Hydrocephalus in a child: symptoms of the disease

mixed hydrocephalus in children
Absolutely every person in the cranial cavity has a small amount of fluid. It constantly washes the brain and displays dead cells. This liquid is called cerebrospinal fluid - it is constantly produced and updated. But if the cerebrospinal fluid is secreted more, and the absorption process is disrupted, then it accumulates in the cranial cavity, thereby increasing intracranial pressure. Excess fluid presses on the brain, which is accompanied by severe headaches. Most often, this syndrome manifests itself in young children. Hydrocephalus in a child (or dropsy of the brain) is accompanied by mental and physical developmental delays, and often ends in death.

The success of the treatment of this syndrome depends on the severity of the course. If the disease was diagnosed in the early stages, then the chances of a full recovery are quite high. Hydrocephalus in children, the symptoms of which depend on the age of the patient, is treated for a long time. The child should be constantly monitored by doctors. But in order to diagnose the disease in time, you need to know what the manifestations of this syndrome are.

hydrocephalus in children symptoms
Hydrocephalus in a child up to a year is detected in developmental delay. Parents should be alerted by the causeless crying of the baby, poor sleep at night, constant spitting up, throwing head back in a dream. In addition, he has noticeable symptoms of increased muscle tone: the baby constantly holds his hands in his fists, rests with his legs with a cross or on his socks, there is no step reflex. Hydrocephalus in a child is characterized by a delay in mental and motor development.

The disease can develop at a later age. In preschoolers, this syndrome manifests itself particularly clearly: the child is prone to aggressiveness and hysterical manifestations, he is hypermotion. Often there is a delay in psychological development, a violation of diction is detected, it is difficult for a child to build sentences, since his vocabulary is very poor. The baby has frequent colds, stuttering and strabismus are noted.

hydrocephalus in a child
Sometimes, for a number of reasons, hydrocephalus in a child can develop in adolescence. In this case, nosebleeds will be observed. The child will complain of persistent severe headaches, a decrease in concentration and poor memory. Neurotization and disinhibition are noted. A teenager lags behind his peers in school, he poorly assimilates material, very slowly performs even light tasks, makes many mistakes. He complains that his hands quickly get tired and his handwriting deteriorates. Such a child reads slowly and cannot retell what he just read. It is difficult for him to correctly compose a story, to speak with complex sentences.

Regardless of which form is identified (internal, external or mixed hydrocephalus), in children with this syndrome the head volume will increase, in development it will lag. But this disease is not a sentence! To date, this syndrome is being treated. The main thing is to believe in success and not give up!

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