Enterosorbents (drugs): list. How to choose enterosorbents?

Modern medicine is looking for effective ways to improve a person’s health and prolong his life. The answer to such questions was sought back in Ancient Egypt and Greece. Then they used a primitive powder based on coal. It was used both inside and for the treatment of open wounds. The Slavs also had knowledge about the action of such a powder. An interesting historical fact is that when Alexander Nevsky was poisoned, healers saved his life, who gave him powder based on birch coal. Bran, steamed with boiling water, minerals and herbs having similar properties were also widely used. Subsequently, a theoretical justification of the sorption qualities of coal and silicon compounds was carried out. These substances act directly in the gastrointestinal tract, absorbing harmful substances and neutralizing toxins. Next, consider everything in order.

enterosorbents drugs


Enterosorbents are active substances that bind and retain all toxic and poisonous elements. They also absorb harmful microflora and products of its vital activity, which are subsequently excreted naturally from the body. Enterosorbents are drugs that reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions in the body, effective against dysbiosis, improve metabolism and have a positive effect on the immune system as a whole. The advantage of their intake is to minimize contraindications and side effects. Also included are ease of use and quick action. Activated carbon is a known and popular specified substance.

enterosorbents drugs list

How to apply?

Enterosorbents are drugs that are taken individually. That is, depending on the situation. Of course, the attending physician should ideally recommend the drug and dosage. This is important to remember.

In case of allergic reactions to this or that product or poisoning, enterosorbents should be taken (the drugs will be described below) in the first hours after the manifestation of the corresponding symptoms. You can eat only after a certain time. Namely, after 1.5-2 hours after taking enterosorbents. The dosage of drugs is determined by the weight of the person. Do not take other medicines with sorbents. Since this significantly weakens their effect.

Enterosorbents (drugs for children must be prescribed by a doctor) can be used for people of all ages.

enterosorbents how to choose

The composition of these drugs

In the 70-80s of the last century, only activated carbon was known from enterosorbents. To date, their list has expanded significantly. All preparations of this type are divided into three distinct groups by composition and origin. Namely:

  • Carbon. This category is characterized by a variety of chemical modifications of coal.
  • Silicon. This group includes sorbents that cleanse the body. They are characterized by the presence of organosilicon components. These are Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb and alumina preparations.
  • Organic This includes the tool "Multisorb" and other similar drugs. This group is obtained using an activated concentrate of natural food-grade fibers. More specifically, from lignin, cellulose, chitin, pectin, or seaweed. They are absolutely safe and have a pleasant taste.

Since Soviet times, sorbents based on coal and silicon have remained very popular in Russia. These are inexpensive effective drugs. The niche of organic sorbents is underestimated. Such substances are excreted faster from the body. By increasing their volume in the intestines, they improve its motility.

enterosorbents for poisoning

Enterosorbents (preparations): list of properties

In this case, the following is taken into account:

  1. Such drugs are not toxic to the human body. In the process of decay in the gastrointestinal tract, they are not harmful.
  2. These drugs ideally absorb only harmful substances. Far from vitamins and minerals.
  3. Enterosorbents are completely excreted from the intestines.
  4. Convenient form and neutral taste of the drug.
  5. A wide range of actions.

How to choose?

At present, enterosorbents are preparations presented in a rather large assortment. Their manufacturers are vying with each other. There are various enterosorbents. How to choose them, we will consider in this paragraph.

In each case, the sorption capacity of the drug should be considered. This parameter is quite significant. According to them, it is implied what exactly the amount of harmful substance is able to absorb the sorbent per unit of contacting area and body weight (indirectly). Modern enterosorbents, reviews of which are positive, are widely used to treat a number of diseases.

In therapy, they are used in certain cases. Namely, with diseases such as:

- Chronic and acute renal failure.

- Burn toxicosis.

- Acute poisoning.

- Diseases of the biliary tract and liver.

- Peritonitis.

- Chronic and acute pancreatitis.

- Sepsis and wound infections.

- Acute radiation sickness

- Alcoholism and drug addiction.

- Bronchial asthma.

- As well as oncological, skin, cardiovascular and some autoimmune diseases.

The course of use of enterosorbents in these cases is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. This is important to remember.

enterosorbents reviews

In clinical conditions, sorbents are used, the basis of which is activated carbon. These are drugs such as Gastrosorb, Carbactin, and Carbolen.

Enterosorbents based on lignin have fairly broad indications. These are Filtrum, Lignosorb, and Polyphepan.

A separate group are polymers of the polymethylsiloxane type. These are such means as Smecta, Smectit, Enterosgel.

It should also be noted that enterosorbents (drugs) for allergies are prescribed quite often. They facilitate its flow.

Ultra-fine silicon dioxide is widely used. Namely, white coal. Aluminum hydroxides also have similar properties. These are drugs "Sucralfat", "Gastal", "Almagel".

There are practically no contraindications to natural dietary fiber contained in cereals, bran, pectins.

At home, enterosorbents help with poisoning, and they can also help normalize well-being with the manifestation of symptoms of weakness, diarrhea, nausea, general malaise, and fever.

polysorb enterosorbent

A brief description of the main drugs

In this case, it is:

  • The drug "activated carbon." It is available in tablets. It is widely used in case of poisoning. It should be abundantly washed down with water.
  • The drug "Sorbex". This is the same activated carbon, only in capsules.
  • White coal. It is available in the form of powder, suspension, tablets, granules. Dosage per day: 3 to 4 times, 3 to 4 tablets. For suspension - 100 gr. per 1 kg of body weight, in three or four doses.
  • The drug "Polysorb" is an enterosorbent. This is a drug that comes in powder form. It is applied at 150-200 mg per 1 kg of body weight 3-4 times a day.
  • Means "Atoxil". Available in powder form. It is taken in 1500-200 mg per kilogram of live weight.
  • Medication "Smecta." This is a naturally occurring drug. It is used at 9-12 g per day.
  • The drug "Polypefan". This is a medicine. It is available in powder form. The main active ingredient is hydrolytic lignin. Dosage: 0.5-1 g per kilogram of weight in 3 divided doses.
  • Means "Enterosgel". Available in powder form. Dosage: 22 grams three times a day.
    enterosorbents for allergies

Food Enterosorbents

Consider this item in more detail. In general, enterosorbents are part of many foods. Namely:

  • Bran. It is an enterosorbent, but not a drug. They have many dietary fibers and vitamins of group B. You can buy ordinary bran in different stores and pharmacies. Bran is added to various dishes - bread, cereals, soups or simply consumed with kefir or yogurt.
  • Algae and fruit are rich in polysaccharide pectin. Such a substance lowers cholesterol. It also removes heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body. Doctors recommend consuming up to 8 grams per day, and if there is a risk of radioactive infection, up to 16 grams. specified products. Pectin is widely used in the food industry. It is obtained from the processing of beets, sunflowers, apples, apricots. This is a natural thickener for jam, ketchup, mayonnaise, desserts, a variety of dairy products and biological additives.
  • Vegetables, cereals, fruits should be tried to eat as often as possible. This is the best enterosorbent.
    best enterosorbent


If you are planning to cleanse the body with these drugs, then it is better to coordinate such a procedure and carry out under the supervision of a specialist. Also, do not get too carried away with them. The thoughtless absorption of these drugs can not be called beneficial for the body.

Lose Weight with Enterosorbents

This is a reliable fact. Lipid metabolism can be established with the help of enterosorbents. This is especially true when losing weight. When fatty tissue breaks down, all lipids and toxins enter the bloodstream. Then they are excreted using the same kidneys and liver. But the body will not always be able to cope with such a load. It is during this period that it is important to lower the level of lipids in the blood and normalize protein synthesis. This helps to repair damaged cell walls of almost all types of tissues. This process can also be called rejuvenation of the body.

There is another reason why enterosorbents (drugs listed above) help with weight loss. It lies in the fact that they cover the lack of dietary fiber in the body . This is an important property. Due to this, the volume of the food lump increases. This contributes to a longer feeling of fullness, and intestinal activity is also activated. Enterosorbents also bind and remove excess fluid from the body. This helps to get rid of puffiness and quickly acquire the necessary forms.

Long-term use of enterosorbents prolongs youth

Today, a certain method of cleansing the blood is very common . It is called hemosorption. This procedure looks something like this: human blood is passed through a sorbent, and this, in turn, allows you to extract many harmful substances from it. However, this method can be harmful. Enterosorption is still quite effective. In the team of Academician Frolkis, this method was thoroughly studied. The fact is that in a person up to about 10-12 liters of gastric juice are released per day. So, when its sorption is carried out, it is possible to cleanse the blood, lymph and intercellular and cellular fluids without harm to the body . Also, this method is extremely effective in absorbing cholesterol. This method of cleaning is a good prevention of atherosclerosis.

Initially, the above facts were verified in rats. For experiments, 28-month-old (old) individuals were taken. Sorbents (synthetic coals) were added to these rats for 10 days, alternating with 30-day breaks. Such an experiment showed that the life expectancy of rodents increased by 35%. This had such a strong effect that it led to a high intensity of protein synthesis.

It can also be said that this experiment showed the effects of enterosorbent on lipid metabolism in the body. Their content, which is of great importance for the development of atherosclerosis, decreased in the liver by 30%. As you can see, the effect of enterosorption had such a big impact on the functioning of fat cells that the restoration of the cell walls in the body as a whole began. With the long-term use of this method, cell damage occurs much later, the proliferation of connective tissue in the organs and nerve centers is inhibited, and the tendency to vascular disease decreases.

Enterosorption is one of the best ways to prolong life and rejuvenate the body as a whole. Analogues to such a process have not yet been invented. Such a procedure is primarily safe and very effective. Take enterosorption yourself. It will come in handy in the future.

enterosorbents drugs for children


Modern sorbents have significant advantages over activated carbon. Therefore, they are more expensive. The cost of enterosorbents completely depends on the type of drug and its quantity, as well as the manufacturer. She hesitates in the region of 80 - 2000 rubles.


After reading the information in this article, everyone can learn about the beneficial effects of drugs such as enterosorbents. How to choose them? This is also stated in this text. But nevertheless it is better if the need arises, seek the advice of a doctor who will recommend the necessary enterosorbent. The instructions should be read without fail!

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