhea or vomiting. Sometimes they occur with alcoholism, acute poisoning with psychotropic drugs. In young children, the development of convulsive syndrome is possible with neurotoxicosis, which occurs as a complication of influenza, as well as parainfluenza and adenovirus infections. In newborns, this condition can occur with congenital defects of the central nervous system, asphyxia, and blood diseases.
The contractions can be localized or generalized, when various muscle groups are involved in the process. In addition, convulsions are:
- Clonic or fast, when contractions and relaxation quickly succeed each other for a short period of time;
- Tonic. They are characterized by slow and long-term contraction of muscles;
- Clonic - tonic. They have a mixed character.
Their nature and appearance largely depends on the pathological process that caused the occurrence of seizures or provokes their reappearance. When a convulsive syndrome occurs, the patient has a wandering gaze, he loses touch with the outside world. Then the head is thrown back, the jaws are compressed, the lower limbs are extended, and the arms are bent at the elbows and hands. There is a slowdown in heart rate and respiratory rate. So the tonic phase proceeds with a mixed form of seizures. It usually does not last very long - a minute or a little more.
Clinical convulsions can have a different duration, and in some cases lead to the death of the patient. They begin with twitching of the facial muscles, and then limbs are involved in the process. Breathing becomes very noisy, foam appears on the lips, the skin turns pale, tachycardia is observed.
In the diagnosis of convulsive syndrome, a detailed history of the disease plays an important role, and for young children, the history of childbirth. Also for this purpose, echoencephalography, fundus studies, and in some cases, computer topography of the skull are used.
If a convulsive syndrome occurs, emergency care is to maintain vital functions:
- Removing mucus from the respiratory tract and providing fresh air;
- Control over cardiac and respiratory activity, and if necessary, their restoration;
- Prevention of retention of the tongue.
Timely and correctly performed actions often save a person's life. Therefore, everyone should know the basic rules for providing such assistance.
If convulsive syndrome is detected, treatment consists of intensive care. After first aid, anticonvulsant and dehydrating drugs are prescribed. To date, there is a fairly large list of such drugs, and the doctor makes an appointment in accordance with the severity of the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant diseases. Many experts believe that with convulsions with the appointment of dehydrating agents, one should not particularly rush.