Curd cheese is an indispensable product in the preparation of desserts and sandwiches, as it has a delicate creamy consistency. Due to the fact that such cheeses are very expensive, it is better to cook them at home. You can save money and make it the way you want by choosing the right recipe.
Cottage cheese
A liter of milk is mixed with a glass of kefir and 1/3 cup cream. Put the saucepan with this mixture in the slow cooker on the "quenching" mode for 30 minutes. Do not close the lid to monitor the process. When the milk mixture is heated to 80 degrees, it will curl. Put the colander in another pan and cover it with gauze folded several times. Put the curd mixture, raise the edges of the gauze and let the serum drain. After 5 minutes, put the resulting cheese into a form, salt, mix with parsley and dill.
Cottage cheese with mushrooms and onions
From the half of the lemon you need to squeeze the juice and then strain through cheesecloth so that there is no pulp and seeds. Pour 500 ml of 20% cream into a saucepan and put in a water bath, that is, put a smaller saucepan in a large one with the water in it. On low heat, stirring continuously, warm the cream to a temperature of 80 degrees. Salt a little. In a thin stream, while continuing to stir, pour in the lemon juice. In this case, the cream will curl. After 5 minutes they will curl up - they need to be removed for 4 minutes to cool. Put a colander in a deep bowl, cover it with a chintz cloth and pour in the cooled cream. Without squeezing, let the serum drain. It takes about 3 hours.
In the resulting curd cheese, you can add filler. For example, if it is greens - it must be crushed with a blender. If these are mushrooms with onions, you need to fry 200 g of fresh mushrooms and chopped onion in a pan, drain the oil, and grind the mixture in a blender.
Mix filler with cheese when whey drains. It is better to put the cheese in a glass form and then put in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
Curd cheese in a water bath
Pasteurize three liters of milk in a water bath for about 5 minutes at a temperature of 85 degrees. Allow to cool to room temperature. Pour 150 ml of yogurt or kefir. Wrap a saucepan with the milk mixture with a terry towel and put it in the heat for 8 hours. Check clot readiness. Scoop a little of the resulting mass with a spoon. Serum should have a greenish color. The clump fracture should be flat and with a shiny surface. Put the saucepan with the resulting mass in a water bath at a temperature of 50 degrees minutes for 3. In order for the clot to warm evenly, you need to make punctures in several places with a wide knife.
Cover the colander with a linen napkin and transfer the lactic acid mass. When the whey drains, the resulting cottage cheese is twisted in a meat grinder, add 30 g of butter, mix. Wrap curd mass in linen cloth, put between two boards and cover with small oppression for 8 hours. Unroll the cheese and put in the refrigerator.
Curd cheese with dill and caraway seeds
To prepare it, you need to grind 100 g butter with 600 g of cottage cheese. Add 150 g of sour cream and mix. Put 12 g of salt, chopped dill and caraway seeds finely. Put the curd mass in a fabric bag, which you need to dress and put overnight under oppression in a cold place. In the morning, the cheese will be ready.
Quick Curd Cheese
The recipe requires 2 kilograms of cottage cheese to grind. Boil 2 liters of milk and put the cottage cheese in it. Put in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then, curd cottage cheese. When the whey drains, add the egg mass, half a liter of sour cream, a pinch of soda, 6 eggs, 200 g butter. Cook over low heat. When the curd mass begins to stretch, put it in a suitable shape and put it in the refrigerator. In a few hours, the cheese is ready.