As you know, easily digestible protein contained in carp meat is digested by the human body more easily than chicken or beef, and is not inferior to them in amino acid content. But carp has a lot of saturated fatty acids that increase cholesterol, so you should not use it in too large quantities.
The advantage of carp meat is its sulfur content, which actively helps the body in the fight against harmful microelement bacteria, which is also responsible for the necessary level of blood coagulation, and helps to maintain a healthy appearance of hair, skin and nails. In addition, carp contains a lot of fats, proteins, vitamins, phosphorus, potassium and other substances necessary for the human body.
Carp is also convenient in that it is easily available in almost any grocery store and at any time of the year, and you can cook a lot of different dishes from carp meat. How to cook ear from carp? Consider a few recipes.
Carp ear. Hungarian Recipe
Cook the broth from carp tails and heads. Cut the meat of the carp into pieces, salt and grate with a mixture of garlic and butter. First, fry the onions in a saucepan (for two medium-sized carps - two large onions), season with hot paprika (at your discretion), when all the ingredients are fried, add five or six sliced tomatoes and four or five pieces of chopped fresh sweet pepper, a bay leaf and black pepper peas. Then boil such a mass and add fish, boil for about fifteen minutes and add to taste the wine or riesling (white table wine).
Magic Carp Ear
Prepare one kilogram of carp, one onion, two boiled egg yolks, two tablespoons of wheat flour, two and a half liters of water, one teaspoon of ground paprika, a spoon of vegetable oil for frying, a bay leaf, a little ground black pepper and salt.
Clean and rinse the carp. Cut the fillet into portions.
Put your head, fins and tail in a saucepan, add onion and spices there, pour cold water and set to cook for 30-40 minutes.
Now fry the pieces of carp fillet, pre-baked in flour.
Strain the cooked broth, put the prepared carp meat in it and bring to a boil.
Everything, the ear of the carp is ready. Turn off the heat, add mashed yolks to the prepared broth, pour it on plates and put chopped greens on each plate.
Carp and other fish soup with bell pepper
For this delicious dish, take 100 grams of carp, sterlet, pike perch, catfish, three tomatoes, two sweet bell peppers, one liter of fish broth, a little red hot pepper and salt.
In a boiled broth, put the fish, chopped tomatoes and Bulgarian pepper, cut into equal slices , pepper, salt and cook for four to five minutes.
Carp Ear with Beans
You will need one kilogram of carp, two liters of water, potatoes and beans (1: 3), two teaspoons of garlic sauce, one - two teaspoons of nutmeg, three bay leaves, ten olives, a little dried herbs and salt.
Boil water in a pan. Thoroughly clean and rinse the carp, but leave your head so that the ear is rich. Cut the fish into medium sized pieces.
Dice the peeled potatoes. Place beans and potatoes in a pot of boiling water, pepper to taste and salt. Now add the garlic sauce, olives, bay leaves and nutmeg to the pan. Also, if desired, you can add marinade from olives.
And after all this, add the carp and cook on medium-high heat for about twenty minutes. To make the soup’s aroma even more palatable, add dried dill and parsley to it.
Well that's all. The dish is ready.