'Erythromycin' ointment: instructions for use

Erythromycin is an antibiotic belonging to the macrolide group. The medication was developed in the middle of the last century from soil actinomycete. The medicine is in the form of tablets and ointments for local use, an eye ointment is separately released.

"Erythromycin" ointment: instructions for use

The drug has an overwhelming effect on the growth of microorganisms. The medicine is effective against gram-negative microorganisms (legionella, pale treponema, brucella, haemophilus influenzae, pertussis, meningococcus, gonorrhea), and is also used to treat gram-positive infections (diphtheria, clostridia, anthrax, pneumococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus aureus). The medicine does not affect Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, as well as small fungi, viruses, microbacteria.

The medicine is well tolerated by the body of patients, therefore, it can be used without fear of allergies.

"Erythromycin" ointment: instructions for use and indications

Ophthalmic ointment is used to treat infections of the visual organs, the causative agents of which are microorganisms sensitive to the drug. With the help of a medication, they treat ophthalmia in newborns, conjunctivitis, chlamydia, keratitis, trachoma, bacterial blepharitis, barley (meibomite), blepharoconjunctivitis.

The drug "Erythromycin" (ointment release form) for topical administration is prescribed for the treatment of soft tissues and skin, pressure sores, trophic ulcers, pustular skin ailments, teenage acne, infected wounds, burns of 2-3 degrees.

The drug "Erythromycin" (tablet release form) is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases associated with antibiotic-sensitive microorganisms. This group includes scarlet fever, whooping cough, trachoma, tonsillitis, brucellosis. With the help of tablets, they treat infections of the ear, nose, throat, respiratory tract (pneumonia, tracheitis), ailments of the biliary organs, syphilis, gonorrhea and other pathologies.

"Erythromycin" ointment: instructions for use and dosage

Outwardly, the medicine is used for two months, applying it to the affected area of ​​the skin 2-3 times a day. To treat burns, the drug is used up to three times a week.

When trachoma "Erythromycin akos" ointment is used up to five times a day, in other cases three procedures are enough. The medicine in the amount of 0.3 grams is laid in the lower or upper eyelid. The course of treatment is four months.

A single dose of tablets is usually a quarter of a gram, with severe forms of the disease, half a gram of the drug is prescribed. Consume every four (six) hours. Tablets are taken an hour and a half before meals or two hours after eating. The daily dose for an adult should not exceed four grams.

For babies up to three months, the medicine is given at the rate of 40 mg of the drug per day per kilogram of weight. For children under 18 years of age, the dose is calculated on the basis of 50 mg per kilogram of mass. Tablets are taken 4 times in 5 days - two weeks. If the signs of the disease disappear, the medicine is taken for another two days.

"Erythromycin" ointment: instructions for use and side effects

With local treatment, such negative manifestations as hyperemia, itching, irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye organs are possible. Irritation and peeling of the skin, the occurrence of fuzzy visual perception can also be observed.

When using tablets, patients complain of vomiting, nausea, allergic manifestations. They may experience epigastric pain, malfunctioning of the liver. In rare cases, cholestatic jaundice or anaphylactic shock occurs.

Contraindications include kidney or liver failure, hypersensitivity, the presence of jaundice in the history of the disease.

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