How to cook oatmeal porridge in milk: recipe, cooking tips

Breakfast is the most important meal, as it saturates a person and gives him energy for the whole day. But what kind of breakfast food is most beneficial? Of course, oatmeal porridge. Especially tasty and hearty, boiled in milk with the addition of sugar and butter. But in order to properly prepare the oats, you must take into account all the nuances and secrets when cooking. For example, it is important how much to cook the oatmeal porridge in milk.

This porridge, in addition to taste, has a large number of trace elements necessary for normal functioning of the body of each person. And it is eaten by those who follow a healthy lifestyle and their figure.

Oatmeal porridge

What is oatmeal porridge

For a long time, oats have been eaten, as it is easy to grow, it does not require any special conditions. To prepare food from oats, it was previously necessary to spend a lot of time soaking and heating, and the dish was served as a liquid soup for meat broth.

With the development of technology, oats began to be pre-processed, that is, cleaned and flattened. Thus, not whole grains, but oat flakes were obtained. Along with this, various options appeared, how to cook oatmeal porridge in milk or water. The advantage of flakes was better digestibility and speed of cooking. Later in the Soviet Union, such flakes were called hercules and began to be produced in packages with a healthy and strong baby.

Hercules was believed to be an excellent substitute for semolina porridge for toddlers and children. But adults did not stand aside, having tried it, they began to cook it not only on water. Especially it turned out delicious oatmeal porridge in milk. Thus, already in the USSR, processed oatmeal was called oatmeal, which was very satisfying, tasty and easy to prepare.

Hercules with blueberries

Hercules Cooking: The Secret to Delicious Porridge

The most famous lovers of this food for breakfast are the British. They invented a recipe for Hercules porridge in milk with the addition of various sweeteners. As sweeteners are suitable:

  • sugar;
  • honey;
  • dried fruits;
  • fresh fruits;
  • syrups;
  • jam or jam.

It is believed that oatmeal porridge is the most high-calorie and high-carbohydrate of a wide range of cereals. No wonder scientists and doctors talk about the benefits of Hercules due to the high content of fiber and vitamins. And satiety from such a breakfast will remain until lunch, as it will slowly break down in the small intestine for a long time.

For breakfast, to obtain an additional portion of calcium, it is advised to cook cereals, observing the proportions of herculean porridge, in milk. The right choice is finely ground flakes for short cooking times. Cow's milk can be diluted with water to obtain less fat.

oatmeal porridge with apple

Ingredients for Hercules Porridge

Culinary experts advise adding a piece of butter to the porridge. This will make the taste more saturated, as well as increase the caloric supply for the whole day until the next meal.

So, for a recipe for herculean porridge in milk you will need:

  • 3 large spoons of fast-growing flakes of hercules;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • the same amount of water (boiled, room temperature);
  • salt to taste;
  • butter is also at the discretion;
  • sweetener (sugar, syrup, honey and so on).

The process of making oatmeal porridge

porridge in a pan

Each family has its own recipes and secrets on how to cook oatmeal porridge in milk. But here are the basic, basic stages of preparation:

  1. Initially, you need to bring the milk to a boil by adding water to it. It is necessary to approach boiling with all seriousness, since escaped milk will spoil the smell in the kitchen and the amount of liquid will significantly decrease.
  2. When the mixture of water and milk boils, it is necessary to throw flakes into the container, salt, sweeten and, reducing the fire, stirring constantly, cook for up to 10 minutes.
  3. If milk foam with oatmeal rises above the upper edge of the pan, then you just need to remove it with a spoon.
  4. After 10 minutes of cooking, the oat-flakes should swell. At this moment, the fire turns off, and the porridge is laid aside. Pre-add butter.
  5. After a few minutes, porridge can be served on plates, garnished with fruit, syrup, or whatever you like best.

How to cook oatmeal porridge in milk in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is an excellent device for cooking porridge, since you can set a certain time on it, by which the food will be ready. All you need to do to the owner of the multicooker is to fill in the liquid, throw in the flakes and add spices.

But still, when using a multicooker, there are secrets and features. Therefore, it is necessary to consider how to cook oatmeal porridge in milk in a slow cooker:

  1. For cooking, you need to boil water and milk in advance, since the miracle of technology only heats the liquids, but does not kill bacteria and microbes. If not possible, then in extreme cases, the use of pasteurized milk and bottled water is allowed.
  2. Due to the fact that cooking cereals can take a lot of time, the proportions in which the ingredients are added are different from the usual ones. Therefore, to get a more viscous porridge, you need to take 3-4 times more milk.
  3. To prevent excessive boiling of milk and further runaway, it is recommended to lubricate the edges of the bowl with butter. It will stop the foam of milk and hercules.
  4. So that the finished cereal does not smell of those products that were previously prepared in the multicooker, before and after cooking, you must carefully wash the equipment.

Ingredients and cooking Hercules in a slow cooker

porridge with fruit

There is a lot of information on how to cook oatmeal porridge in milk, but for a slow cooker it is better to use the following grams and proportions of ingredients:

  • 1 multi-cup of Hercules flakes;
  • 4-5 multi-glasses of milk;
  • dried fruits to taste;
  • sugar and salt in a ratio of 4 to 1.

After the necessary products are bought and prepared, the process of loading and setting up the multicooker begins:

  1. As in the usual recipe, you need to boil milk.
  2. Dried fruits are washed and soaked for 10-20 minutes. Then you need to cut them into small pieces.
  3. Hercules, salt and sugar, dried fruits are poured into the multicooker bowl.
  4. Top need to pour boiled milk.
  5. On the device panel, you must select a mode for porridge.
  6. Serving is carried out with the addition of a piece of butter.

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