What is lamblia? These are microorganisms belonging to the class of protozoa. Once inside a person, they multiply and parasitize in the intestines. Giardia is also able to affect other organs. These protozoa have high resistance to the external environment, so they can be easily infected. They are the causative agents of the disease - giardiasis.
What are lamblia
To understand the ways of infection and the pathogenesis of the disease, you need to understand what lamblia is from the point of view of microbiology. These are unicellular parasites belonging to the class of flagella. They can exist in a mobile form and in the form of cysts.
Mobile lamblia are also called trophozoites. This protozoa has a pear-shaped and microscopic dimensions. His body contains a suction cup and flagella. Every 10-12 hours, lamblia multiply by division. Two new microorganisms are formed from one parasite. Flagella are intended for their movement, and with the help of a suction cup they are attached to the human intestines. Their nutrition is carried out by the entire surface of the body, in this way they absorb substances from the human body. In the form of trophozoites, parasites live only in the small intestine.
What are cystic lamblia? These are oval microorganisms that are covered with a dense shell. They are not able to move around. In this form, they live in the large intestine, and can also be in the environment for a long time. Cysts are very resistant to external adverse effects.
Infection methods
An infected person secretes lamblia cysts together with feces into the external environment. If these parasites enter other organisms, then infection occurs. Soil and water pollution by feces, as well as low levels of public hygiene, increases the risk of lamblia spreading.
Cysts enter the body through the mouth. Infection can occur in the following ways:
- Through the water. The use of unboiled water or from natural sources is dangerous.
- Through food. Dirty vegetables and fruits, as well as poorly cooked or fried foods, can become a source of infection.
- Through household contact. Infection can occur through contact with the patient. It should be remembered that lamblia cannot be obtained by airborne droplets. However, you can become infected through a handshake if the patient has poor hygiene and cysts are on his skin. Carriers of lamblia can be not only people, but also animals. Also, objects with which the patient is in contact can be infected with cysts.
For infection, it is enough that only 10 cysts enter the body. People with weak immunity and low acidity of gastric juice have an increased risk of infection.
We can conclude that giardiasis is a disease of "dirty hands." Only hygiene can be a reliable prevention of infection.
How does the disease develop?
After the cysts have entered the body, they enter the duodenum, where they are again converted into mobile forms. With the help of a suction cup, they are attached to the epithelium and are fed by the human body. There is intestinal irritation, the absorption of nutrients is impaired.
In humans, the digestive tract becomes inflamed, enzymatic abnormalities and dysbiosis appear. In addition, lamblia emit toxic substances that inhibit the central nervous system. Giardia in children can cause allergies, especially if the child suffers from diathesis. This is the reaction of the body to antigens of protozoa.
Forms of pathology
About a quarter of those infected become carriers of parasites. However, they have no symptoms of giardiasis, and treatment is delayed as a result. In about half of infected people, pathology develops with mild symptoms. In 25% of those infected, there are clear signs of giardiasis.
The following forms of the disease are distinguished:
- Intestinal. Inflammation occurs in the digestive tract and impaired function.
- Hepato-pancreatic. Cholecystitis and biliary tract dysfunction appear.
- Extraintestinal. It occurs due to poisoning of the body by lamblia toxins. There are signs of damage to the nervous system: autonomic and asthenic manifestations, as well as allergic reactions.
- Mixed. A person has symptoms of damage to various organs and systems.
Symptoms in adults
Giardia in adults can cause the disease in both acute and chronic form. Signs of infection begin to appear 1-3 weeks after cysts enter the body. At this time, the active reproduction of parasites occurs.
After the incubation period, an acute phase of the disease occurs. During this period, the following symptoms of giardiasis in adults can be distinguished:
- Headache, weakness, increased irritability appear.
- Dyspeptic symptoms occur: diarrhea, abdominal pain (in the umbilical region), increased gas formation, nausea, and vomiting. The patient often takes these manifestations for signs of food poisoning.
- Body temperature rises to 38 degrees.
- A person's appetite drops sharply. Even after eating a small amount of food, the patient seems to be oversaturated.
- The patient noticeably loses weight within a few days.
- Sometimes a skin allergy appears in the form of rashes.
The acute form of the disease lasts about a week. If treatment is not done at this stage, then the parasitic lesion can become chronic. With this form, the symptoms of the disease either subside or recur again. The following signs of chronic giardiasis are noted:
- Disruptions of the digestive tract become systematic. A person is periodically disturbed by diarrhea or constipation, bloating.
- The tongue is constantly coated with plaque.
- The color of the skin changes, it becomes uneven. In this case, the face looks very pale.
- A person feels constant weakness and fatigue.
- The patient becomes overly nervous and irritable.
- Weight loss continues and can reach anorexia.
- The patient has flaky skin on his lips.
- Allergic skin manifestations and dermatitis are often noted.
- If there is a lesion of the biliary tract, then there is pain in the right hypochondrium due to cholecystitis. Stagnation of bile is also observed.
- With prolonged invasion, the temperature periodically rises and the lymph nodes increase. Signs of vitamin deficiency and dehydration appear.
This disease is especially dangerous for pregnant women. The future mother's immunity drops sharply, because of this it becomes more difficult for her to bear the fetus. A woman can pass lamblia to the baby, and the baby must be treated immediately after birth.
Treatment of giardiasis in pregnant women is a challenge. In no case should you try to get rid of the parasites yourself. During the bearing of the fetus, a woman can take far from all medicines for giardiasis. Only a doctor can choose the most gentle means.
Signs of infection in children
Giardia in children is much more common than in adults. Mature people usually become infected if hygiene is not followed. A small child often pulls fingers and various objects into its mouth, which cysts can get on. Most often, children aged 1 to 4 years fall ill. At the same time, children tolerate invasion much harder than adults.
If a lot of cysts enter the child’s body, then an acute form of the disease begins. Symptoms of giardiasis in children can resemble signs of food poisoning or intestinal infections. Therefore, according to external manifestations, making the correct diagnosis is not always easy. The following signs of acute giardiasis are noted:
- The child loses his appetite, he is often sick and vomits.
- The baby's stomach hurts and swells, often diarrhea occurs.
- The temperature rises to 38-39 degrees.
- Rashes on the skin of red color appear. This is a characteristic sign of giardiasis in a child. The rash resembles spots with rubella, because of this, the disease is sometimes mistaken for childhood infections.
- In some cases, a cough occurs.
The acute stage of the disease can become chronic. This usually occurs with improper treatment. Also, a chronic form can occur if a small amount of cysts enters the body. What signs indicate the presence of lamblia in the body? Symptoms are as follows:
- Abdominal pain and rash on the body intensify.
- The child's tongue is covered with a yellowish coating.
- Children lose weight, quickly tire.
- A slightly elevated temperature is constantly kept (up to 37.5 ° C).
- The gastrointestinal tract function is disturbed, diarrhea is replaced by constipation.
In childhood, this disease in a chronic form leads to developmental delay due to a constant deficiency of nutrients. Therefore, parents need to know what lamblia is and how infection occurs. This will help prevent a serious pathology in the child.
Signs of giardiasis resemble the symptoms of many other diseases. Therefore, to identify parasites, it is necessary to undergo laboratory diagnostics. Analysis of lamblia is carried out in the following ways:
- The study of feces. With the disease, cysts in feces are determined. The accuracy of this method is about 70%. However, there are times when a person is sick, but the analysis of feces did not show lamblia. Therefore, the study is repeated 3-4 times with a short break.
- Analysis of bile for lamblia cysts. This is a more accurate technique than stool testing. However, such diagnostics can only be carried out for adults and children over 10 years old.
- Serological blood test. This analysis shows the antibodies that the immune system produces against giardia.
- Enterotest. This study is often used to examine children. The patient is allowed to swallow the capsule with the thread inside. In the digestive tract, the gelatin shell dissolves. The thread comes out with feces. She is sent to the laboratory for research. In an infected person, the thread is covered with parasites.
Treatment principles
Treatment of giardiasis in adults and children should be comprehensive. Therapy is carried out in 3 stages:
- First of all, they eliminate stagnation in the biliary tract, allergic manifestations and metabolic disorders.
- At the next stage, antiparasitic drugs are prescribed that destroy giardia.
- After getting rid of parasites, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora and enzyme activity.
In the vast majority of cases, giardiasis is successfully cured. However, this does not preclude re-infection, since immunity is not generated against parasitic diseases.
Treatment of giardiasis begins with the appointment of a diet. It must be observed not only at the first stage, but also throughout the course of therapy.
It is recommended to sharply reduce the amount of carbohydrates. Such food "feeds" the lamblia. First of all, you need to abandon sweets, sausages and flour products. Instead of sugar, it is better to use xylitol or sorbitol. You should eat cereals on the water, dairy products, vegetable oil, vegetables and dried fruits. It is also good to eat apples and citrus fruits. This food prevents the reproduction of parasites. It is recommended to drink fruit drinks and teas from herbs.
Often patients with giardiasis are low in weight. However, this does not preclude the appointment of a low-carb diet. After all, weight loss does not occur from lack of nutrition, but because of the presence of parasites in the intestines. As soon as the lamblia is withdrawn, the weight will return to normal again.
Preparatory treatment
At the first preparatory stage of therapy, along with the diet, the patient is prescribed choleretic medications: Allahol, Hofitol, Papaverin, magnesia preparations. It is also useful to drink Essentuki No. 17 mineral water. This will help eliminate stagnation of bile. It is recommended to take antispasmodics: "No-Shpu", "Platifillin." They relax the muscles of the biliary tract. Along with this, enzyme preparations are prescribed to normalize the formation of enzymes: Festal, Creon, and Multienzyme.
If the patient has a high temperature, then it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs with paracetamol. For allergic rashes, antihistamines are used: Diazolin, Suprastin, Loratadin.
This stage of therapy can last from 2 to 4 weeks. It is a preparation for basic antiparasitic treatment.
Antiparasitic therapy
Often, patients begin to take antibiotics on their own. This should not be done. Giardiasis refers to protozoal infections, and not every antibacterial drug is able to affect such a microflora. Correctly choose a remedy for giardia can only be a doctor.
Treatment aimed at getting rid of parasites begins immediately after the preparatory phase. Prescribe medications that destroy the simplest microorganisms:
- "Trichopol";
- Macmirror
- Tiberal
- Furazolidone;
- "Tinidazole";
- Delagil
- "Paromomycin";
- Nemozol.
In the treatment of giardiasis, children are most often prescribed the drug "Macmirror". It is the least toxic and rarely causes side effects. This medicine is also used in the treatment of pregnant women, it has no negative effect on the fetus.
This stage of therapy lasts 5-7 days. But in most cases it is repeated after 7-10 days to prevent relapse. It is advisable to use different drugs during the first and second course of treatment so that the lamblia does not adapt to the drugs.
Recovery phase
After the expulsion of parasites, rehabilitation therapy is carried out. The duration of this stage of treatment is difficult to determine in advance, it lasts as long as the body needs for a full recovery. It is necessary to restore intestinal microflora and immunity. For this purpose, "Linex", "Bifikol", "Mezim", "Pancreasim" are prescribed. It is useful to use bio-yogurt and fermented milk products with bifidobacteria.
After recovery, the patient is recommended to be observed by a doctor for 1.5 months and take all the necessary tests.
Treatment of giardiasis takes quite a long time. This disease is easier to prevent. To do this, you must follow simple hygienic rules: wash your hands regularly, do not eat contaminated fruits and vegetables, and thoroughly heat the meat.
Children need hygiene skills to be instilled from an early age. You need to thoroughly wash your hands and the skin area under the nails after playing in the sandbox. It is in the soil and sand that most often contain lamblia cysts.