Adyghe salt - a healthy and aromatic food supplement

We all know the statement that salt is white death. It’s just impossible to completely exclude it from the diet. Our body consists of water at seventy percent, and the water balance in the human body is maintained and regulated precisely by salt. Therefore, it is necessary to use it, you only need to make sure that its amount is kept within the standards established by nutritionists. People are accustomed to overloading dishes; Adyghe salt, unusually tasty and healthy, will help to abandon this bad eating habit.

Adyghe salt

In April two thousand and four, the entrepreneur Aslan Khuazhev opened an enterprise in the Republic of Adygea that specializes in the production of Adyghe salt. He sells his products in the south of the Russian Federation, exports it to Moscow and St. Petersburg. But Adyghe salt is easy to prepare at home.

What is included in its composition? Coarse salt , garlic and various spices and seasonings. You can add black pepper, and sweet Bulgarian red pepper, parsley, dill, coriander, marjoram, suneli hops and many other aromatic herbs. In order to get Adyghe salt, garlic must be crushed: it can be squeezed out through a press, minced or minced. Then you need to add coarse salt and ground spices, mix everything very carefully. This is best done in a mortar, although you can use a blender. Salt crystals absorb the aroma and all the beneficial properties of garlic and seasonings, but the salt will not leave a specific garlic smell. Spices and seasonings, which are part of salt, “kill” him. Adyghe salt gives dishes an unusual taste and benefit thanks to a variety of vitamins, volatile and trace elements.

salt composition

Adyghe salt can be used instead of ordinary edible salt, with it it is possible to prepare dishes from meat and liver, lard and fish, cooking tomato and cucumber and other salads, pickling and salting. Adyghe salt will add zest to the kebab if you add it in the preparation of meat. Any fresh dish will sparkle with new tastes when using Adyghe salt.

Another plus is that to achieve sufficient salinity, a smaller amount of product is used, about twelve to fifteen percent. And if, instead of table salt, sea salt is used to prepare the Adyghe salt, the body will benefit even more.

Adyghe salt can be prepared for the future, the main thing is to store it in a tightly closed glass jar, so the product will retain its aromatic properties for a long time.

I suggest you cook Adyghe salt according to this recipe: one pack of table salt, two large heads of garlic, one tablespoon of sunflower hops, ground coriander seeds , dried parsley, dill, cilantro, basil and marjoram, one teaspoon of ground black and sweet pepper (paprika), half a teaspoon of ground hot red pepper.

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