Candles "Livarol": instructions for use, reviews

In the article, we consider the instructions for use and reviews for the Livarol preparation.

Candles are used in the treatment of fungal diseases. This medicine occupies one of the leading places in the treatment of candidiasis not only in ordinary women, but also in pregnant women. On how to properly use these candles, we will discuss further.

instructions for use in gynecology

Composition and form of release

According to the instructions for use, Livarol is used to treat women who have vaginal candidiasis, resulting from the intensive development of yeast-like microscopic organisms. Ketoconazole is the active substance of the drug. The medicine is released in a dosage of 400 milligrams. The package contains five candles.

These candles are fatal for candida fungi, in addition, for dermatophytes, as well as for staphylococci and streptococci. Apply the medicine intravaginally. In order to use it, you need to free the candles from the packaging, and then insert them deep into the vagina. In this case, lie on your back.

The course of treatment for one thing at night is five days with acute forms of infection. Ten days for treatment are required for exacerbation of chronic processes. This remedy is not absorbed into the blood; it acts locally. It is important to note that when it is used in the morning and throughout the day, the remains of the suppository may come out. In this regard, it is recommended to wear individual gaskets, with their frequent change, namely every three hours. It is forbidden to use expired funds. The term of use of this medicine is two years.

Application in gynecology

As indicated by the instructions for use, "Livarol" in women is not addictive. During treatment, doctors do not recommend living a sexual life, and you need to treat your partner with an antifungal ointment, Nystatin or Fluconazole tablets. The main indications for therapy with Livarol are the following infections:

livarol instructions for use
  • The development of vaginal candidiasis in acute or chronic form.
  • Prevention of thrush with prolonged use of antibacterial drugs.
  • The presence of a disturbed bacterial flora of the vagina.

In gynecology, the instructions for the use of Livarol suppositories should be strictly observed.

You can not use this drug during pregnancy (last two trimesters) or with sensitivity and intolerance to the components of the drug.

Adverse reactions

In accordance with the instructions for use of Livarol, side effects that this drug may cause include itching along with swelling and burning in the genitals, nausea and dizziness. It is important to note that during the treatment period it is strictly forbidden to take alcohol because of the possible development of toxic conditions. This drug can be used simultaneously with fungicidal medicines. The doctor must identify the true cause of chronic candidiasis.

So it is said in the instructions for the use of candles "Livarol." And reviews about the drug are abundant.

Can I use this medicine during menstruation?

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to use the medicine "Livarol" with menstruation and how to do it correctly. Gynecologists agree that it is undesirable to use this drug for menstruation. The treatment course can be continued immediately after the end of menstruation, even though the manufacturer warns in the instructions that treatment should not be interrupted.

livarol instructions for use with thrush

In the event that the internal intake of antifungal medications is simultaneously carried out, then the course, which was interrupted by menstruation, will not have a negative effect on the female body. In the event that the treatment regimen suggested the introduction of five suppositories, then the course can be increased to ten suppositories.

Below we consider the instructions for the use of Livarol suppositories for thrush.

How much do these suppositories cost in a pharmacy?

The considered suppositories are sold in all pharmacy chains in our country. The price of candles depends largely on the region, it can range from 320 to 540 rubles for a pack of five. Only gynecologists prescribe suppositories, and acquire them according to the prescribed prescription. It is important to note that it is strictly forbidden to independently prescribe and apply these vaginal suppositories.

In the instructions for use, Livarol analogues are not indicated.

Cheap substitutes

The main cheap analogue of this remedy in the form of suppositories with a similar effect, as well as with the same composition, is a medicine called Ketoconazole.

candles livarol instructions for use reviews

Preparations with a similar effect, which are actively fighting the manifestations of thrush, include such means as:

  • Klion-D;
  • "Mikoket";
  • "Gino-Pevaril";
  • Pimafucin;
  • Candide;
  • "Metrogil";
  • "Clotrimazole";
  • Oronazole
  • Ginalgin;
  • "Sertaconazole";
  • "Ovulum";
  • Lomexin;
  • "Fluomizina."

The cost of the above analogues is slightly different from the drug "Livarol", it is about 400 rubles. After treatment with Livarol, confirmatory tests are required.

Livarol and Pimafucin

Unlike the active substance, which is part of Livarol, Pimafucin consists of natamycin (a macrolide antibiotic), and it is produced in packages of three suppositories (100 milligrams). The medicine “Livarol” is a domestic remedy, and “Pimafucin” is an imported Dutch medicine.

Both the one and the other drug in their effectiveness are not much different from each other. The medicine "Pimafucin" is somewhat more expensive than "Livarol". Treatment with this remedy lasts three days. This substitute can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The choice of any certain of the above suppositories is provided to the gynecologist, who writes out a prescription based on the tests and the course of the disease. And also the appointment is made taking into account individual tolerance.

livarol instructions for use analogues

Why is Livarol prescribed for thrush?

Instructions for use informs that ketoconazole acts as the active substance of the drug. Candida fungus, which is called candidiasis disease, has a rather complex cellular structure, which has six layers. This is a kind of barrier that protects the fungus from external influences. Ergosterol is included in this barrier along with phospholipids and triglycerides.

Ketoconazole blocks the process of synthesis of the fungus, destroying its protective membrane. As a result, the permeability of the cell walls changes and the fungus dies. This is the so-called fungicidal effect. In addition, without the synthesis of the substances necessary for the membrane, the appearance of new fungi is impossible.

Another important property of the drug is its activity against a number of varieties of staphylococcus and streptococcus. Often the disease is caused not by the fungi themselves, but by a bacterial association. In such a case, instead of prescribing two drugs, it is entirely possible to manage with only one, that is, Livarol. But not only this component includes this medicine. There is another component based on polyethylene oxide. It dissolves in a woman’s body under the influence of body temperature, enveloping the mucous membrane.

livarol candles instructions for use with thrush

Firstly, this effect contributes to a uniform distribution of the active active ingredient (ketoconazole), and secondly, the vaginal mucosa is cleansed of pathological exudate. Often, women who used Livarol suppositories noted the presence of fluid discharge from the vagina. This is a dissolved polyethylene oxide base and pathological exudate, derived naturally. This should not be scared at all. Thus, due to its effect, this drug is able to successfully save patients from thrush.

Next, we find out what the women write in the comments about these suppositories, who used them to treat genital fungal diseases.

instructions for use analogues


Women write that these suppositories are often prescribed by gynecologists for the treatment of bacterial diseases of the vagina. On the websites of pharmaceutical companies, as well as on numerous forums, women leave more positive reviews about this drug than negative ones.

In the comments, ladies often write about their feelings during treatment, as well as report adverse reactions that were observed with the use of this drug. For example, it is reported that this medication very effectively helps against thrush and other bacterial gynecological diseases.

As for the side effects, itching and some burning sensation are reported, which is felt during the course of treatment with these suppositories. There are also complaints about the cost of the medicine.

We reviewed the instructions for use of Livarol.

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