"Apology of a Madman", Chaadaev Peter: analysis, features and reviews

Everyone who studied at school probably heard the name of Chaadayev. Pushkin dedicated four poems to this man in his time. But at 16, we do not attach much importance to this fact - well, I wrote, and then what ?! Only when you mature, it becomes interesting what kind of person he was, how he became famous, how he lived. Consider the work "Apology of a Madman." Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev presented in him his vision of the development of Russia. Perhaps he was mistaken in many ways, but you cannot refuse him honesty.

Irreconcilable skeptic

In the era of Nicholas I, when the theory of “official nationality” and the general rapture of patriotic feelings were in full swing, “Apology of a Madman” I P.Ya. Chaadaeva. Her positions and ideas begin to unceremoniously destroy human illusions.

Peter Chaadaev had a philosophical mindset and for his time was an extremely educated person. He served in the hussar regiment, took part in the war of 1812, spent some time abroad, from where he brought to Russia many sensible ideas and philosophical thoughts.

political ideas of Chaadayev

Chaadaev has always been interested in the problems of history, religion and philosophy. In the time of Alexander I, he considered himself a liberal theoretician who cultivated his beliefs in the walls of his study, but practical activities were alien to him. He can be called a closed Utopian politician who remained aloof from the mood that prevailed at that time in Russia. But suddenly he asserts himself by presenting to the Russian public those ideals that were characteristic of that era.

However, he was almost lonely. Unable to understand the mood of modern society and far from social groups, he did not find support.

Philosophical Letters

The first work of Chaadayev was called "Philosophical Letters." It appeared in 1836 in the journal Telescope. The "apology of the madman" of Chaadayev is often associated with the first "Philosophical Writing." If a detailed analysis is carried out, then in both works the author expresses the same ideas and assumptions. Only in the first “Philosophical Letter” are these ideas written more sharply and defiantly. In “Apology of a Madman,” Chaadaev is trying not so vehemently to uphold his beliefs, but their meaning remains the same.


In this notorious first letter, the author says that religion should be the main cultural factor. Chaadaev liked the culture of Western Europe, in which Catholicism was everywhere present. The interest in the role of Catholicism in culture was the result of French restoration and romanticism, in which the Middle Ages were idealized. A number of secular and spiritual writers proved in their works that Western European culture owes all the achievements to Catholicism. The influence of Catholicism in Europe was manifested in the vigorous activity of the Jesuits, who even in Russia managed to attract many aristocrats to their side.

old books and an extinct candle

Also, some Protestants pointed to the leading cultural role of Catholicism, for example, the philosopher Schelling, whom Chaadaev idolized. Since he was personally acquainted with Schelling, this made him skeptical of the history of Russia, which splashed out in Chaadayev's “Apology of a Madman” in 1836.


In Apology of a Madman, Chaadaev describes the reasons for the backwardness of the Russian people. The author says that all this is the result of the fact that Russia never went along with other peoples. Chaadaev notes that the Russians do not belong to any family of humanity. Russia is not the West and not the East; there are no traditions from either direction or the other.

In “Apology of a Madman,” Chaadaev also says that the Russian nationality exists outside of time and the level of education of humanity does not concern it. What others have long since become commonplace is still a theory for us. Petr Chaadaev in “Apology of a Madman” analyzes the Russian people and does not see that he was passionately engaged in something when the best poetic and fruitful ideas were created.

Barbarism and dark times

Chaadaev says that the history of Russia has developed unremarkably and in some ways is stupid. First there was barbarism, then gross superstition, after which the era of humiliating and cruel rulers came. Their features have not completely disappeared from our lives even now.

Chaadaev P.I. right or wrong

“A dark and hopeless existence,” - says Chaadaev about the past of Russia in Apology of a Madman. He notes that in folk traditions there are no strong moral examples, and in the memory of the people there were no charming memories. As a result, we have a sluggish and indifferent existence, in which there is no concept of duty, law, order and truth.

The Russian people Chaadaev calls hermits in this big world, because the Russians did not bring any of their ideas to the mass of ideas of all mankind, but they helped to improve knowledge and distorted the perfection received by someone. The Russian people remained on the sidelines of the Renaissance, the Crusades had no effect on him, and Christianity, as a religion, was inert.


Chaadaev asks to join the cultural world of Western Europe as soon as possible. He hints that all nations should unite under the auspices of the Catholic Church. Only in this case can we talk about the development of universal culture. Naturally, in this situation, reviews of the “Apology of a Madman” by Pyotr Chaadayev were filled with criticism and rejection. In addition, his work was repressed by the authorities. The author was declared insane and sent to the appropriate medical institution for a year.

the history of Russia through the eyes of Chaadayev

However, some people recognized him, despite the arrest. His work was something that you need to pay attention to today. Chaadaev said that a person is not able to truly develop where people still live a life that is no different from the primitive era. Indeed, what kind of development can we talk about when all thoughts are about only one thing - how to survive?

Even today, most citizens of the country are experiencing great material difficulties. Beggars crowded the streets and subway cars, state financiers barely make ends meet - these people are unlikely to be happy and look with confidence into a bright future.

Striving for the West

When analyzing the "Apology of a Madman" by P. Ya. Chaadayev, one should pay attention to such moments that the author was able to accurately determine. For example, he says that Russia borrows all the ideas and the most fruitful knowledge from the West, and that the king, thanks to whom the Russian people act this way, renounced Russia about 150 years ago.

Chaadaev Apology Crazy Summary

In "Apology of a Madman" P. Ya. Chaadaev writes that a Russian man has learned to pronounce in syllables the name of things in a Western manner. We learned Western literature, translated books, dressed up in their clothes and began to portray happiness from the fact that they look like them. And they condescendingly agree that we are ours.

Today they are trying to compare the Russian heads of state with Peter I, hinting that only bold reforms can create positive changes in the country. As in the time of Chaadayev, and today, attempts continue to orient Russia to the East or West. From the analysis of Chaadayev's “Apology of a Madman”, the author’s main idea is clearly visible, that while the countries of the East and West continue to develop, reach new heights and improve, Russia continues to wonder where to look.

Briefly about the main thing

In the summary of Chaadayev's “Apology of a Madman”, three main topics are highlighted, on which the author focuses attention:

  1. Russia.
  2. Patriotism.
  3. People.

Chaadaev said about his country that it was created in order to show other countries of the world how to live. He writes that Russia holds the whole world in awe, but at what cost did it manage to achieve this?


Our state occupies a fifth of the entire globe. Many rulers left behind a territory superior to what they originally received. Perhaps this is a feat. But is it always? If you read the annals, then in each of them you can find authoritarianism of power. But the manifestation of public will is almost never noticeable.

Chaadaev makes it clear that the history of Russia is very sad. At first barbarism reigned here, then wild superstition. Further, foreign domination came to power - cruel and humiliating.

Chaadaev's mistake

The author openly despises the fact that Russia is trying to resemble someone, hates dictators-kings who crush and repress the will of the people. He wants people in his country to live easily and well, but reality shows that this is not yet possible.


Among all the political ideas of "Apology of a Madman", the author pays special attention to patriotism. Loving your country is good, but it’s much better to love the truth. The author says that he will undoubtedly upset his homeland, scourge and humiliate her, but will never deceive her.

Chaadaev despises those who “love” Russia with closed eyes, knees and a silent mouth. He believes that any person can be useful for the country if he clearly sees where it is moving and what it is aiming at. The time of blind love should be left behind. Homeland needs truth. He writes that lazy patriotism, which makes everyone see in a pink light and builds useless illusions, needs to be eradicated.

In this matter, he is completely right. Many examples can be given of how people blindly fought for the "idea of ​​their country," without even understanding its essence.


However, thoughtless following of something or someone is characteristic of people. Chaadaev notes that public opinion is not absolutely fair. The instincts of the crowd have more passion, selfishness and scarcity of perception of reality than the instincts of an individual. What is called common sense of the people, in fact, does not apply to common sense at all.

The author also gives many examples of such criteria of behavior that other peoples have long been used to, and Russians have to drive these simple truths into their heads. Chaadaev is saddened by the fact that in Russia new ideas completely expel old ones from consciousness. This should not happen, because there is nothing more valuable than accumulated experience. The Russian person has no internal development. New ideas are not for him a consequence of the improvement and development of the old foundations, which is why they displace what existed before.

Russian mentality through the eyes of Chaadayev

People have been cultivating for centuries. Chaadaev writes about Russia that exceptional people live here. It is not part of humanity, but exists only in order to teach the world an important lesson.

Opinions about the work

Chaadaev repeatedly recalls Peter I, who, in his opinion, was the creator of Russian greatness and power. He changed the country, guided by the example of the West. Chaadaev supports this. The author criticizes the opinion of those who believe that Russia is more inclined towards the East, and also sharply speaks about the idealization of antiquity. He is sure that there is no need to return to the useless remnants of the past, which have long been "devoured by time."

The “apology of the madman” Chaadayev causes controversial thoughts. On the one hand, he is right when he writes about blind patriotism and public opinion. On the other hand, Russia is a native country. She, like her mother, is not chosen and not ridiculed. It doesn’t matter which way she looks, what she gravitates to, what languages ​​her citizens speak, what style of clothing they adhere to. The revolutionary, critic and skeptic Chaadaev did not take into account one simple thing - the existence of a special Russian spirit. The country can turn into a monarchy, a socialist republic, become a kingdom, but the Russian people will always remain unique and special. Let him be a little rustic and somewhat marvelous, but always talented, courageous and freedom-loving. For some reason, Chaadaev didn’t see this in Russian people.

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