The nose does not smell: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

People often turn to the doctor with the question: “My nose is stuffy, I don’t smell, what should I do?”

Most of us regard our own sense of smell as something ordinary and proper, but did anyone think what it would be like to lose the opportunity to smell? Scientifically, when the nose does not smell, that is, a complete loss of smell, is called anosmia. Food without a sense of smell changes its taste, it is already impossible to enjoy the aroma of flowers, and in some cases anosmia can pose a threat to life. For example, without smelling, you can not feel the smoke from the fire, gas leak, it is impossible to assess the quality of the products.

the nose does not smell

Often, when a person has a cold, his nose does not smell.

Thousands of patients experiencing impaired sense of smell and taste turn to specialists every year. In many cases, anosmia, fortunately, is temporary and is the result of a common cold. When ARVI is cured, the sense of smell returns to the patient.

Loss of smell for a long time

However, in some cases, the loss of smell persists for a long time. Most often, elderly people suffer from this phenomenon. Anosmia, among other things, may indicate the presence of quite serious pathologies in the body. Therefore, the answer to the question about actions in case of anosmia is unambiguous - a person should consult a doctor. Only he can identify the exact cause of the loss of smell and prescribe effective therapeutic measures.

Causes of Anosmia

The main reasons why the nose does not smell are: infectious lesions of the paranasal sinuses, allergic reactions, colds, poor air composition.

the nose does not smell what to do

Also, anosmia can develop for other reasons, among which:

  1. The formation of nasal polyps - small tumors in the sinuses and nose, which are benign in nature and block the nasal passage.
  2. Damage to nerves and nose as a result of head injury or surgery.
  3. Inhalation of solvents, pesticides and other toxic chemicals.
  4. The use of certain medications, including drugs for the heart, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, antidepressants.
  5. Cocaine use.
  6. Radiation therapy aimed at the treatment of malignant neoplasms localized in the neck or head.
  7. The presence of such disorders as hormonal, congenital pathologies, nutritional deficiencies, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
  8. Elderly age. The sense of smell, like hearing and taste, begins to weaken with age. The greatest degree of exacerbation of smell is noted at the age of 30-60 years, after which it begins to gradually decline.

Varieties of anosmia

A situation in which the nose does not smell, or anosmia, is classified by experts into several subspecies. Given the origin, distinguished acquired and congenital anosmia. Congenital anosmia occurs in cases where the infant's nerve pathways responsible for the sense of smell are underdeveloped or completely absent. Most often, this pathology is accompanied by other congenital pathologies of development.

According to statistics, anosmia of the acquired type is much more common than the congenital type. It develops against the background of long-term smoking, injuries, colds, allergic reactions, nasal polyposis.

stuffy nose I don't smell and taste

Peripheral and central loss of smell

Given the type of violation, it is customary to classify the loss of smell on the peripheral and central. If the respiratory function of the nose is fully preserved, but there is no sense of smell, then we can talk about the central type of anosmia. It occurs against the background of brain damage, encephalopathy, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, disorders in the olfactory center. In addition, central anosmia can develop after the patient has suffered from infectious meningitis, a serious head injury. A feature of central type anosmia is that patients are able to smell, but not able to characterize them. In some cases, the sense of smell is restored on its own, without any therapy.

It happens that the nose breathes, but does not smell. This seems especially strange.

Peripheral anosmia occurs due to allergies, flu, colds. In some cases, the sense of smell disappears against the background of neurosis and hysterical reactions. This category also includes age-related loss of smell, developing due to atrophic changes in the epithelium of the nasal mucosa.

the nose stopped smelling

In case of loss of smell, the patient should first contact a therapist who will determine the etymology of anosmia and refer to a narrower specialist - an otolaryngologist or a neurologist.

Diagnosis of anosmia

The diagnosis of anosmia, if the nose does not smell, is established by a specialist on the basis of patient complaints, specific symptoms, the results of an instrumental examination.

In cases where anosmia is not associated with transferred colds or accompanying allergic reactions of a person and lasts more than half a month, the patient should consult a specialist. An otolaryngologist examines the nasal cavity with a special tool and determines the relationship between the loss of smell and the process of infection by pathogenic microflora or growing polyps.

To determine the exact cause of anosmia, the otolaryngologist will allow various diagnostic measures and studies. Perhaps computed tomography will be prescribed, with which the doctor gets the opportunity to study the affected area in more detail.

So, a person is tormented by the question: “My nose is stuffy, I don’t feel smells and taste, what should I do with this?”

stuffy nose no smell what to do

Anosmia Therapy

In cases where anosmia is provoked by nasal congestion against the background of an allergy or catarrhal disease, specific therapy for the developed loss of smell is not required. Most often, unwanted symptoms disappear on their own in about a week.

The use of short-acting drugs of the glucocorticosteroid group will reduce marked swelling of the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity. As a result of their use, the patient’s breathing is facilitated, he begins to smell better.

When the nose does not smell, what to do, the doctor will tell.

If there is a progression of nasal congestion within a few days, you should seek the advice of a specialist. In those cases when the pathological process is provoked by the activity of pathogenic microflora, the patient is prescribed a course of therapy using antibacterial medications.

With polyps

If the relationship of anosmia with the growth of polyps in the nose or other neoplasms is established, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment. By surgery, the obstruction in the nasal passage is removed, which improves nasal breathing and restores the sense of smell.

When there is a suspicion that anosmia is caused by the use of any medication, it is necessary to inform the doctor who prescribed this drug. Probably, the development of anosmia is a side effect of the drug, then replacing the drug will solve the problem. However, the withdrawal of the drug should be agreed with the doctor, you should not resort to such drastic measures by your own decision.

the nose breathes but does not smell


In some cases, treatment for the loss of smell is not required, as it is restored independently and spontaneously. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cure anosmia, in particular, this applies to age-related loss of smell. But there are several recommendations, compliance with which will reduce the discomfort during life with anosmia. For example, experts advise installing fire and smoke detectors at work and at home. It is also important to exercise caution with food, the quality of which is suspicious because of the indicated shelf life or appearance. Such foods should not be taken if there is even the slightest suspicion of their poor quality, when the nose ceased to smell.

Prevention of Anosmia

In some cases, the treatment of anosmia is impossible, in particular this relates to congenital pathology. However, in most cases, this ailment can be eliminated. Compliance with simple preventive measures will prevent a loss of smell:

  1. It is necessary to begin therapy of infectious processes localized in the nasal cavity as early as possible.
  2. It is recommended to get rid of such a negative habit as smoking. Cigarette resins and nicotine can disrupt the transmission of neural signals, including those responsible for the sense of smell.
  3. When using vasoconstrictor medications, the recommended dosage must be strictly observed.
  4. If there is an allergy, the patient should minimize contact with the allergenic agent.
  5. Nutrition should be fortified with zinc and vitamin A.
  6. If there is a need for washing, you should use chamomile decoction, eucalyptus or sage. These herbs can eliminate swelling of the mucosa, have anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. If work involves hazardous activities, it is important to adhere to safety procedures and avoid head injuries.
colds nose does not smell

If the loss of smell is due to the growth of the polyp, you should not postpone its removal. Firstly, over time, it will only grow, and secondly, the early elimination of the cause of anosmia increases the chance of successful therapy.

Why you do not smell your nose and what to do with it is now clear.

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