Original recipes: champignons on a skewer

With the advent of summer, the picnic season begins, where the main dish is barbecue. Of course, this dish is associated with hot, juicy, appetizing meat (veal, pork, chicken). Some make barbecue fish on the grill in the form of steaks or cook whole skewers. But the variety of products that can be cooked on an open fire is much wider. It will be very tasty to make champignons on a skew, eggplant, bell pepper, tomatoes and other vegetables. Such a barbecue will be easy, not burdensome for the stomach, but at the same time satisfying. In our article, we will focus on how to cook champignons on skewers. Below we describe various recipes on how to make mushrooms, as well as sauces for them.

champignons on a skewer

Champignons on skewers in mayonnaise

The recipe is designed for five to six servings. We will need 700 grams of large mushrooms, two hundred grams of mayonnaise, salt and ground black pepper. It is advisable to take young, medium-sized mushrooms with a closed hat. We thoroughly rinse, clean and put them in a separate bowl. We add salt, pepper, spices to taste, mayonnaise. It is best to take not very oily - a thirty percent, liquid consistency is suitable. Leave to marinate for at least four hours. After you can fry the champignons on a skewer. The main thing is to make sure that the heat is not strong, otherwise the mushrooms will burn and do not fry. Serve with sauce.

Garlic Sauce Recipe

We take thick mayonnaise, parsley, dill, freshly ground black pepper and two or three cloves of garlic. Finely chop the greens, pass the garlic through a garlic squeezer and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Done!

champignons on skewers

Spicy sauce

We need five tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, half a tablespoon of mustard, three cloves of garlic squeezed through the garlic, half a teaspoon of salt and two teaspoons of sugar. All components are introduced in turn, while whipping them with a whisk for two to three minutes. The mushroom sauce is ready!

Champignons on skewers. Herb Recipe

Take a kilogram of large mushrooms, a small bunch of cilantro, basil, dill, thyme, rosemary. We will also need several large tomatoes, fifty grams of vegetable oil, four cloves of garlic, one teaspoon of vinegar, fifty grams of pure water, and spices to taste. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and pierce them in several places with a toothpick. Add finely chopped tomatoes, garlic and herbs to the mushrooms. Separately mix oil, water and vinegar. The resulting mixture is added to the mushrooms. Salt, pepper and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for two hours, stirring occasionally. Cook over the coals for ten to fifteen minutes.

Mushrooms on a skewer "Assorted"

champignons on skewers in mayonnaise

In addition to mushrooms, this recipe also involves vegetables, which after baking can be served in the form of a salad or a snack. We take 700 grams of mushrooms, 300 grams of medium-sized tomatoes, two pieces of sweet pepper, zucchini, eggplant and onions. We also need one lemon, olive oil and salt, pepper to taste. Cut the zucchini and eggplant into circles, peel and cut into slices, onions - rings. We put vegetables and mushrooms in a bowl, salt, pepper, add lemon juice and olive oil. Mix and leave to marinate for at least an hour. Champignons on a skew alternate with other vegetables and grill over charcoal with medium heat.

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