Shoulder dislocation is an injury of various origins, which is very common in modern medicine. First of all, it is necessary to clarify that this pathology characterizes the structural violation of the articulating surfaces of the articular cavity of the scapula and head of the humerus, as a result of a pathological process or physical violence. However, one should not confuse the dislocation of the shoulder with the subluxation, since in the latter case, despite the dysfunction of congruence, the contact of the mating surfaces is observed.
Why do dislocations occur? There are many reasons, but the main ones are still falling or excessive physical effort on the designated arm. It is important to remember that with a dislocation of the shoulder, it is not necessary to exclude repeated dislocations that already occur without much violence, and sometimes even happen in a dream. This anomaly is called "habitual dislocation."
A very versatile clinical picture has a dislocation of the shoulder, but the symptoms are often the same at all stages of such an anomaly. Basically, patients complain of intense pain and disruption of the usual work of the shoulder joint due to injury. The victim is unable to hold his hand on the injured side, fixing it in a less painful position. In addition, judging by the x-ray, clearly visible deformation of the shoulder joint.
If a shoulder dislocation was obtained a long time ago, then the joint capsule becomes denser, becoming thicker and losing its former elasticity. In the thickness of the joint, fibrous tissue dominates, which not only covers the articular surfaces, but also fills the free spaces. Atrophic and dystrophic structural changes predominate in the periarticular muscles. The older the shoulder dislocation, the more progressive is fatty degeneration, fibrosis, cartilage degeneration, sclerosis of the synovial membrane and even ossification of the joint, leading to the formation of an extensive focus of pathology requiring immediate surgical intervention.
If an X-ray of the shoulder was diagnosed, treatment should be timely. First of all, the affected element must be quickly corrected immediately after the diagnosis is clarified. Here, general anesthesia comes to the rescue , which greatly facilitates the victim of this painful procedure. Its absence is considered medical negligence, since such manipulations require maximum muscle relaxation.
Today, 50 methods are known to eliminate this violation. However, taking into account local anesthesia according to Meshkov, it is conditionally possible to systematize them into three main groups, including lever and physiological methods, as well as push methods, the essence of the latter being to push the head of the humerus into the joint space. An experienced traumatologist should ideally possess such abilities and skillfully combine all the prescribed methods.
However, sometimes it happens that such treatment is ineffective, since it is not possible to restore the joint. A similar phenomenon in traumatology is attributed to irreversible dislocations of the shoulder that occur against the background of tissue getting in contact with the planes. Such an obstacle may be the edges of a torn and bent joint capsule, damaged muscles and tendons, bone elements. In such cases, it is necessary to apply a special tire, as well as the inclusion in the treatment regimen of analgesics, UHF and exercise therapy, as well as active exercises in the joints of the hand. In general, shoulder dislocation is reversible and prone to further normalization of the functioning of the damaged area.