Homeopathy is a type of therapeutic treatment that appeared at the beginning of the 19th century thanks to the German scientist Samuel Hahnemann. The treatment is based on the principle of similarity. The same substance can not only cause unpleasant symptoms, but also treat them. For example, a small amount of mercury can cure the body of mercury poisoning.
Raw materials for homeopathic remedies
Today, many drugs work on the principle of homeopathy. But before you make your choice, you need to understand what a homeopathic remedy is. In the manufacture of drugs, the principle of "infinitesimal doses" is used. A substance that can cause a disease is used for treatment. But the proportion of this substance is so small that there can be no additional harm.
Anything can be used as a raw material for
homeopathic medicines . The main thing is that a certain substance can lead to positive changes in the body. It can be the vital products of fungi and other organisms, minerals. Widely used
snake venoms. Living organisms themselves, such as spiders, bees, leeches, etc. can also be used. Some homeopathic medicines may seem truly exotic. In fact, it is not the substance from which the drug is made that matters, but the principle of its use.
Homeopathic dilutions
Proper dilution of the active substance is the basis of homeopathy. A big push in this medical field happened exactly when Hahnemann faced exacerbations of the condition of patients caused by the administration of large doses of certain drugs. Since then, decimal dilutions have been developed and introduced into homeopathic practice by the great scientists. In the thirties of the 19th century, hundreds of breeding were also introduced.
Homeopathic medicines are prepared by diluting the maternal active ingredient. Part of it in a certain proportion is diluted with alcohol. A ratio of one to nine allows you to get a decimal dilution. A ratio of one to ninety-nine makes it possible to obtain a hundredth dilution.
Many patients are familiar with sweet homeopathic grains. They are obtained by applying a dilution of the desired substance on granules of milk sugar. Homeopathic tablets in this form are much more pleasant to take.
Homeopathy can cope with almost any disease that does not require emergency surgery. It all depends on the competence of the doctor himself. Some experts are in no hurry to tackle advanced forms of tuberculosis, cancer, neurodegenerative disorders. Despite this, hysteria is known to cure the most hopeless patients. Even a brain tumor can heal homeopathy. Indications for the use of certain drugs are strictly individual.
Preparations created by the principle of similarity are today widely used in medicine as additional tools. Although many specialists even managed to remove patients from a coma with the help of homeopathic medicines alone. There are few such cases.
Homeopathic doctors began to work openly recently. In Soviet times, this type of therapeutic treatment was prosecuted by law. Therefore, today it is difficult to find an elderly high-level homeopath. But young specialists show excellent healing results for complex patients.
The combination of homeopathic treatment with allopathic
Homeopathic medicines go well with allopathic treatment. But in most cases, the disease can be cured only with a drug created on the basis of similarity. An exception may be diabetes, when the patient has been injected with insulin for years. Over time, beta cells of the pancreas die. Therefore, dispensing with insulin is no longer possible. But for those who know what a homeopathic remedy is, the healing process goes much better. Properly selected drug can reduce the daily dose of insulin and significantly reduce the manifestations of diabetes.
The sooner the patient will be prescribed homeopathy treatment, the greater the chance of a complete cure. It matters how quickly the correct diagnosis was made. In the event that the disease is started, the use of homeopathic remedies along with classical medicines will provide the patient with an ailment in a lighter form.
Homeopathy and diet
There are products that interrupt the effects of homeopathic remedies. First of all, mint belongs to them. Therefore, at the time of treatment, the patient should completely abandon mint gum and sweets. Peppermint tea is also contraindicated . Strong coffee is also undesirable. Those who cannot imagine life without this drink can be consumed in diluted form.
Homeopathic remedies are sensitive to "chemistry." During the treatment period, do not use aromatic cleansers and shampoos. For a while, you will also have to give up toothpaste. Tablets are taken half an hour before bedtime, after brushing your teeth.
The difference between homeopathy and traditional treatment
The classic treatment of a disease begins only after the appearance of certain symptoms. A person who is in pain consults a doctor. Most modern allopathic drugs are aimed specifically at eliminating the symptoms. At the same time, homeopathic medicines are created to eliminate the cause of the disease. The homeopath specialist seeks to normalize the entire patient's body, based on its capabilities.
Treatment with homeopathy allows you to normalize any patient. One has only to trust the doctor and implicitly follow his instructions.
Homeopathy is classic and “modern”
Classical homeopaths use only those principles that were originally established by Samuel Hahnemann himself. There are also a number of specialists who observe the laws of homeopathy selectively. They call themselves “modern” homeopathic doctors. In fact, this is due to the lack of fundamental knowledge in the field of treatment by the principle of similarity.
A true homeopath is required to observe the patient’s condition for several days, and only then he will prescribe a specific treatment. Before a person recovers, several drugs may be changed. A “modern” specialist may not know what a homeopathic remedy is. In this case, drugs are selected in accordance with the disease, and not the characteristics of a particular patient.
Is homeopathy treatment expensive?
For those who have little idea of what a homeopathic remedy is, treatment may seem expensive. The first homeopath reception is really not cheap. Various experts take from 4 to 6 thousand rubles. The following tricks are usually much cheaper. The first meeting with the patient is very important. During communication, the doctor tries to study the patient's condition, to find out his individual characteristics. It takes a lot of time and effort. Hence the high price.
Regardless of the form of the disease, homeopathy can come to the aid of the patient. The price of treatment will depend on the complexity of the disease. A common cold can be cured in as little as a week, and a minimum of money will be spent.