Almagel A

The crazy rhythm of our life with nervous overloads and emotions does not always make it possible to eat on time. And as a result, a person acquires various diseases of the stomach or intestines - gastritis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers and other unpleasant diseases associated with the digestive system. What to do in such cases?

For so many people in the fight against such problems, the first assistant was the antacid drug Almagel A, which can very quickly neutralize hydrochloric acid in our stomach.

Numerous reviews confirm the increased efficiency and, importantly, the safety of the tool that helps to eliminate discomfort in the digestive tract with increased secretion.

"Almagel A" is an enveloping, absorbent and antacid medicine that protects the gastric mucosa from damaging effects, reducing the activity of gastric juice, and has a local anesthetic effect. The tool does not cause secondary hypersecretion, the so-called "acid rebound". The effect of it occurs within a few minutes and lasts approximately two hours.

Doctors prescribe Almagel A for stomach ulcers, acute and chronic gastritis, reflux esophagitis, enteritis, hiatal hernia , duodenitis.

"Almagel", the instructions for use of which are in every package, helps with disorders of the stomach and intestines, which are caused by excessive abuse of alcoholic beverages, coffee, other medicines, as well as smoking.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a huge amount of funds that are designed to affect the digestive tract, but the advantage of this drug over the rest is that Almagel A not only eliminates the root cause of pain, heartburn and bloating do not return.

Sometimes it is taken to reduce the irritating effect on the stomach of drugs that contain aspirin and non-steroid.

Everyone knows that pregnant women are often tormented by heartburn, while future mothers are not recommended to take any medicine. And again the Almagel comes to the rescue. And although in this case it can not be taken for more than three days, this period is quite enough to improve the condition.

Like any other drug, Almagel has its contraindications: it is not recommended for people who have hypersensitivity to the components that are included in it - algeldrate (aluminum hydroxide gel), magnesium hydroxide, benzocaine. Doctors also do not prescribe it for kidney diseases, Alzheimer's disease, as well as for breastfeeding.

The following side effects can be observed at Almagel: thirst, constipation, stomach cramps, nausea, taste change, impaired renal function, nephrocalcinosis, allergies, hyporeflexia, decreased pressure, etc. If any of the listed symptoms occurs, discontinue treatment and consult a doctor.

It is necessary to take the drug "Almagel A" no more than seven days, this is due to the presence of benzocaine in its composition. During treatment, you can not drink alcohol, as the process of anesthesia can be weakened.

There is practically no sugar in this medicine, so diabetics can also take it calmly.

If the patient takes Almagel along with another medicine, then between doses of the drugs you must observe a time interval of one or two hours.

For the most part, those who took Almagel A or its variant, Almagel Neo, talk about the effectiveness of the drugs, calling them "magic wands."

The medicine is available in the form of a suspension having a fruity taste. For the convenience of consumers, a measuring spoon is also attached to the packaging.

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