"Three heroes" (fairy tale): the author of the tale, a summary, the names of the heroes of the tale

Tales were created by the people since ancient times. But the opinion that they were composed for the entertainment of children is a mistake. The tale carries in its sometimes simple, and sometimes twisted plot worse than a blockbuster plot, the wisdom of the people, the truth, following which the person will always defeat evil. The one who wrote the fairy tale “Three Athletes” was guided by just such truths.

From our article you will learn what this fairy tale is about, who wrote it, and what useful it can teach not only children but also adults.

three heroes fairy tale


Studying a fairy tale, a researcher may ask: “Three heroes” - is it a fairy tale or a bylina? ” Such an interest is natural, since the work has the attributes of both the first and second genre. But the differences are significant. Bylina is a song genre in which events that have a connection with history or influence on it are chanted. A fairy tale is very indirectly related to history. The events and heroes of the tale are fiction, in which the expectations and hopes of the people are embedded. Based on this theory, we will classify Three Heroes as a fairy tale genre.

three heroes the author of a fairy tale

Tale "Three heroes." Summary

The tale begins traditionally, with the story that a father once lived for a long time, who had three sons. All of them were beautiful, healthy, smart, studied, helped their father, did not communicate with bad people. The names of the three heroes from the tale are Tonguch-batyr, Ortancha-batyr and Kenja-batyr. The children were twenty-one, eighteen and sixteen years old. They lived in peace and good. One day, the father called them to him and said that he had not gained much good, for the three sons of what is, is not enough. They themselves need to go into the world and save their wealth. To do this, all sons have - grew up healthy, brave and good hunters. And on the road, the father gave them three instructions: to live in peace - to be honest, to be happy - not to be lazy, not to blush with shame - not to be boastful. Also waiting for them are three good horses - black gray and bulan. Father said so and left the heroes. And they hit the road.

The plot of a fairy tale

When the first day of the journey ended, the brothers went to sleep. But they decided at the same time that it was dangerous for everyone to sleep. You need to take turns to sleep and watch their small camp.

The first to guard Tonguch-batyr. He sat for a long time around the fire until he heard a noise. It turns out that there was a lion's den near the camp. The brother decided that he himself would cope with the lion and lured him far from the brothers' lodging for the night. There he defeated the beast in battle, cut a belt from his skin and went to sleep.

what are the names of three heroes from a fairy tale

The duty of the two younger brothers went quietly, and in the morning they set off further. This time evening found them at a high mountain. Under a lonely poplar near a cold spring, the heroes of the tale “Three Bogatyrs” decided to spend the night, not knowing that there was a lair of Adjar Sultan - the king of snakes.

The guys fed the horses and went to bed. The elder brother stood guard calmly and handed over the shift to the middle one - Ortancha-batyr. In the middle of a moonlit night, a snake climbed out of a cave. He was scary and as big as a tree. The middle brother, in order not to disturb his relatives, took Ajar far behind him. There the mortal battle began, in which Ortancha the hero won. He cut out a thin belt of snake skin and returned to the fire.

The next morning the brothers set off again. They rode for a long day, and when the sun rushed toward sunset, they found a cozy place on a lonely hill.

tale three heroes summary

Kenja and the robbers

The watch of the elder brothers quietly passed, and the younger, Kenja, began to guard their peace. The wind blew, and extinguished the fire. Kenge decided it was bad to stay without fire and climbed the hill to look around. He saw a far, far flashing light. He went there, to a lonely house with a fire in the window. The hero looked into the window and saw twenty people at the table. Their faces were unkind, the guy realized that they were robbers and they were plotting something unkind. Began to think how to be. Conscience did not allow to leave everything. He decided by cunning to gain the trust of the bandits and then decide what to do with them.

He went into the house and asked the robbers. Ataman accepted him. The next morning the bandits set off to rob the Shah's treasury. The first hero was sent over the fence to see if the guard was sleeping. The brother told them that he could make his way, but he cut down the heads of all the robbers in turn and went to the palace. There the guard and the girl-servants were fast asleep. I saw three doors of Kenge. He went quietly at first, a very beautiful girl was sleeping there. The hero took a gold ring from her finger and put it in his pocket. In the other two rooms the beauties slept more beautifully than the first. They removed Kenge's earring and bracelet and quietly returned to the brothers.

Brothers in the palace

The brothers woke up and drove on. He brought their way to a small town. They sat in a teahouse for lunch, but heard a scream in the street. The king’s herald notified what happened at the shah that night — some hero cut down the heads of twenty terrible robbers, and the royal daughters lost one piece of jewelry. And he promises to reward the shah who will tell him about the strange events of the night. They invited the brothers to the palace. And there the shah ordered to feed them, and he sat down behind the canopy to eavesdrop. What will they talk about.

"Three heroes" - a fairy tale, eventful. While the brothers ate, they discussed that the food gives away dog ​​meat, and the drink smells of human blood. And only the cakes are tasty and beautifully laid out by a good cook. The brothers decided that they didn’t lie and it was time to discuss what happened during the three nights of their journey. The older brother talked about the lion, showed the belt. The middle one told about Adjara and threw a belt of snake skin to the brothers. The turn of the younger came. He told about the robbers and the Shah’s daughters. As the shah learned the secret, he ordered a shepherd to come to him to ask about the lamb. It turns out that the old sheep was gone, and the shepherd took pity on the lamb and gave it to feed the dog. Then the gardener’s shah clicked, and he told him that he had somehow killed the thief, and buried his body under grapes, which gave an unprecedented harvest. It was with him that the back gardener cooked. And the cakes were laid out on a tray by the shah himself - the father of the shah. So the ruler learned about all the secrets from the brothers and called them to him. Three heroes agreed. The author of the tale leads us to the shah, showing both the luxury of the palace and the wide soul of the grateful ruler.

names of three heroes from a fairy tale

The request of the Shah

The Shah was delighted with the deeds and knowledge of the heroes. He asked him to become his sons and marry his daughters. The brothers began to say that how would they become the son-in-law of the Shah, when they themselves were of simple blood. But the shah persuaded them to accept his request and become husbands to the beautiful daughters of Shah.

The Shah loved his brothers, but the youngest was closest to him. Once he was resting in the garden, and a poisonous snake was about to bite him. I accidentally saw this Kenja and saved my father-in-law. But before he sheathed his sword, the shah woke up and doubted his brother-in-law. He began to think that he wanted to kill him. This thought was warmed up by the vizier, which had long been fraught with anger at the heroes.

So fell into disgrace three heroes. The tale further tells that the ruler of the younger hero was imprisoned. His wife was very sad and began to ask her father to return her husband. He ordered to bring Kenju and began to reproach him, how did it happen. In response, the wise hero began to tell him the story of the parrot.

The story of the parrot

“Three heroes” is a fairy tale full of allegories and metaphors. Kenger’s story about a parrot has such allegorical meaning.

There was one shah, he had a favorite bird. The Shah loved the parrot so much that he could not have a day without him. But the favorite of his family was saddened by the shahs and asked to leave the palace for two weeks and fly to them. I did not want to let the shah go for a long time, but nevertheless agreed.

A parrot flew to his relatives, and when it was time to return, he felt sad over his family home. They all began to persuade him to stay. Mother said that they have the fruits of life. Who tastes them, will regain youth. Maybe if you present such a gift to the Shah, he will let go of the parrot? The faithful bird brought fruit to the Shah and spoke about their properties. But the king had an evil vizier. He persuaded the ruler to first test the fruits on the peacocks, and he poured poison into them. When the peacocks died, the furious king killed the parrot. And then it was time to execute the old man. The king ordered to poison him with the remaining fruit. As soon as the old man ate it, he became younger before his eyes. The shah understood that he had made a terrible mistake. Yes, you can’t return time back ...

who wrote the tale three heroes author

Tale denouement

Kenja then told the shah about the snake, went to the garden and brought her a dissected corpse. The shah understood how wrong he was and began to beg his son-in-law to forgive him, but he answered that "it is impossible to live in good and peace with the shahs." There is no place for the brothers in the palace; they do not wish to live as courtiers in shah estates. The heroes began to gather on the road. For a long time the king asked him to leave his daughters, but they were faithful wives and wished to leave with their husbands. The heroes with their loved ones returned to the country to their father and began to live in his house, earning honest labor and glorifying the wise parent.

"Three heroes": the author of a fairy tale

Often after reading the work, the thoughtful reader wonders who created it. If such interest arose after reading our tale, then we will try to satisfy it. Lying on the surface is the answer to the question of who wrote the fairy tale Three Athletes. The author is the people. This means that once a very long time some wise storyteller began this tale. But over time, his name was forgotten, and the fairy tale remained on the lips of his countrymen. It has been retold from generation to generation, possibly adding or subtracting some plot lines. And then a researcher appeared that recorded this tale. So she came to us.

National features of the tale

We know that “Three Heroes” is a folklore work, that is, a folk work. But here the following question arises: what kind of people made up this wonderful story? Even the name of the three heroes from the tale tells us that she is clearly non-Russian. The prefixes in the name "-batyr" inherent to the peoples of the near Caucasus were most often used by Uzbek authors. Hence the conclusion - our fairy tale came from the distant mountainous Uzbekistan.

The rule of the shah was customary for these people, many snakes were found on their lands (this confirms the appearance in the plot of both the king of snakes and the snake that the shah wanted to bite). Deserted lands, hills and rocks are also the realities of this state.

What character traits does a fairy tale bring up

Everyone knows the saying "a fairy tale - a true story ...". Not an exception - and "Three heroes." This tale carries a huge educational potential. “Three heroes” is a tale of honest brothers who, thanks to their good upbringing and honesty, were able to adequately pass the test of fate. The following features are sung in the images of the brothers:

  • Industriousness. The brothers are brought up in work, they respect him and believe that only through labor can they achieve a happy life.
  • Respect for parents. Remember how the heroes of the father listened, without saying a word to him in reproach.
  • Worry about each other. The guys staunchly guard each other’s sleep, even in emergency situations they think not about themselves, but about the brothers ’rest.
  • Indifference. Kenja does not leave the robbers, seeing that they are plotting an evil deed, and does not run away in horror from them, but thinks how to outwit the villains and prevent the crime.
  • Honesty. At the shah’s dinner, the heroes openly tell everything both to each other and to the shah himself, which deserves his respect and sympathy.
  • Fidelity. The brothers are faithful to each other, they are faithful to the commandments of the father. The princesses, the daughters of the Shah, who follow their husbands, leaving a magnificent palace and luxurious life, also keep fidelity to their loved ones.

And of course, courage.

And what does the fairy tale condemn?

Praising the good, the wise people in their tale contrast them with evil. Here, the dark forces defeated by the brothers are embodied both in predatory animals and in the evil court shah, who are ready to sacrifice the lives of innocent people for their purposes. The robbers condemned the desire for enrichment, as opposed to the hero brothers, who, on the advice of their father, embark on a journey to build their happy lives on their own and with difficulty.

Towards the end of the tale, another interesting point appears - the condemnation of power, the people's distrust of it. Slandered by the vizier and betrayed by his father-in-law, the youngest of the warriors says that ordinary people at court should not wait for happiness. And his phrase that it is impossible to live in good with the shahs, and at all strikes with its courage and sincerity.

three heroes is a fairy tale or epics


Briefly about the fairy tale "Three Heroes" is difficult to tell, because it is very multifaceted. Reading it is not only interesting, but also useful. By the example of brothers, the wise people teach their sons from an early age to be hardworking and honest, not to brag, but not to hide their merits and achievements. We recommend a fairy tale for reading to readers of various age categories. Both an adult and a child will find something to learn from the wisest people, moreover, the plot of a fairy tale will not make you bored. Enjoy reading!

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