Chinese sweet and sour meat and other recipes for cooking meat in sauce

Chinese sweet and sour meat is a traditional dish that can be tasted in any Chinese restaurant. But such a delicious dish can be prepared at home, slightly adapting the recipe to our conditions.

For example, meat in sweet and sour sauce in Chinese can be cooked like this. Take half a kilogram of meat (traditionally used pork, but you can cook this dish from beef), four tablespoons of tomato, a couple of tablespoons of apple (or other table) vinegar, two tablespoons of sugar, one hundred grams of soy sauce, and a spoonful of flour and starch. In addition, to prepare a dish, meat in sweet and sour sauce in Chinese will require various vegetables: onions, sweet peppers, carrots, a little white cabbage, you can take a ready-made frozen mixture called “Oriental dish”.

We cut the meat into thin and long strips, cut the vegetables into strips. If we use Chinese plate mushrooms, which are sold in the form of rectangular briquettes, then we lower the briquette freed from packaging into water. As a result of soaking, the mushrooms greatly increase in volume and become soft enough so that they can be cut with a knife. Then pour soya sauce into a bowl of meat , add flour and starch. Mix well and let stand for about twenty minutes. We heat a large frying pan with oil (even better if the farm has special dishes - wok). We spread the meat in the pan, fry for several minutes, then pour the vegetables. About five minutes, fry all together, then add tomato paste, sugar and vinegar. Stew until tender. We serve meat in sweet and sour sauce in Chinese with boiled rice or rice noodles.

This recipe for cooking meat can be taken as a basis, boldly experimenting and introducing new ingredients into it to your liking. For example, lovers of hot can use hot red peppers, and those looking for exotic can add pineapple slices to the meat.

If the house has veal or pork, then you can cook the meat in a creamy sauce with mushrooms. This dish has a delicate taste and amazing aroma.

We cut the meat with long sticks and dry the slices on a towel. Then heat the butter in a pan and quickly fry the meat. Keep in mind that the tender flesh cooks quickly enough, do not overdo the meat on fire. Turn off the heat, lightly salt the meat and leave it to stand on the stove, covering it with a lid.

And we’ll start cooking the sauce ourselves. Finely chop a small onion, a clove of garlic and one or two porcini mushrooms. Of course, this dish can also be prepared with champignons, but they do not have the flavor that the use of mushrooms gives. When using mushrooms without a pronounced "mushroom" smell, it is worth adding a few drops of truffle oil to the sauce, which compensates for the lack of aroma.

We take a stewpan or a frying pan with high sides and fry onion and garlic in butter in it. It is necessary that the onion becomes transparent, but in no case, does not brown. Then pour a couple of tablespoons of flour into the pan and stir it well with butter and onion. Pour about a glass of cream, making sure that the flour does not form lumps. Salt our sauce, season with nutmeg and white pepper. Cook over low heat until it begins to resemble liquid sour cream in density. Now pour mushrooms into it and stir once more.

Put the skillet with meat on the fire again, pour in the sauce and mix well. As soon as the contents of the pan begin to boil, turn off the heat. We cover the dishes with a lid and leave on the stove for another ten minutes. We serve meat with sauce with any side dish.

You can use a simple but interesting recipe and cook tasty meat in kefir. Take half a kilogram of beef or veal, two large onions, a couple of cloves of garlic, one glass of kefir. In addition, we will need vegetable oil for roasting and seasoning.

Cut the meat into small pieces and season it with salt and pepper. Then put in a bowl and pour kefir. We put in the refrigerator to marinate for at least an hour.

Then fry the chopped onions and garlic in a pan until the vegetables become transparent. We spread the meat there, extracting it from the marinade with a slotted spoon or fork. Fry the meat, and then pour the remaining marinade into the pan. Cover it with a lid and simmer until tender. In this case, we get the meat in the sauce. But if you do not like gravy, then you can remove the lid from the pan at the end of the stew and increase the heat, then the liquid will evaporate.

The meat marinated according to this recipe can also be cooked in a baking sleeve in a microwave or oven.

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