How to clean caviar from films at home: useful tips

Such a valuable delicacy as red caviar appears on the festive tables of the majority of the population. But many housewives, in order to save money, try to buy fish rich in caviar and make a delicious delicacy at home. However, before salting the caviar, it must be properly prepared.

how to clean caviar from films

When the carcass of the fish is butchered, caviar is discovered. But she is "packed" in a special bag - a piercer. How to get rid of it? How to clean caviar from films yourself? Let's get it right.

Let's talk today about how to clean the pink salmon caviar from the film, pike caviar, chum salmon and other fish species. We will decide on the main assistants in this matter.

To salt or buy?

Of course, now you can buy anything in the store, even gourmet products. However, if possible, many housewives prefer to salt caviar at home. Why? Firstly, when you are preparing a product yourself, you know exactly what you put there. You will be completely sure that your caviar will not have harmful dyes, additional preservatives and additives. It will be completely natural, this is a huge plus.

Secondly, if you figure out how to clean caviar from films at home and then salt it, then save a lot of money. Ready-made salted caviar in the store is quite expensive. But caviar, independently extracted from fish and salted at home - the product is much cheaper in price.

Why remove the film bag?

The film bag serves to ensure that all eggs are nearby. Yastyk - a completely harmless thing, but very tasteless. You could eat it if it didn’t give the dish an unpleasant aftertaste. Yes, and the usual friable state of caviar can not be achieved if this bag is not removed.

how to peel pink salmon caviar from a film

What tools will be needed to remove the film

You decide to salt red caviar at home. First you need to learn how to clean the caviar of chum salmon from the film and with what improvised means to do it. Mistresses say that the choice of tool will depend on the type of fish you are going to cut. For one type of fish you will need a regular colander, for another - a kitchen mixer. Small caviar is better to get rid of the film with a fork or boiling water. But let's talk about everything in order.

Fork and gauze

How to peel pink salmon caviar from a film using gauze and a regular fork? We are preparing a decent piece of gauze, two large bowls and a fork. It will be necessary to pour hot water into one container, and cold water into another. Gauze will need to be folded in two layers. Inside we put bags of caviar. We put gauze in hot water, gently mixing the contents. After one minute, remove the cheesecloth and place it in a container of cold water.

As a result of such manipulations, the film bag will be boiled and it will be easy to independently move away from the eggs. It remains only to pry the threads of the film with a fork and remove them.

how to clean caviar from films at home

Coarse Sieve

You are lucky if you got red caviar from chum or pink salmon. It is quite large in size and can be easily cleaned in the first way. But what if the caviar is fine-grained, such as pike. Let's see how to clean caviar from films at home using a sieve.

To begin with, caviar in bags is thoroughly washed under running water. Then the stitch is neatly cut in some places, and the contents are laid out in a sieve. Take a sieve with large holes so that the caviar freely penetrates through them into the plate. Try to do everything as carefully as possible so as not to crush the eggs. The remnants of the film bag will be visible when most of the eggs fall into the sieve holes. You can remove the stitch with your hands or with a fork.

Whisk and boiling water

Now consider another way that will teach and show how to clean red caviar from a film using boiling water and a whisk. To do this, you will need to pour cold water into a large pot and bring it to a boil. It is better to place one or two bags in the water. Do not look that the volume allows you to put more caviar. Two is the maximum amount. And it will be more convenient to interfere, and it will be better to separate the egg from the egg.

So, put the boiling water in boiling water and begin to gently whisk the eggs with a whisk. In boiling water, the bag from the film will boil and begin to separate on its own, releasing caviar. When you work with a whisk, he will collect the welded parts of the film on his blades. Stir until all films are wound on a whisk.

how to clean red caviar from a film

Boiling water and own hands

And how to clean caviar from films if there are no kitchen utensils at hand? There is a way in which the main “actors” will be your own hands and a plate of hot water.

Pour hot water into a plate. We put one bag of caviar, wait a couple of minutes and slightly press on it (you can neatly cut it). Caviar frees itself. The film after being in hot water becomes malleable and can be easily removed with your fingers.


There is another way that allows you to prepare red caviar for pickling. We are trying to understand how to clean caviar from a film with a mixer. For this, it is recommended to use special nozzles "snakes". They easily bring the dough to the desired consistency, they also perfectly separates the caviar from the film bag.

So, we take caviar in one hand, and a mixer in the other. Gently press the nozzle to the side of the tongue and turn on the mixer at minimum speed. At the moment when the film begins to wrap around the whisk of the mixer, try to monitor the caviar as closely as possible. Under your arm must necessarily be a wide tank that will “catch” eggs if it wants to escape from your hand.

Salty water

There is another simple way to quickly release the eggs from the films. We will figure out how to clean caviar from films at home using salted boiling water. In one of the ways we threw the product into hot water, now we will fill it with it. Prepare boiling water in advance, to which we add table salt at the rate of one hundred grams per liter.

In a separate container we put caviar in bags and pour brine. Films in the eyes will begin to curl and separate from the calf. Remember that it is important not to overexpose the product in salt water.

how to clean chum salmon caviar

A little about the benefits of caviar

So, we now know how to clean caviar from films before salting. But why is this product so good, what is so useful and important for our body, and is it worth it to suffer - to cleanse, salt, etc.? Cooking homemade caviar, although a troublesome process, but necessary. Caviar is a product that contains a huge set of vitamins (A, D, E), proteins and iodine, polyunsaturated fatty acids and phosphorus, calcium and potassium, zinc and silicon, iron and sodium. The set of useful substances and trace elements is uncountable.

how to clean caviar from a film with a mixer

In its nutritional value, caviar is considered an order of magnitude more useful than fish or meat itself. If you know how to clean caviar from films and salt it yourself, do not be lazy to do this. It will help strengthen the immune system, strengthen the general condition of the body, and prevent the development of problems with the cardiovascular system.

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